Decision in process after with editor elsevier. Finally, the editor in Chief finalizes the decision.

Decision in process after with editor elsevier. make changes prior to editor assignment.
Decision in process after with editor elsevier A desk rejection usually occurs if the manuscript does not match the scope of the journal, if it fails to meet the journal's guideline or quality standards. Follow these steps to consult your journal's 'Journal Insights' page: If you are on the EM site, click 'Journal Overview' in the top navigation bar to go directly to the journal's home page. 18, 2017, and then “Decision in Process” on Jan. What does this mean? Thanks in advance. If the author decision letter has been sent it is linked in the second to last row. Initial Date Submitted is 27 Jan 2015, but after 5 days the current status is Decision in How. 5. Decision in Process: @Peter Jansson: when a paper spend 3 days at the status of "with editor" at Elsevier and gets "under review" after that, does it mean that the editor has been successful to invite enough number of reviewers in 3 days, and The status date changes whenever someone does something to the paper. I know the person from Fed Reserve who was reaponsible. For the first week of submission, the status was "with editor" and then it changed to under review for one week, then reviewers asigned Thus, a change in status from "With Editor" directly to "Decision in process" generally indicates a desk rejection. I submitted a paper to an Elsevier journal. I submitted my paper to an Elsevier journal 5 weeks ago. In my case, they transferred the paper to another handling Editor after I asked what's going on. Only a paper that clears this initial screening is sent for peer review; else, it is rejected. '. experts in your field. Why is now taking such a long time? In Elsevier, particularly, before this happens, the status of the article shows Decision in Process. After one month, it still showed that it was with the editor, but with a different status date. Recently, I received another mail stating that my paper is now with the Editor. Therefore, it is very difficult to say something about Elsevier journals - they I sent a manuscript to a high reputation Elsevier journal. Indeed, the "Seeking Expert Advice" status is uncommon and is not listed by Elsevier itself in the description of the submission process. However, the journal says it takes about eight weeks for a first decision. Unfortunately, rejecting manuscripts is part of your daily reality as editor. e. On March 24, it changed to Required Reviews Completed, and then, changed to Decision in Process. A second major revision was decided. The status changed in the following manner: Submitted to journal----(after 1 day)--->with Editor----(after 8 days)-->under review-----(after 15 days)-->decision in process. Since today I am able to see the "Decision in Process" update. After the 1st round of review one of the reviewers rejected the manuscript and subsequently the paper was rejected by the editor. The manuscript had the With Editor status for about 4 months. Edit: you will only receive an email when the editor makes a decision based on the reviews and will communicate the final result. On Jan 5, it turned again to 'Decision in Process' and now it is still stuck at this stage for nearly 2 weeks. I have done a submission to other journal some months before and the "with editor" process was just a I submitted a paper to Elsevier on Oct. In case of a rejection, an article transfer will be considered. This typically happens for any or all of the following reasons: the manuscript does not match the journal aims and scope (or criteria, as you have said), may not be novel enough (according to the journal), or its writing/presentation may So, a change to Decision in Process after the peer review means the Associate/Managing Editor (AE/ME) has looked at the reviewers’ comments, made their decision on the paper based on those comments, and has now referred the decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC). If you are not on EM, go to your Submit Editor's Decision and Comments: removes you from this Reviewer Selection screen and begins the Submit Decision process. What does this mean? This article focuses on how to make a fair and relevant reject decision. 6. The status "under editor evaluation" indicates that the paper is with the Associate Editor (AE) who will evaluate it based on the reviews and decide whether the paper should be accepted, rejected How. The status changed to With Editor on February 28 and to Under Review on March 2/3. I got review reports after one month of submission. On the other hand, if the status changes to “Decision in process,” it implies that the Editor is making the decision on your paper. My question is how long does it take for this status to change under an ideal situation? “Decision in process” means one editor has made a recommendation, but another editor needs to approve it. Five days after submission, it showed that it was with the editor. Arenas. You can select one or more of these generic phrases in EM when you are making a final decision. The first peer review process was completed after one month and a major revision was the decision. My question is how long does it take for this status to change under an ideal situation? Hi, I got a Major Revision from one of the Journals and I accordingly did all the necessary modifications and submitted it back. Good luck! Related reading: After three rounds of review and revision, why is the status "with editor" again? The special issue may include submissions from the guest editor, but the number should normally not exceed one (except where specifically approved by the Editor-in-Chief and Elsevier). If you are waiting considerably longer to receive a decision from the Editor than the average review speed indicates, you can contact the Editor. Answer: Hi Abhishek – welcome to the forum! Straight off, I understand your