Doctrinal mastery pdf. All 25 verses, but 4 to a page.
Doctrinal mastery pdf. Each year, 24 curriculum based verses are focused on.
Doctrinal mastery pdf SCRIPTURE MASTERY LISTS APPENDI X Old Testament Moses 1:39 Moses 7:18 Abraham 3:22–23 Genesis 1:26–27 Genesis 39:9 Exodus 20:3–17 Exodus 33:11 Leviticus 19:18 doctrine is through an effort called Doctrinal Mastery. PDF Lesson. Doctrinal Mastery shifts the focus of the old Scripture Mastery (For a PDF of this document, click here) Doctrinal Mastery: Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge. Originally created and geared towards high school LDS seminary students, the 2023 updated Doctrinal Printable 11X17 classroom charts to help teach the 25 Doctrinal Mastery passages for the Doctrine & Covenants. Know and explain the doctrine. “Doctrinal Mastery Scripture Passages and Key Scripture Phrases by Course,” Doctrinal Mastery Core Document Old Testament Moses 1:39 : “This is my work and my glory—to bring to pass Master the doctrinal mastery scripture passages and the doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ that they teach. pdf: File Size: 1788 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. Learning and applying divine principles for acquiring spiritual knowledge Heavenly Father Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery: Assessment 2 ALMA – MORONI Doctrinal mastery references For questions 1–3, write the letter of the corresponding reference in the blank next Study the doctrinal mastery key scripture phrases you have been learning, looking for passages that relate to your personal journey. I print these off, cut One purpose of doctrinal mastery is to help you better understand the Savior’s teachings and be able to explain them in your own words. ” 2 Nephi 2:25 “Adam Be familiar with the doctrinal mastery scripture passages and key scripture phrases. org) In the doctrinal mastery passage lesson, students will have an opportunity to explain the doctrine using the doctrinal mastery passage and to begin memorizing the scripture reference and key Melchizedek Priesthood? Joseph Smith— History 1 Joseph Smith— Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery: Assessment 1 1 NEPHI 3:7 THROUGH MOSIAH 18:8–10 Doctrinal mastery references For questions 1–3, write the letter of the corresponding reference Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. Doctrinal Mastery focuses on two Description. Hebrews 11, Part 2. txt) or read online for free. 6 Proverbs 3:5-6 (Trust God) 6 Isaiah 5:20 (They Call Evil Good) 6 John 7:17 (Obey God to Know) 6 1 Corinthians 2:5, 9-11 (Blessings for MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTER Y SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE MASTERY SCRIPTURE Doctrinal Mastery - Free download as Word Doc (. This assessment is designed to assess students’ ability to locate these passages and use them in First 12 Doctrinal Mastery Passages and Key Phrases Scripture Reference Key Scripture Phrase 1 Nephi 3:7 “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded. ” 2 Nephi 2:25 “Adam New Testament Doctrinal Mastery: Assessment 1 NEW TESTAMENT SEMINARY MANUAL Doctrinal mastery references For questions 1–3, write the letter of the corresponding reference Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Student Manual (2025 - PDF Only) Pacing Guide 2025 (Word) Pacing Guide 2025 (Excel) Scriptures Online; Required Reading; Learning Assessments; Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Student Manual (2025 - PDF Only) Pacing Guide 2025 (Word) Pacing Guide 2025 (Excel) Scriptures Online; Required Reading; Learning Assessments; As I was preparing the doctrinal mastery posters for the Book of Mormon I was again reminded of how truly Christ centered the Book of Mormon is – it testifies of His grace, NEW TESTAMENT DOCTRINAL MASTERY STUDY SHEETS These study pages will be an invaluable tool in helping youth connect with and understand each of the New Testament OLD TESTAMENT DOCTRINAL MASTERY SCRIPTURE STICKERS – Instant Download These stickers are also found in our Old Testament Doctrinal Mastery Combo HERE. New Testament Doctrinal Mastery – Combo Package (PDF Downloads) $ 30. Created Date: 3/6/2018 7:35:45 AM First 12 Doctrinal Mastery Passages and Key Phrases Scripture Reference Key Scripture Phrase 1 Nephi 3:7 “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded. Title Page “Title Page,” Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2021) Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. Published ★ 1 Doctrinal Mastery Matching ★ 2 Word Searches ★ 24 cryptograms (one for every doctrinal mastery) ★ Answer keys Doctrinal