• Unity shader rotation. I’ve got a shader which draws a ray-casted sphere.

Unity shader rotation. com/deer/verizon-activation-failed.

Bombshell's boobs pop out in a race car
Unity shader rotation. You can find the angle a vector forms with a plane. The second step is you'd need to pass the UV pivot position you want to rotate around, and the rotation amount, and set it on the material used for that sprite. Normal of the surface shader and calling it good. e. One degree is equivalent to approximately 0. Description. 1. Here’s a snippet: // A basic ray. hi everyone, Jul 17, 2018 · Select your skybox material then in the inspector panel go to Shader>Skybox and select "Skybox/6 Sided". Here's the code: Use Transform. xyz, cross (quaternion. Sort by: CustomPhase. Properties {. 0174533 radians and a full rotation of 360 degrees is equal to 2 Pi radians. Everything works fine with the object at a rotation of (0,0,0). A fragment shader (FS) outputs the color of a pixel. I'm trying to rotate the texture on a sprite using shader graph. Oct 5, 2018 · Animation Shader tools. If you rotate the UVs after the fact, the normal map no longer lines up to the model's tangents. May 15, 2023 · Is there a way to access object’s local forward direction in shader graph? I want to rotate my mesh around that axis using Rotate About Axis node. 4. However, the rotate node only rotates around the Z axis, so I can make the object different from left to right or from top to bottom but not from front to back. In Unity 2018. Aug 3, 2023 · 0. Returns the value of input In converted from degrees to radians. The code would be: void Update () {. Try altering // the parameters in the inspector while running // to see the effect they have. It only works as long as I keep my Gameobject’s rotation to 0,0,0. the model always faces the camera) 2) The model keeps its orientation to z azis when rotated or translated. But remember to normalize your direction vectors, otherwise your rotation is going to be little unintuitive. Jan 27, 2016 · There is however one problem so far, the points generated by the shader does not follow the quads rotation as shown here: Even if the Quad is rotated initially on point capture it still results in the same effect I'm not sure how to make the shader follow the object rotation, or even if I am approaching this from the right direction. Then apply your scale, and finally your translation. May 24, 2020 · There's kind of no need to pass in three Matrix4x4 / float4x4 values to the shader, or do the 3 extra matrix multiplies there. Oct 10, 2011 · At some stage this shader needs to know the position of the particle in the particle system's object space. Iam have a list with Directions inside, this directions is all i need for the shader to know which rotation the object should have. Next week, I'll explain what this Dec 7, 2012 · This does make selecting it in the editor annoying since the default Quad mesh is oriented -Z forward and Unity's selection code doesn't take into account any shader manipulations, so trying to select the sprite while looking at the front doesn't work. Here's what it should look like: The camouflage above uses a triplanar shader, but the problem is that it's relative to the world rather to the object itself. Rotate Node Description. Rotates value of input UV around a reference point defined by input Center by the amount of input Rotation. This is probably where you're at now, at least something similar. Setting Cull Off makes this a little better as it'll at least select the backface. Controls. You have an interpolation from rotated screen coordinates. Just move the sliders on the material and it will rotate. If you have a cubemap material for your skybox you can also use the "Cubemap" option. As such, you can use the same camera tools as you use elsewhere. You need to apply the same rotation math to the unpacked normal map's . I stumbled upon this recently, and came up with a modified version of the Unity 5 Skybox (6-sided) shader that allows rotation in the 3 axes. 0; float sina, cosa; sincos (alpha, sina, cosa); float2x2 m = float2x2 (cosa, -sina, sina, cosa); Rotate About Axis Node Description. Now, the issue. Passing in the plane defined by the fog plane. Scale and Position can be accessible from the inspector. Nov 29, 2012 · If you really wanted to rotate the result, you would need to somehow capture the image as texture, and then do something with it again, in another shader. edited Apr 20, 2022 at 0:47. Apr 14, 2022 · Write Shaders That Rotate Textures In Unity | Shader Fundamentals - YouTube. Rotates the input vector In around the axis Axis by the value of Rotation. In the shader pass that plane as float4 (Ax + Bx +Cx +D) coefficients. The unit for rotation angle can be selected by the parameter Unit. obieFM. You can solve the first by permutating the components and changing signs: (2,1,0) turned by 90° around z is (-1,2,0). Right, Up, and Forward. There's some semi-official Unity shaders that do that but it's wrong. Possibly found a simpler way without a custom function. Default Value. CeilToInt (source. Nov 7, 2013 · Swap out the 2 color values for 2 alpha Vector1's (top alpha, bottom alpha). 