Influence of pharmaceutical companies on prescribing practices essay. The accompanying Interim NHS People Plan makes numerous .


Influence of pharmaceutical companies on prescribing practices essay 18 (p,0. Therefore, it is important to look at the changes that occur in the marketing of prescription-based drugs. The objective of this paper is to describe how pharmaceutical companies promote drugs through pharmaceutical salespeople (drug reps), drug samples, influential peers, studies, and educational events, and to discuss the potential adverse effects on patient care of such promotion. Influence of Medical Representatives on Prescribing Practices in Mekelle, Northern Ethiopia (PDF) Influence of Medical Representatives on Prescribing Practices in Mekelle, Northern Ethiopia | Desalegn Tesfaye - Academia. Therefore, medical promotion should be controlled and guided by clear and country-specific ethical guidelines. There were 103 study subjects - 50 doctors and 53 sales personnel. Lieb K, Scheurich A (2014) Contact between Doctors and the Pharmaceutical Industry, Their Perceptions, and the Effects on Prescribing Habits. Objectives: To examine and compare the experiences and attitudes of primary care physicians in three different regulatory environments (United States, Canada, and France) towards interactions with pharmaceutical sales representatives, particularly their perspectives on safety information provision and self-reported influences on prescribing. Physician-directed outreach efforts have come under mounting public scrutiny [10]. Previous studies showed that pharmaceutical companies succeeded to manage physicians prescribing behavior in developed countries. This article discusses 4 major impacts of pharmaceutical detailing or lobbying on health care: (a) an increase in opioid prescribing and a rejection of proposed care by insurers, (b) an increase in the cost of care, (c) a discrepancy between disclosure policies and practices, and (d) harms to patients. 0) out of 30, Pharmaceutical companies vie for the favor of healthcare providers in order to increase sales of their company's products. 3 Maharishi Background Exploring the effect of different marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing practices is important due to its positive effect on the management of patients’ diseases and improving the health status of individuals by promoting the Impact of Promotional Activities of Pharmaceutical Companies over Prescribing Practices of Health Professionals Received: February 4, 2019 Accepted: April 4, 2019 Narendranathan M. g. Dec 25, 2018 · Within organized psychiatry, there have been many “economies of influence” or systemic and accepted practices (e. It is the doctor Mar 6, 2011 · According to the self-report of over a half of the respondents, PSRs was an accurate and reliable drug information resource; PSRs increased their awareness of the promoted drugs; and their prescribing behaviours were influenced by information from PSRs. 11) did not influence their prescribing behavior (Table 2). Background Exploring the effect of different marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing practices is important due to its positive effect on the management of patients A pharmaceutical company use place strategy to expand its market share by persuading physicians to Hailu et al. Every year, billions of dollars are spent on such Surveys on prescribing influence repeatedly find doctors deny pharmaceutical promotions influence their practice, but are less resolute when asked about their colleagues (7–9). 1371/journal. S. Nov 1, 2008 · Pharmaceutical companies employ a variety of marketing strategies to influence physicians' prescribing behaviour in favour of their drugs. pharmaceutical companies have received considerable attention. Naik AD, Woofter AL, Skinner JM (2009) Pharmaceutical company influence on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug prescribing behaviors. Impact of Promotional Activities of Pharmaceutical Companies over Prescribing Practices of Health Professionals (PDF) Impact of Promotional Activities of Pharmaceutical Companies over Prescribing Practices of Health Professionals | Zaida Rahman - Academia. Mar 2, 2020 · The National Health Service (NHS) published their Long Term Plan in 2019. These communication strategies and tools play a very important role in increasing profitability and sales revenues of the pharmaceutical companies. The Indian Pharmaceutical industry is highly fragmented (with more than 20,000 Incentivisation of general practitioners (GPs) by pharmaceutical companies is thought to affect prescribing practices, often not in patients' interest. Raveendran and Tyler Bysshe and Alycia However, the scale needed to have a large impact on prescribing practices may be difficult to achieve. The objective of this study is to assess perceived influence of pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing behaviors in hospitals Physicians have an important role in the pharmaceutical industry, speaking on behalf of the company and making judgments through prescribing drugs and influencing other physicians’ prescription practices, which is a significant aspect for pharmaceutical companies . has allowed pharmaceutical companies to set exorbitant prices for essential medications. PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES ON DOCTORS PRESCRIBING BEHAVIOUR 1Dr. ). 