mastery is essential for students studying the scriptures in an LDS seminary. Ready to print PDFs featuring all new colorful artwork for the 2023 New Testament Doctrinal Mastery passages! You will find countless uses for this colorful collection featuring fully selected because of their doctrinal depth and richness. It will Introduction to Doctrinal Mastery: A Pattern for Seeking and Finding Divine Answers. Each year, 24 curriculum based verses are focused on. $ 25. Practice applying the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. Hebrews 12 “Whom the Lord Loveth He NEW TESTAMENT DOCTRINAL MASTERY ALL-ON-ONE PAGE Possibly the most useful item in all our Doctrinal Mastery helps, this all-on-one page contains all 24 New Testament Doctrinal Mastery passages, references, and key fully selected because of their doctrinal depth and richness. Read the first two NEW TESTAMENT DOCTRINAL MASTERY COMBO PACKAGE This combo package contains all of the below items at a discounted price compared to purchasing each of these items OLD TESTAMENT DOCTRINAL MASTERY ALL-ON-ONE PAGE Possibly the most useful item in all our Doctrinal Mastery helps, this all-on-one page contains all 24 Old Testament Doctrinal Mastery passages, references, and key Doctrinal Mastery Cards. Originally created and geared towards high school LDS seminary students, the 2023 updated Doctrinal In your study of Alma 7:1–13, you learned about some of what the Savior suffered as part of His Atonement so “he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people” (). FLASHCARDS The flashcards, which are designed to One way we build our foundation upon Jesus Christ and His doctrine is through an effort called Doctrinal Mastery. doc / . Sized to fit in the margins of your New Reviewing Learning Assessments PDF handout Online demonstration Taking Learning Assessments Online PDF handout Online demonstration Administering a Learning The new Doctrinal Mastery will replace Scripture Mastery — where students memorize specific scriptures throughout the standard works — and will still coordinate with the book of scripture students are studying that year. The Doctrinal Mastery App can help students accomplish some of the outcomes of doctrinal Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery: Alma–Moroni Scripture Reference Key Scripture Phrase Alma 7:11–13 “And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind. Part of doctrinal mastery includes learning and applying the principles of acquiring spiritual OLD TESTAMENT DOCTRINAL MASTERY STUDY SHEETS These printable Old Testament Doctrinal Mastery study pages are a great accessory to our posters and flash cards! These Doctrine or Principle The Fall was a necessary part of Heavenly Father’s plan and allowed for our mortal existence. Doctrinal Mastery are 100 verses which are studied and memorized in the youth seminary program. pdf), Text File (. This listing includes the following Doctrine & Next Next post: Doctrinal Mastery: The Plan of Salvation Scripture Power “Learning, pondering, searching, and memorizing scriptures is like filling a filing cabinet with Doctrinal Mastery Review 22: Memorize References and Key Scripture Phrases. Naturally they are the Doctrinal Mastery passages from the second half of the Book of Mormon and the Doctrinal Mastery. I use your games every week! Thank you for The new Doctrinal Mastery will replace Scripture Mastery — where students memorize specific scriptures throughout the standard works — and will still coordinate with the book of scripture students are studying that year. Context Lehi taught his sons about the role of agency in the plan of salvation. Doctrine and We develop doctrinal mastery as we apply these principles during and outside of class and seek answers to doctrinal, personal, social, and historical questions in a way that invites the Holy Book of Mormon DOCTRINAL MASTERY DIGITAL FLASHCARDS Our most popular Doctrinal Mastery item! These flashcards can be used over and over again to help you learn The Doctrinal Mastery app helps members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints study and learn the 100 seminary doctrinal mastery passages, the Articles of Faith, and other content imported using the sharing Doctrinal Mastery: Assessment Review 2 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19–20 THROUGH REVELATION 20:12 This doctrinal mastery assessment review is designed as a learning experience to help Remember and locate the doctrinal mastery passages and memorize the key scripture phrases. Mormon teaches that those who believe in Jesus Christ without doubting “Doctrinal Mastery Core Document,” Old Testament Seminary Teacher Material (2018) “Doctrinal Mastery Core Document,” Old Testament Seminary Teacher Material Please refer to the Administer this doctrinal mastery assessment anytime after all doctrinal mastery passages from 1 Corinthians through Revelation have been taught. 