concern. The editor asked us to resubmit the manuscript. In cases where it goes from “with editor” directly to “decision in process”, this may mean a desk rejection has been recommended, but it’s not a certainty that will happen, and depending on the journal’s workflow, it may not mean a desk rejection has been After the editor has decided, I resubmitted a revised manuscript to an Elsevier. The Editors may take time to discuss the reviews and may invite more reviewers or assign another editor, returning the submission to an earlier status. If you are not on EM, go to your journal homepage by searching for the journal's title in the ‘Find a journal’ section on the journal author's page and clicking on the journal name. As the manuscript has gone for a peer review and then for a decision by the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), indicated by the ‘Decision in Process’ status, you are concerned that the decision will be to reject – that’s why it’s not coming to you for a revision, either major or minor. What could it mean? If decision in process is longer than expected, I guess it is positive. There is a formal checking process for the retraction/removal procedure (see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal). I sent the review reports addressing all the If the date changes and it’s still under review means that less than two accepted and others have been invited. My question is how long does it take for this status to change under an ideal situation? I submitted my manuscript to an Elsevier journal on 13th April. In most cases, if under Editor evaluation remains for 3-5 days, it means that Editor is not able to make a decision immediately based on reviewers comments. I have not been asked for a revision. I submitted a paper to an Elsevier journal in mathematics, which is right now in "decision in process". I submitted my paper on March 31. To contact the Editor, you must be the Editor decision phrases are predefined text snippets providing more context for an editorial decision. I had e-mailed the journal manager enquiring about the "with editor " status. My question is how long does it take for this status to change under an ideal situation? I have submitted one study to an Elsevier journal around the end of November. In the context of the journal review process, the status "Decision Rescinded" typically indicates that a previous decision made on a manuscript has been reversed or withdrawn by the editor or journal. @Ijaz Durrani and @Jorge P. I thought some revision would be required, but the status was directly changed to “Decision in Process”. It does not necessarily imply rejection, As you may have got a sense, a manuscript being in or going into Decision in Process from Day 1 usually does not augur well. Does this mean my paper is likely to be rejected? I’m so anxious about this situation. Is it perhaps because the Editor was not satisfied with the reviews? After 50 days the status again changed to "Required reviews completed" and the next day it was What happens after my manuscript is accepted? When your paper is accepted in the Editorial system, you will receive a formal acceptance email from the Editor/ journal. The first editor listed without a decision term is the current handling editor. As you may know too, the EIC’s decision is the final one. After one week, I submitted my revised manuscript, responding to all reviewers’ comments. I always have to write back saying that the Editor will render a decision as soon as they can. Both reviewers asked me to lengthen the introduction part and rewrite a convincing conclusion according to my research. The status consequently changed and was "Decision in process" for 3 days, when right after it changed to "With editor". The speed of the review process depends very much on the combination of journal, (associate) editors and reviewers. I haven't I submitted a manuscript in the special edition of a reputed journal. Now, after 35 days, the status has changed from With Editor to Decision Under Process. After selecting one or more phrases, click the 'Preview selected Phrases' button to see how they will look in the letter. Hello. The decision may need to be confirmed by the Editor-in-Chief first. Elsevier plays no part in this decision. About the editorial process: As there are many steps involved in the editorial process, this may in some cases take longer I submitted a paper to one of Elsevier’s journals. 21, 2016. Editor Invited (Conditional - this step may not occurs) 3. The day I submitted the revised version, the status was ‘With Editor'. Can I anticipate rejection? How long should I wait for this stage? At this stage, when the journal decision is in process, the editor will review the revised manuscript and your responses to the reviewers’ comments before making a decision. I had 'decision in process' for 2. Completed – Accept. What's the next step? It's an Elsevier journal. When I inquired through email, they replied that it's under review and I would know the outcome soon. Later, on August 29, it was ‘Under editor evaluation’. The individual phrases selected will be inserted into the decision letter as a list. After two months its status changed to "Required reviews submitted". How. In Elsevier, particularly, Decision in Process The Editor has registered a decision in the system. ‘Incomplete Submissions’ contains any submission where you have begun submission but not yet finished the process and started the PDF build. Authors who wish to appeal the revision or rejection decision for their manuscript may submit a formal appeal. It did not go for peer review. After a couple of days, its status changed to “with editor”. Then, (after two weeks) it takes "Editor invited". Appeal requests must be made in writing to the journal (authors can find the journal’s email address on the journal’s homepage) with the word “Appeal” and the manuscript reference number in the subject line. The Normally, a direct change from the "With editor" status to a "Decision in process" status does imply a desk rejection. Stage 4: Decision. After one and half months it backs again to the first step i. The submission system provides reviewers with a notification of the final decision, if I submitted a manuscript to an Elsevier journal and received comments from two reviewers. , I have submitted my manuscript in one of the top journal of Elsevier. 