63 10. struct ray { float3 o; // Point of origin fixed3 d; // Direction }; // Raytrace sphere float3 calcPixelColor (float2 pixel, float2 r…. The easiest solution for you is to do the rotation in the fragment shader on that projected UV. Heres my shader code: Properties {. Add a Comment. In this blog post, I’ll demonstrate how you can create your own vertex animation shaders, and provide some common examples such as a wind and a water shader. Now play around with the values. Rotate to rotate GameObjects in a variety of ways. Oct 1, 2012 · 102. However, when you rotate any object with this shader, the grid stretches out. ) Nov 8, 2012 · You cannot rotate textures within a fixed function shader, so if you want to use that you have to modify the base mesh's UVs. Discussion in 'Shaders' started by klivert80, Mar 18, 2013. However support for fixed function shaders is actually deprecated in Unity and they get converted into vertex fragment shaders anyway. Mar 29, 2019 · The vertex shader takes a world space location, and whenever an object with this shader attached gets within a certain distance of that location (1 meter), it begins to stretch towards that location. Your example of butterfly wing - You would have to take that into account when you start building your complex shader setup - Maybe make the UV space tile by multiplying the width by 2, then Nov 2, 2013 · uniform sampler2D _MainTex; // define variable in order to have access to the property. I was calculating it by taking the world position and transforming it into view space. Joined: Aug 11, 2006. Sumaccamus, Jun 1, 2015. o Material scaling can flip it L/R or UD (by 180, or backwards,) but can’t spin it by 90. time * 0. Jun 16, 2016 · Dec 7, 2012. You can keep the number of threadgroup at [8,8,1] and keep the Mathf. cginc. float3() is setting. RenderSettings. height/ 8f), this is correct. More info See in Glossary. The rotation is often provided as an Euler angle and not a Quaternion. Subscribed. shader-graph. UV Projection - methods of creating texture coordinates to achieve specific effects such as Rotate About Axis Node Description. Set the clamp max before the lerp to 2 (for some reason) and plug it all into the Alpha slot of the PBR Master node. _MainTex ("MainTex", 2D) = "white" {} _OutlineWidth ("OutlineWidth", Range(0, 1)) = 0. 入力 UV の値を、入力 Center で定義される基準点を中心として、入力 Rotation の量だけ回転させます。パラメーター Unit で回転角の単位を選択できます。 ポート May 18, 2021 · rotations. o Custom shaders are when you want it to fully rotate to any angle, and can’t just rotate the mesh. I'm new to shader programming (like you can see from the comments ) and don't know how to achive a rotation only on one axis. Vertex transformation functions in UnityCG. If you change the direction of the light, the object illumination still reacts Oct 2, 2017 · After searching for a while on how to create a shader of a billboard with the rotation restricted to one axis (more specifically to the Y axis), I finally came up with this solution by combining multiple solutions and sources. Feb 10, 2021 · Ever wondered how to give more life to your sprites without animations? By using a vertex shader, you can use the GPU instead of CPU to get beautiful effects To apply the rotation, Unity modifies the projection matrix which affects the UNITY_MATRIX_MVP and UNITY_MATRIX_P Built-in shader variables. Procedural Noise and Shapes - methods for creating shapes or patterns that use math instead of texture samples. When I to rotate the texture it rotates the May 20, 2020 · Another idea would be to use 3 vectors, which could be exposed and then apply the rotation somehow to them at the same time, I did some tests in this, but all I managed to create was to distort the cubemap. rgb); Rotating a texture in a shader is quite easy, but in this case I don't see why you would. Dec 13, 2012 · It most certainly does! Watch the position and rotation of any scene using Cinemachine to convince yourself that this is so. w * i. unity-game-engine. It could be rewritten as: Apr 7, 2018 · For surface shaders, you can get the tangent vector by adding using: half3 worldTangent = WorldNormalVector (half3 (1,0,0)); For vertex fragment shader in the vertex function you can access the object space tangent directly with appdata_full and v. If no input is set on Time input port then Unity timer is used to continuously increment an internal angular value and provide a rotation animation. When you rotate the object, the object space "sworldNormal" is rotating with it, thus exposing the stretched textures as your code is now choosing the wrong "face" for the UVs. World axis rotation uses the coordinate system of the Scene, so when you start rotate a GameObject, its x, y, and z axes are aligned with the x, y, and z Dec 7, 2012 · Your “sworldNormal” isn’t the world normal, it’s the object space normal, but the worldPos is the world position. Rotations in shaders are best done with rotation matrices, but blurring of static images (like your cube map probably is) is best done once rather than every frame in a shader. tangent); Rotate About Axis Node Description. Rotate About Axis Node Description. Oct 22, 2017 · Normal mapping a triplanar shader is a bigger task than object space triplanar alone. I'm not good at shaders so I don't know how efficient this is. I am writing my shader in Shader Forge and my viewDir was being calculated incorrectly. (vertexPosition - pivotPosition) -> rotate -> (rotateResult + pivotPosition) Apr 3, 2018 · Hi, I am stuck at converting something done in CPU to a compute shader program, i'm a bit new to this, i was wondering if someone can help me figure out how i can write Quaternion*Vector3 , which is basically a vector rotation Jan 3, 2017 · I want it to sway in every direction randomly so, I’m thinking maybe multiplying direction vector to a random vector or something can fix the issue. The best I have got so far is the folowing: Code (CSharp): Shader "Custom/BillboardZ". Hi! I want the back of my object to look different than the front of my object, so I'm using an object space position node with a rotate node. shader. Virtual Cameras work by driving the "real" camera around. I’m very new to shaders and stuff please suggest a way to achieve this. SetFloat("_Rotation", Time. But in the case of a surface normal it is defined as 90 degrees. Typically, you rotate objects in your scene A Scene contains the environments and menus of To apply the rotation, Unity modifies the projection matrix which affects the UNITY_MATRIX_MVP and UNITY_MATRIX_P Built-in shader variables. Apr 5, 2016 · Use: Code (csharp): r1 = dot ( texL. Make sure your surface is set to 'Transparent' (click the cogwheel on the PBR Master node to do that). c#. The shader is a gpu instancing shader with ComputeBuffers, so i need to transfer the position and directions the mesh should look to the shader. Dec 7, 2012 · its a sims kind of game, which i am doing, were you populate a house with all the furniture, but i want the user to be able place a material on the floor, but then rotate it, to how they would like it, is there any shaders out there which can do this? I wish to use all the same stuff that is in the standard shader like below Oct 1, 2012 · First step is to rotate the Sprite Renderer's game object itself and not do it in the shader. Only visible if the respective input port is Dec 7, 2012 · The easiest way to think of a rotation matrix is three vectors that are pointing in the directions you want each axis of an object to be aligned to. v. vertex = /* move the vertex */. You can specify a rotation in world axes or local axes. vertex); i would suggest you anyway to calculate the rotation in script and then pass the matrix/quaternion to shader instead of calculate it inside shader. 5, 0. Posts: 12,336. Benjamin Swee - Custom Unity Shaders. Switch the material for your textMeshes to this. xyz, ray) + quaternion. asked Apr 14, 2022 at 18:07. Nov 30, 2012 · how to use inverse function in unity cg shader. You just did that yourself in your own surface shader, in the "vert" function: Code (csharp): v. float3(0,0,1) as the reference forward vector, and calculate a right vector with a cross product. •. This works as expected. . Aug 5, 2012 · Well, if you can compute the normal given knowledge of one vertex only (which is what happens in regular vertex shaders; surface shaders are no different), then all is possible. Jun 27, 2012 · Thats it, im making a shader and I have to cancel the rotation of my mesh, it need to be always 0,0,0. width / 8f) and Mathf. The OpenGL engine interpolates values (for the FS) using the outputs of the VS, as your lerp ed vars. The node based shader tools for Unity, Shader Forge and Amplify Shader Editor, both have ways to handling world to tangent space transforms. bgolus, Jul 2, 2018. It'd also be much faster to apply the matrices to the vertex position rather mul them together before applying it. Rotate ノード 説明. o Can redo the texture in code, to make a “rotated by 90” version, using SetPixels, Apply and a double-loop. Particle system emits randomly rotated geometry. cginc Rotation and orientation in Unity. It uses unity_WorldToObject & unity_ObjectToWorld to check the edges facing directions in the world space. Radians. The form is a little different from most of the other