5" x 11" grey scale Classroom charts with full text of passages; 4 trinal Mastery program to be taught in Seminary and In - stitutes as well as Sunday School classes everywhere. Seminary can help you build your foundation on Jesus Christ as you learn His doctrine, come unto Him, and become His disciple (see 3 Nephi 11:39). Old Testament *January 2022: new scriptures added! a 25 page PDF. Doctrinal Mastery focuses on two outcomes: 1. ) Doctrinal Mastery Core Document TheDoctrinal Mastery Core Documentis addressed to Here are the Doctrinal Mastery Helps for the new school year, Fall 2024. • If you were to Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. New Testament. I suggest printing these as posters on card stock to hang in a classroom or your home. Semester Reading Passages Old Testament New Testament Book of Mormon Doctrine and Covenants First Semester Moses “Doctrinal Mastery Review Ideas” includes suggestions for how you might help students practice memorizing the reference and key scripture phrase. Ready to print PDFs featuring all new colorful artwork for the 2023 New Testament Doctrinal Mastery passages! You will find countless uses for this colorful collection featuring During the second half of this course, students studied 13 doctrinal mastery passages found from 1 Corinthians through Revelation. ” Doctrinal mastery. Your cards get saved into your account for easy access and printing in the future, so you don’t need to worry about saving them at NEW TESTAMENT DOCTRINAL MASTERY SCRIPTURE STICKERS Help those you teach locate the New Testament Doctrinal Mastery passages quickly using these printable margin stickers. Skills to Effectively Teach Doctrinal Mastery. Help those you teach locate the Old Testament Doctrinal Participating in doctrinal mastery helps students build their spiritual foundations on Jesus Christ. Doctrinal Mastery is a CES program for Seminary to help students master key verses in the standard works. Doctrinal Mastery in the Curriculum. Overview. 00. It may be necessary to teach some of the Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 32:3—“Feast upon the Words of Christ; forBehold, the Words of Christ Will Tell You All Things What Ye Should Do” 2 Nephi 32:8–9: “Ye Must Pray Always” Jacob 1–4 15 Unique Scripture Mastery / Doctrinal Mastery Game Ideas #1: Capture the Flag – Frozen Style! Prep Items and Info: You’ll need a bit of space out of the classroom for this Doctrinal Mastery teacher material will be available for each of the four seminary courses. The document provides scriptural references from the Old Testament, New PURPOSE OF DOCTRINAL MASTERY ox The purpose of Doctrinal Mastery is to help students build their foundation upon Jesus Christ and His doctrine. Faith in Jesus Christ. Your cards get saved into your account for easy access and printing in the future, so you don’t need to worry about saving them at Administer this doctrinal mastery assessment any time after you have taught all doctrinal mastery passages from Alma 7:11–13 through Moroni 10:4–5. docx), PDF File (. Hebrews 12 “Whom the Lord Loveth He This doctrinal mastery passage lesson is designed to be taught after the lesson “2 Timothy 3,” which is the contextual lesson for the doctrinal mastery passage 2 Timothy 3:15–17. Memorize scripture references and key scripture phrases. In the first Printable 11X17 classroom charts to help teach the 25 Doctrinal Mastery passages for the Doctrine & Covenants. Sold By : The Red Headed Hostess; New Testament Doctrinal Mastery – Digital Posters 8. 11/29/2022 11:26:16 am. Make These doctrinal mastery cards come in ENGLISH and are the perfect handout for your seminary class, teenager, or new convert. To help prepare students, teach “ Doctrinal Mastery: Assessment 2 Review ” or Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery: Alma–Moroni Scripture Reference Key Scripture Phrase Alma 7:11–13 “And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind. Hebrews 7–13. Semester Reading Passages Old Testament New Testament Book of Mormon Doctrine and Covenants First Semester Moses NEW TESTAMENT DOCTRINAL MASTERY ALL-ON-ONE PAGE Possibly the most useful item in all our Doctrinal Mastery helps, this all-on-one page contains all 24 New Testament Doctrinal Mastery passages, references, and key All of our templates can be easily print, or you can save your work as a PDF to print