0) out of 30, Oct 27, 2022 · The effect of pharmaceutical companies' marketing mix strategies on physicians prescribing practices in Jordan: a cross-sectional study. In current healthcare, pharmaceutical companies shape various aspects of medicine, from research and drug development to marketing and physician prescribing patterns. They use a number of tactics including providing educational programs, sales visits to practice sites, free drug samples and gifts to providers (Murray, 2002; Wazana, 2000; Wolf, 1998). This will ensure safe medical promotion to physicians and optimise the healthcare p … Introduction. It seems unlikely that any state could scale up to a This exploratory study examines how pharmaceutical . This paper shows the influences used by pharmaceutical companies with their potential targets, highlighting the linkages. Pharmaceutical marketing differs from other types of marketing because the consumer i. There has been a focus on the relationship between healthcare professionals and the pharmaceutical industry in recent years. Previous studies showed that pharmaceutical companies succeeded to manage physicians prescribing behavior in This study explores the influence of pharmaceutical marketing on the prescription practices of doctors in India. The approach is often times unethical Jan 10, 2025 · Introduction Over the past two decades, legislative changes in the UK have expanded the roles of pharmacists, empowering them to take on responsibilities that were once the sole domain of doctors and other healthcare professionals, such as prescribing 1,2 . Pharmaceutical marketing is quite different from general marketing as the decision makers are the physicians (secondary customers) not the Nov 1, 2008 · Pharmaceutical companies employ a variety of marketing strategies to influence physicians' prescribing behaviour in favour of their drugs. Objectives The objective of this review is to explore interactions between physicians and the pharmaceutical industry including sales representatives and their impact on physicians’ attitude and prescribing habits. Table I. 10–13 Studies show that industry Introduction. This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). Oct 27, 2022 · Aim: This study aimed to assess the perceived influence of the four pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies (product, price, place, and promotion) on physicians' prescribing practices in Jordan. The chapter assesses how crucial ethics are for marketing Analysis of the pharmaceutical industry' s marketing tactics reveals the extent of their influence on patient care and medical research. Through a comprehensive examination of various promotional . The accompanying Interim NHS People Plan makes numerous Oct 25, 2017 · DOI: 10. Keywords: Pharmaceutical marketing, Prescribing behavior, Physicians, Jordan I NTRODUCTION It is observed that over time pharmaceutical companies managed to establish a very good relationship with the physicians [1-3]. Academia. Health Policy. Previous literature pricing strategy implemented by pharmaceutical companies, with a median score of 25. Chavan 1Assistnt Professor & Research Guide, School of Management Studies, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon Abstracts: It is advocated that Doctors are the strategic customers for pharmaceutical industry. These tactics can be arranged into five categories according to the potential for harm to patients (from least to most harmful): physicians-targeted promotions, direct-to-consumer advertising, unethical recruitment of physicians, researchers' conflicts of practices adopted by the pharmaceutical companies may be regarded as unethical but are rampant in this industry. 26) had neutral influence on physician prescribing behavior and personal relationship to company (2. Temple, and Joel Lexchin Introduction Global sales for the pharmaceutical industry are projected to reach about $645 billion in 2006. 2 REST Labs, Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India. Jul 17, 2023 · The influence of the pharmaceutical industry on the medical field has become a topic of increasing concern and scrutiny. R2, Suman Gulia3, Ramachandran Manickam4* 1 Gandhi Institute of Technology and management (GITAM) University, Hyderabad, India. There were 50 study subjects - 25 doctors and 25sales personnel. Pennsylvania’s program employs just 10 academic detailers for a state with 48,000 doctors 51. Am J Manag Care The objective of this study is to assess perceived influence of pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing behaviors in hospitals, Dessie, Ethiopia. Jan 30, 2019 · Background Drug companies rely on their marketing activities to influence physicians. This study explores the influence of pharmaceutical marketing on the prescription practices of doctors in India. Data collection was done by a self-administered questionnaire. 4 billion (15. 4%) prescriptions in the U. However, very little studies investigated the impact of pharmaceutical marketing strategies on prescribing pattern in developing countries, middle-eastern countries. This study aims to explore the attitude toward and acceptability of medical promotional tools and their influence on prescribing practices [11, 12]. The researchers were alone, pharmaceutical industry spent $89. 8–28. (5) Pharmaceutical marketing strategies’ influence on physicians' prescribing pattern in Lebanon: ethics, gifts, and samples Micheline Khazzaka (2019) Pharmaceutical manufacturers rely on marketing efforts to influence physicians. Jan 25, 2022 · Background Pharmaceutical companies spend more than one-third of their sales revenue on marketing and promotion directed toward healthcare professionals. 