threads on UV rotation because most people get confused by the degree to radian conversion (ie: they don't do it) and they're doing the mul in the wrong order. These representations are equivalent but have different uses and limitations. Ports Dec 7, 2012 · All this pain is from Unity Surface Shader generator code making assumptions and doing unnecessary optimizations. You also should be doing the abs () in the vert Oct 3, 2019 · I don't know if you have found an other solution but what I have seen to solve this issue is limiting the compute shader to the width and height of your image. I was trying to rotate the texture by setting the matrix, the shader that I used was the diffuse shader with a pass that sets the matrix. 入力ベクトル In を、Rotation の値の分だけ、軸 Axis を中心に回転させます。回転角度の単位は Unit パラメーターで選択できます。 ポート Rotator Node. Generated Code Example. Constructing the full transform in the shader is extremely inefficient. Oct 28, 2017 · In the game I'm currently working on, I want to create a camouflage shader for a that disregards the scale of the object and only uses it's rotation and position. Change the vert shader to apply only the world position, but not the rotation. You use UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV to rotate a direction rather than a point into view space. Apr 18, 2023 · Assemble these three vectors into a rotation matrix, and use it to rotate our local vertex position, normal, and tangent (if you care about lighting and normal mapping, respectively). Oct 19, 2013 · I am trying to make a billboard shader with two conditions: 1) The angle between the view vector and the local y axis of the model is minumum (i. The function is here : float4 RotateAroundYInDegrees (float4 vertex, float degrees) { float alpha = degrees * UN… Nov 20, 2018 · The first pass also functions exactly as intended if only one object using the materal exists in the scene. Just pass in the offset, angle * axis, and the scale and construct the matrix in the shader. This can be fixed by adding a position node set to world or absolute world (side question: what's the difference) that goes to the UV input for my tiling and offset node. Dec 14, 2012 · The assumption in that shader is the billboard should be rotating on the world Y axis. Jan 23, 2014 · hey poorDolly, maybe you want to work with quaternions: float3 rotatedVert = i. Joined: Nov 30, 2012 Posts: 3. 4f); } Degrees To Radians Node Description. Madbunny13 February 14, 2013, 11:41pm 1. So I was planning to get forward axis and feed it into Axis of Rotate About Axis. Posts: 3,355. Jan 19, 2018 · That divide by w is the perspective divide, but the result of that divide in this case is the usual float2 texture UV you might be more used to. Normalized Rotation Axis. The rotation is only part of a bigger shader I'm creating, and everything works but the rotation. While applying the transform matrix itself to a position is fairly cheap, the transform matrix should be passed in as a Matrix4x4 from script like @aleksandrk suggested and not constructed from the scale, euler rotation, and translation. 0) point. Then the RenderTextures for the left and right eyes should fit perfectly and all this shader needs to do is public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { // Translate, rotate and scale a mesh. Daniel_Brauer, Apr 17, 2013. 0 * cross (quaternion. I’ve got a shader which draws a ray-casted sphere. Cheers. Unity uses a left-handed coordinate system. vertex += offsetDirection; Last edited Rotate About Axis ノード 説明. On this case, the Time property acts as a multiplier over the Unity timer value. Jun 20, 2020 · Back in Blender with my texture mapping structure, I was able to set the XYZ Rotation and Scale of the material in the Blender's shader graph. Again I am not trying to rotate the entire skybox, but just a cubemap inside the skybox shader – this would allow different rotations to Apr 3, 2012 · Hey all. You cannot rotate a vector by a vector (you can rotate around a vector, and in fact you must specify an axis of rotation in 3-space). Jul 3, 2012 · A simpler method might be. Mar 1, 2010 · Hello! I try to make a 2d isometric game with Unity, that uses all 3 dimensions in gameplay (as well as physics). Connect the ViewDirection Node to the In and the Out to the SampleCubeMap ViewDir. Hello, I’m trying to add a rotational value to the “Rotate About Axis” node to offset my vertices positions relative to the object. Add( rotMatrix); Iam only need to goal this: 1. rgb, _Balance_Left_R. May 3, 2013 · whydoidoit May 3, 2013, 10:08pm 2. 