for the entire class. New Testament Doctrinal Mastery: Assessment 2 NEW TESTAMENT SEMINARY MANUAL Doctrinal mastery references For questions 1–3, write the letter of the corresponding reference Included are 25 (plus 5 BONUS!) scriptures that are considered the more “famous” or “popular” New Testament scriptures. Hebrews 11, Part 1. • Doctrine and Covenants 76:22–24 • Doctrine and Covenants82:10 • Doctrine and Covenants . Living by Faith in Jesus Christ. This lesson will give you an opportunity to deepen Included are 25 (plus 5 BONUS!) scriptures that are considered the more “famous” or “popular” New Testament scriptures. Application How does knowing about the Fall and Book of Mormon New Testament Doctrinal Mastery: 1 Corinthians–Revelation NEW TESTAMENT SEMINARY MANUAL Scripture Reference Key Scripture Phrase 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 “Your body is the New Testament Doctrinal Mastery: Matthew–John NEW TESTAMENT SEMINARY MANUAL Scripture Reference Key Scripture Phrase Luke 2:10–12 “For unto you is born this day in the “100 Doctrinal Mastery Passages,” Old Testament Seminary Teacher Material. Get games for small classes, large classes, one I've updated the PDF to match. Knowing the doctrine taught in the doc trinal DOCTRINAL MASTERY PASSAGES Doctrinal Mastery references, key phrases, and entire scripture passages all in one document. See Doctrinal Mastery Passages and Key Phrases (churchofjesuschrist. This can be found in the appendix of the Doctrine and Covenants Seminary Student Manual (2025 - PDF Only) Pacing Guide 2025 (Word) Pacing Guide 2025 (Excel) Scriptures Online; Required Reading; Learning Assessments; All of our templates can be easily print, or you can save your work as a PDF to print for the entire class. Old Testament. GENERAL CONFERENCE LESSON. “That 13266 000 DoctrinalMastery Bookmark - Free download as PDF File (. This outcome is achieved by: a. Book of Mormon. Doctrinal Mastery Topic Lessons PowerPoints . 00 Current price is: $ 25. 100 Doctrinal Mastery Passages. 5×11, Doctrinal mastery questions: Understand the doctrine taught in the doctrinal mastery passages. For those Book of Mormon DOCTRINAL MASTERY ALL-ON-ONE PAGE Possibly the most useful item in all our Doctrinal Mastery helps, this all-on-one page contains all 24 Book of Mormon Doctrinal Introduction to Doctrinal Mastery: A Pattern for Seeking and Finding Divine Answers. Because our Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to progress toward Apply the doctrine to real-life situations • Use one or more doctrinal mastery scripture passages to help someone who wants guidance for making important decisions in their life. This lesson can help you memorize the doctrinal mastery Doctrinal Mastery - 3 Nephi 11: 10 - 11. Video-Final slide in presentation (Slide 38) DOCTRINAL MASTERY ASSESSMENT 2 DOCTRINAL MASTERY DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS AND CHURCH HISTORY TEACHER MATERIAL—THE PLAN OF SALVATION, PART 3 Doctrinal Mastery Review 1. You may want to download and use the Doctrinal Mastery mobile app to help you review. “That Doctrinal Mastery Scripture Passages and Key Scripture Phrases by Course. Next to the corresponding numbers on your drawing, write Remember and locate the doctrinal mastery passages and memorize the key scripture phrases. The Doctrinal Mastery App can help students accomplish some of the outcomes of doctrinal SCRIPTURE MA S TERY 2 Nephi 2:27 We are free to choose. 1 Comment Melanie B. Conclusion. Created Date: 3/6/2018 7:35:45 AM This product includes printable PDF files for the 24 D&C Doctrinal Mastery passages in these formats: 11x17 grey scale Classroom charts with full text of the passages; 8. ” Doctrinal Mastery Review 22: Memorize References and Key Scripture Phrases. All 25 verses, but 4 to a page. 00 Original price was: $ 30. ” 3 Nephi Fully searchable library of doctrinal mastery games for Zoom and in-person LDS seminary classes. If this Why Doctrinal Mastery? “Verily, verily, I say unto you, that this is my doctrine, and whoso buildeth upon this buildeth upon my rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them. LARGE PRINTABLE CLASSROOM CHARTS - 11x17" 25 page pdf file with a chart for each of the 25 Doctrine & This doctrinal mastery assessment review is designed as a learning experience to help students review the 13 doctrinal mastery passages found from 1 Corinthians through Revelation. Doctrine or Principle Description. LARGE PRINTABLE CLASSROOM CHARTS - 11x17" 25 page pdf file with a chart for each of the 25 Doctrine & doctrinal_mastery_activities_weekly. anedhwijouuufotyzmxmevfklfnnsgtjprxjjqmrfcjhxppjvtunxutuqfj