1177/002204269202200212 Corpus ID: 79834630; The Influence of Pharmaceutical Industry Advertising on Physician Prescribing @article{Caudill1992TheIO, title={The Influence of Pharmaceutical Industry Advertising on Physician Prescribing}, author={Timothy S. Dec 6, 2018 · Abstract Purpose: The role of pharmaceutical companies’ promotional tools in the prescribing decision of physicians comprises five commonly-used promotional tools: sales promotions; advertising By investigating how external influences, such as ABSTRACT The study seeks to explore how pharmaceutical marketing strategies impact doctors' prescribing habits within the complex relationships between healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies. Influence A pharmaceutical company use place strategy to expand its market share by persuading physicians to Hailu et al. Most pharmaceutical companies commit a great deal of time and money to market in hopes of convincing physicians about their products. 1 As Big Pharma has continued to expand its unsurpassed global financial reign, increasing prescription drug spending has become a Oct 1, 2009 · Pharmaceutical companies are known to be among the most profitable companies in the world. edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Results A total of 310 physicians completed the survey. It is in the interests of all opioid manufacturers, for example, that the marketing and sale of opioids should not be regulated more rigorously or extensively. BackgroundDrug companies rely on their marketing Publication biases related to pharmaceutical companies’ interest have been well documented: attempts at limiting the possibility that published RCTs are only those showing the results expected by pharmaceutical companies have been made only few years ago (Migone, 2005, pp. Only a few studies have documented the influence of pharmaceutical promotions and marketing activities on the prescribing of advanced practice nurses. edu Jan 30, 2019 · It is demonstrated that there is a relationship between physicians’ prescribing pattern and their age, gender and the location of practice, and pharmaceutical marketing managers of drug companies can use the research findings to design better their strategies directed to the Lebanese physicians who can also benefit from the results obtained. strategies employed by pharmaceutical companies, including detailing sessions, free samples, and sponsored events, the study seeks to uncover the extent to which these tools Aug 10, 2023 · Regulators have a vital role to play in implementing policies that curb the influence of these companies and promote responsible prescribing practices. Stricter regulations on opioid prescriptions, enhanced oversight of pharmaceutical marketing practices, and increased transparency in research funding can all help. The healthcare industry in general, and the prescription drug industry, in particular, employs an unusual combination Notably, the marketing strategy of pharmaceutical companies has also changed with the passage of time. al. The studies were both conducted in the United States in 2016 and were based on the open payments database which was linked to other secondary data repositories. Rich}, journal={Journal of Drug Issues}, year={1992}, volume={22}, pages={331 - 338}, url Practice site can be another important factor affecting physicians for their prescribing decisions and practices and MRs visits and attempts to influence physicians’ prescribing behavior are a part of everyday life in private medical practice . Introduction. The significance of these factors is an important consideration to public health advocates and government However, promotional strategy tools like receiving different gifts from pharmaceutical company (3. It has now become the need of pharmaceutical companies to rely heavily on the promotional activities to change the prescribing patterns of physicians, and it has recently been explored that promotional strategies plays very important role in keeping the customer involved and getting the customer interested in pharmaceutical companies It was found that prescription behavior of a physician greatly influenced by pharmaceutical marketing, and among all promotional strategies “public relation” was found most effective strategy that influence a physician’s prescription remarkably. Vacation expenses, gifts of substantial value, lavish meals and entertainment, cash/commissions for prescribing particular brand, money for sponsoring drug trial, free medical samples and Continuing Medical Education funding and honoraria were the main components The lack of a comprehensive pricing strategy for prescription drugs in the U. Dec 6, 2018 · Abstract Purpose: The role of pharmaceutical companies’ promotional tools in the prescribing decision of physicians comprises five commonly-used promotional tools: sales promotions; advertising Aim This study aimed to assess the perceived influence of the four pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies (product, price, place, and promotion) on physicians’ prescribing practices in Jordan. The annual retail growth of prescription drugs continued in 2004 at a rate of 5. So far limited research had been carried out about the influence of pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies on physicians prescribing behaviors [21, 22]. The present study was conducted through a cross sectional survey in Pakistan during January to June, 2010 not only to find out the importance and influence of promotional tools used by pharmaceutical industry on prescribing behaviors of doctors/consultants, but to also establish comparison between doctors/consultants versus medical Identification of factors that influence prescribing loyalty may help pharmaceutical companies to focus their use of resources in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Sep 4, 2013 · Roshni, and Narendranathan [10], conducted a study in India to understand which of the marketing techniques of pharma companies affect the prescribing behaviors of doctors. Nov 5, 2024 · The study revealed that receiving low-value promotional items, belief of physicians that it is appropriate to accept both low- and high-value promotional items, physicians’ exposure to company-direct sources of information, and drug promotion-related factor all are positively and significantly related to physicians’ prescribing decisions. 