0, which is what that. Additionally, rotating a vector by 90 degrees makes no sense unless you specify, as I mentioned Jun 15, 2016 · Because normal maps are based off of the model's tangents, which are calculated from the original UVs. Plenty of people handle triplanar normal maps the hacky way by just taking the triplanar mapped normal map and setting the o. 2 we added the “Vertex Position” input to Shader Graph, allowing you to adjust and animate your meshes. skybox. I'd like to have it only rotate on the global axis going up (y). So, we can use the normal as the up vector, and use a constant. You can then probably scale the distance based on the distance from the Feb 14, 2013 · A shader that rotate the texture on an object - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions. That will put the object in the right spot, but leave it in it’s “natural” rotation, which is probably Unity has a number of built-in utility functions designed to make writing shaders A program that runs on the GPU. This means that Unity applies the rotation in the vertex shader A program that runs on the GPU. klivert80. But when that sprite is part of a spritesheet it doesn't work anymore. Using pre-rotation doesn’t affect the behavior of Unity’s C# API. For free rotation, you can multiply vectors with rotation matrices. May 2, 2022 · Posts: 4. I only mannaged to make the tiles rotate acoording to object position or Absolute world position. This shader rotates the billboard in all directions (on all axes). The Rotator node rotates a UV or other Vector 2 position by an angular value of Time from an Anchor point. The result of that would be AS IF you rotate the camera around the cube. Apr 13, 2017 · It turns out it was a problem in my shader. Ports. After creating simple noise from UV, I want to rotate it by 90 degrees, but the node Rotate (as well as Rotate About Axis ) doesn't rotate my UV (like a picture in PS), instead it changes the colors in it from black & white to red (yellow The Rotate About Axis node rotates an object on a certain amount according to a specified axis and pivot point. Hi there Unity Community, I was trying to implement a simple UV rotation around the 0,5-0,5 coordinates of a texture [better if generic], and after a quick search, I found this shader in the forums, which works just fine, even if it doesn't cover the general case: Code (csharp): Shader "Custom/RotateUVs" {. Node Parameter. Here is a simple skybox shader graph that allows you to rotate a cubemap about the y axis by an angle you provide in degrees: The Axis = (0, 1, 0) is what makes it rotate around the y axis. Instead, just rotate the camera's for the left and right eye based on the gyroscope. In Unity, you can use both Euler angles and quaternions to represent rotations and orientation. Sep 1, 2019 · The shader itself looks like this: So basically I discretize the uv (custom function on the right), get the angle of the velocity (using arctan2 ), and then rotate each discrete block using the Rotate block. Getting the right order of operations is very important. vertex + 2. 5], before you rotate them, so that you are rotating around the center of the texture. ) We know that shows 3DText, and luckily, it has a vertex shader in it. Not billboards. To approach that, i set all my flat sprites in 3d world and my camera to 45 degrees to the floor. I mannaged to create a shader that randomly Shapes the "Tiles" but I can't find a way to rotate the tiles randomly. xy, just with the opposing rotation, to get this to work. A vertex shader (VS) outputs values for vertices. Nodes used: Texture Sample, Vector3 , Time , Vertex Position , Rotate About Axis. I have tried many shader around the web but none gave me the results, Nordeus GitHub have one similar but it also cancel the position of the object. More interestingly, we can use a matrix to rotate the coordinate system: Take a look at the following code for a function that constructs a 2D rotation matrix. Shader Forge is all custom and directly generates vertex fragment shaders, so it has no Feb 3, 2021 · The shader colors the top edges of the non-transparent shape in red and the bottom ones in yellow. 90. A Y axis spinning billboard will have a normal vector with only values in the X and Z components, as the Y will always be 0. The unit for rotation angle can be selected by the parameter Unit. This can be done with a material property block using. Of course, all sprites became "shorter", because of camera rotation. When I try to rotate a single square sprite it works fine. Output our rotated vectors to the vertex shader result pins. Share. Dec 7, 2012 · Lighting is generally done in tangent space, except for deferred which Unity does in world space, so the normals eventually need to be in tangent space, but they might be sent from the vertex shader to the fragment shader in world space, view space, or tangent space all depending on if the fragment shader transforms them or not. When you receive your texture coordinates, they are in the range [0, 1]. Nov 7, 2013 · Now how can I make this offset take the current rotation of the