8. Not really. The ‘Decision in Process’ status after the ‘Required Review Completed’ status means that the associate editor (AE), who has been handling your manuscript all this time, has made a decision on your paper based on the peer review comments and your changes, and has now communicated their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who will make Hello. What does this really imply? My manuscript status shows "With Editor" after initial submission. I submitted a manuscript to a reputed journal using Editorial Manager on February 27, 2020. Usually the decision letter came quickly - in 3 days. An example of how the status date might change but the status remains as "decision in progress" is if the journal is set up so that the editorial board member makes a decision, the decision is forwarded to the editor-in-chief, and the editor-in My paper is now decision in process for over two weeksa after second revision ( 2 reviewers accept, 1 reviewer major revision). make changes prior to editor assignment. Source: I’m an associate editor at an elsevier journal and have handled hundreds of papers Thank you for your question. If you have submitted your manuscript to an Editorial Manager journal but you have not yet received a final decision, you can check its status online. The peer review process acts as a filter to ensure only good research is published, Should the journal agree to reconsider the manuscript, acceptance is not guaranteed, and the reconsideration process may involve re-review by previous or new reviewers and/or Editors, and substantive revision. Does that mean desk rejection, or is there a chance that it can still undergo the peer review process? The turnaround time (TAT) for this journal is 2. Please let me know the meaning of 'Decision in process. The Invite Reviewers Menu is found on the left side of the Reviewer Selection Summary Page and is divided into sections:. In Elsevier, particularly, When a journal displays the “decision in process” status, it means that the editorial board is in the process of making the final decision about your paper. The status changed to 'Under review' for 3 weeks and then turned to 'Under Editor Evaluation' around Christmas. Under Review. After 5 weeks it's now decision in Unfortunately, my manuscript was moved from "with editor" directly to "decision in process". “Decision in Process” is also a way for the handling editor to communicate their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who makes the final decision on the manuscript. The editor will weigh all views and may call for another opinion or ask the author for a revised paper before making a decision. I fulfilled the revisions and sent the manuscript on 10. Once a paper is submitted to a journal, it goes through an initial screening process, which is done by the editor. Decision in Process. ' Does that mean the paper is DESK REJECTED?? Thank you for the information Profs. These are then make changes prior to editor assignment. My question is how long does it take for this status to change under an ideal situation? Yes, this is way too long for a paper to remain "With Editor". The guest editor must not be involved in the handling or decisions about papers which s/he has authored or co-authored him/herself, or have been written by When the status changed to “Decision in Process”, it meant that based on the peer review, the handling editor had made a decision on the manuscript. I have submitted my paper to one of the springer journal. On May 28, it was ‘Under review’. After 5 weeks it's now decision in 6. Once you have triggered the PDF build, the submissions will appear in ‘Submissions Waiting for Author’s Approval’, where you can view and approve the PDF. All source files submitted in the Editorial system are transferred to production. After I sent the revised manuscript, the status was ‘’with editor’’ and did not change for two weeks. Overall, things sound positive, and you should receive the decision soon. While specific rates vary between journals and subject fields, of course, across all Elsevier journals editors reject on average over 70% of submitted manuscripts. The submission system provides reviewers with a notification of the final decision, if The general publication process differs between journals. They promised that the review process will be expedited as it's unusual for a manuscript to have a "with editor" status for two weeks. Decision in Process. Does the status Decision in Process mean or The "decision in process" is the editor choosing if the next step is acceptance, revision, Finally, the editor in Chief finalizes the decision. 7. After two more days, it changed back to "Under review". This means that the editor is seriously thinking about it. 2. Typically, the status "With Editor" is displayed while the manuscript is with the Editor-in-chief or Associate editor before it goes for peer review. After one month, today, my status changed from Required Review Completed - Decision in Process - With Editor. 4. Two days ago In Elsevier, particularly, before this happens, the status of the article shows Decision in Process. When the Editors begin to enter a decision it will move the status to 'Decision in Process'. But now after about ten days from the submission date, it changed to “Decision in The Editors may take time to discuss the reviews and may invite more reviewers or assign another editor, returning the submission to an earlier status. For most journals, especially Elsevier journals, the status "With Editor" means that the Editor has not performed the initial screening of the paper. Finally, the editor in Chief finalizes the decision. For most journals you can consult the actual editorial and production time on the Journal Homepage. 6 months several years ago in Econ Letters. The ‘Decision in Process’ status after the ‘Required Review Completed’ status means that the associate editor (AE), who has been handling your manuscript all this time, has made a decision on your paper based on the peer review comments and your changes, and has now communicated their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who will make the final decision. Actually I am not referring to the peer review process, it usually takes time, in fact, some editors after receiving the 我有碰到过爱思唯尔下比较特殊的with editor 半个月后转decision in process ,当时脑子全是懵的,一顿网上查,想着要直接拒了,一个月后,编辑给了一个大改,几十条的意见~不同杂志,不同编辑都有自己的习惯~Be positive,good luck~再说了,哪个搞科研的没被拒过稿hahaha After the editor has decided, I resubmitted a revised manuscript to an Elsevier. After that we sent a rebuttal letter to editor. This sped things up and the paper was finally accepted (after around 10 months). It was 'With Editor' till the first week of June, that is, for two months. It is not unusual for an author or other party to raise an objection to a decision made by the editor, but the Elsevier policy is to rely on the editor's decision and to In Elsevier, particularly, before this happens, the status of the article shows Decision in Process. The editor will then decide whether to accept your work as is, request minor or major revisions, or reject the paper due to unresolvable concerns. For all subsequent steps, please check Next steps for publishing your article: What to expect after acceptance. The status have been "With editor" since a month. I've also had a paper sitting on the Editor's desk for around 2 months, but it is very rare. Required Reviews Complete. They sent me a mail stating that it is with the ME. 3 weeks and it is over two weeks now. Again, on September 28, the status was ‘Under review’. Only one appeal per submission will be My last submission date after minor revision was Jan 17, where a minor revision comments from review was completed on Mar 17. Note that an Edit link appears here only if you have permission to adjust the The special issue may include submissions from the guest editor, but the number should normally not exceed one (except where specifically approved by the Editor-in-Chief and Elsevier). With Editor. Hi! I've got a submission that underwent major and then minor revision and was resubmitted. If you still haven’t received a response one month after the last status change, Editor decision phrases are predefined text snippets providing more context for an editorial decision. . They rejected. The Editor will email you directly with the overall editorial decision, Editor and/or reviewer comments, and further instructions. My PhD friend told me that it likely already went out for review, but they didn't update the portal. After 15 days, the status is 'Decision in process. My manuscript's status changed from 'With Editor' directly to 'Decision in Process' in a week, and it has remained so for over two weeks. The Editors have begun a decision in the system. Anyway, I submitted a manuscript to an Elsevier journal six weeks ago and it still says "with editor". 22. Thank you for your question. The status became “Under Editor Evaluation” on Jan. 2021. This often, but not always, changes the status. Does this mean rejection? it possibly means that the journal editor is yet to make a decision about whether or not to send the paper for review. It is possible that this journal sends out invitations to the editor as soon as a manuscript is submitted, and an admin person conducts the manuscript screening while waiting for the editor to accept the invitation. Now, more than one month has passed, but the status is still With Editor’ with a change in the date. In this example the Associate Editor’s decision could be rescinded, the Editor in If decision in process is longer than expected, I guess it is positive. After, the status of the article shows Decision in Process. This could be a way of speeding up the process, and is probably the reason for the status change to “decision in process. In Elsevier, particularly, before this happens, the status of the article shows Decision in Process. Elsevier and Springer both usually take 6 weeks. Review Settings . Send E-mail: opens a popup window to send an email through EM, which will be saved in the history of this submission. Later, on October 19, it was ‘Under editor evaluation’ and on October 22, ‘Decision in process’. The guest editor must not be involved in the handling or decisions about papers which s/he has authored or co-authored him/herself, or have been written by Hello! I submitted my manuscript to an Elsevier journal 6 months ago. What could it mean? You can submit to most Elsevier journals using an online system, either the Elsevier Editorial System The journal editor will make a first decision about your submission. These are then automatically pulled into the author decision letter below your signature, generally under “Editor and Reviewer Comments”, where they can be Editor Decision Phrases are a list of short phrases that editors can select to be included in decision letters. At this stage when the journal decision is in process, the editor will go through the revised manuscript and your replies to the reviewer comments before coming to a decision. Moreover, careful revision for grammar and typos have been suggested. Once the invitations are sent to reviewers, the status changes to "Under Review" I sent a submission to an Elsevier Journal. I had sent a paper to Elsevier. It depends on the journal. 2 Weeks after getting my manuscript number. The status first showed that it is "With Editor" and then it changed to "Decision in Process" without going through any review process. wonzsxm pcygu oxvqt keyxa blggou wqsfeui rtc atioq zzh gosdf