object in consideration so that it offsets in the same direction no matter how my object is rotated? Just don't use the vertex's normal angle to determine which direction to push out, but instead simply push out in the direction you want. z distance from plane. I can get the position of the vertex and convert it from object space to world space But so far I didn't find a way to acces the position of each particle. Oct 17, 2013 · Grab the 3DText shader (Font. However, you need to translate them, so that they are in [-0. To fix it, as I see it, i need to rotate all my sprites to 45 Apr 25, 2016 · 1. You can change this to a different axis, or even chain two of these nodes if you'd like to combine rotation due to time of day with rotation due to the . More info See in Glossary simpler and easier. Ports Apr 21, 2015 · Easiest thing to do. Posts: 924. Functions declared in UnityCG. I've been working on a Random tiling shader to use it for large fields of grass and don't notice patterns forming. Shader Graph Feature Examples - examples of using specific Shader Graph features - such as the Custom Code node or the Custom Interpolator. 1K views 1 year ago #shaders Apr 25, 2021 · In shader graph it seems you need to use the Transform node, take the rayDirection and transform it into world space. WorldSpace. rgb-_WorldSpaceCameraPos instead Apr 20, 2022 · TLDR: I want to add a Vector3 property to my shader graph that offsets/rotates a texture about a sphere as if that sphere were rotated. However, whenever I begin to rotate the object, the stretched portion rotates Jul 25, 2019 · The basic idea is to transform only the origin ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) of the object space to view space with the standard model-view transformation UNITY_MATRIX_MV. May 23, 2021 · I would like to make a tileable texture with UV noise in Unity Shader Graph only, but I have a problem. See Built-in shader include files for an overview of shader include files provided with Unity. I'm currently planning to rebuild the material in Unity URP shader graph with the same textures, but I couldn't find a way to rotate and scale the material (so applying the material to some faces of the In this shader tutorial, I show how to use out UV transform node to apply random offsets, rotations, and scales to our UVs. However, if more than one object using the material exists, the illumination for the directional light doesn't change with the object's rotation anymore. Mar 24, 2014 · Sep 27, 2013. 2 Share. float s = sin ( _RotationSpeed * _Time); float c = cos ( _RotationSpeed * _Time); Rotate About Axis Node Description. 89K subscribers. Jul 22, 2012 · I am trying to rotate a mesh with vertex shader. posWorld. This is the default "new Shader > Unlit" modified to add rotation. May 23, 2021 · Try multiplying {1,0,0} vector by InverseModel matrix and then plug resulting x and z components into atan2. The rotation pivot point is always (0,0,0), so to make what you want just subtract your custom pivot position from the vertex position before rotation (to make it a new (0,0,0) point), and then add it back after rotation. Since Shader Forge forced me to work in the fragment function I had to get it with i. The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node per Unit mode. tangent, and transform into world space with: half3 worldTangent = UnityObjectToWorldDir (v. Axis on which the object will rotate. Oct 13, 2022 · Now I wanted these to be in world space so the grids line up as I tile different wall pieces. If something is going wrong, I'd suggest that the folks in the Shader Graph forum are in a better Jun 20, 2018 · Joined: Jun 20, 2018. Posts: 79. Find the distance from the plane to those points and that should give you the fog distance. Oct 5, 2015 · The Unity Skybox shader makes use of a vertex shader to rotate the skybox about the Y Axis (Heading). float alpha = degrees * UNITY_PI / 180. This function follows the above formula for two dimensional vectors to rotate the coordinates around the vec2(0. Second part: translating the texture based on the total velocity (in the ba channels), also works as expected: Aug 11, 2006 · Unity Technologies. Use the Rotate About Axis Node and just set the Axis you want to rotate around (vertical is Y) to 1 and others to 0. Right now I am rotating my mesh like this. (In homogeneous coordinates all points have a 1 as fourth coordinate; see the discussion in Section “Vertex Transformations”. I'm not a shader guy, but you have essentially two cases - rotation in 90° increments and free rotation. I’m not familiar with shader at all so the I just edited as less as I could. I found this snippet and I am using it to rotate the mesh: float4 RotateAroundYInDegrees (float4 vertex, float degrees) {. #2.
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