74 ± 1. 11. Researchers argued that mushrooming of drug companies is also responsible for this unethical An In-Depth Analysis of the Influence of Pharmaceutical Marketing Strategies on the Prescription Practices and Decision-Making Processes of Medical Professionals Background Studies around the world have shown that interactions between pharmaceutical companies, pharmacists and physicians have a great influence on prescribing and drug dispensing practices. 5 billion on detailing, accounting for 60% of the global sales and marketing spending” (Patwardhan). For Type[s] of prescribing outcome assessed, “prescribing volume” indicates that the measured outcome was the number of prescriptions or claims for the drug[s] of interest; “prescribing costs” indicates the financial cost (eg. Measures may be necessary to minimize interactions between PSRs and the respondents. 0186060 Corpus ID: 20357681; Influence of pharmaceutical marketing on Medicare prescriptions in the District of Columbia @article{Wood2017InfluenceOP, title={Influence of pharmaceutical marketing on Medicare prescriptions in the District of Columbia}, author={Susan F Wood and Joanna Podrasky and Meghan A McMonagle and Janani A. 10. the patients are not the target audi-ence, whereas the physicians prescribing the medicines are the target audience of the pharmaceutical companies. Description SDa N (%) Da N (%) Na N (%) Aa N (%) SAa N Oct 27, 2022 · Physicians in this study were highly affected by marketing mix strategies, specifically price strategy, and policymakers should guarantee a balanced relationship with pharmaceutical companies and physicians. There are many ways that pharmaceutical companies can affect what physicians prescribe. The pharmaceutical companies need the relationship to show Oct 9, 2020 · Promotional efforts by pharmaceutical companies, even the provi- sion of small and seemingly inconsequential gifts, have been shown to influence HCP prescribing. Al Tabbah et al12 and Hailu et al14assess the influence of marketing mix strategies on Jordanian12 and Jan 25, 2022 · Medical promotional tools have a clear influence on physicians' prescribing practices in Jordan and Iraq. pone. Active patient engagement is of utmost importance in healthcare decision-making, specifically when it comes to decisions related to medication [2] . The film highlights the fact that pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars each year on marketing and advertising, often using tactics that are aimed at influencing doctors' prescribing practices. Previous research has shown that pharmaceutical companies have successfully controlled the prescribing behavior of Pharmaceutical companies’ spending continues to escalate, and drug safety issues have become more common. 9% in value, which was the smallest increase since 1998. e. Dec 3, 2011 · The significance of these factors is an important consideration to public health advocates and government agencies, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical firms, physician and provider RESEARCH ARTICLE An In-Depth Analysis of the Influence of Pharmaceutical Marketing Strategies on the Prescription Practices and Decision-Making Processes of Medical Professionals Monu Singh1, Pallavi, D. promotional tools influence doctors’ prescribing behavior. To the best of our knowl-edge, no studies in Jordan or the Middle East region have explored the effect of all marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing practices. Additionally, there are concerns that “pharmaceutical company representatives likely influence the prescribing habits and professional behaviors of physicians” (Brax et. [16–18 mixes influence the doctors’ choice of prescription drugs. Big Pharma's influence on policymakers has resulted in limited efforts to regulate drug prices, contributing to the rising cost of healthcare for consumers. Data sources PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library and Google scholar electronic databases were searched from 1992 to August 2016 using free-text words and medical subject headings Bringing together multiple pharmaceutical companies can transform their concurrent actions into coordinated action—thereby magnifying the companies’ influence. Payments to physicians by the pharmaceutical industry are common, but recent evidence shows that these payments influence physician prescribing behavior in the form of increased prescription of brand-name drugs, expensive and low-cost drugs, increased prescription of payer company drugs, etc. Aim This study aimed to assess the perceived influence of the four Academia. The Influence of Pharmaceutical ompanies Marketing Activities on Physicians’ 144 JMPF Vol 14(2), 2024 companies. By prioritising the needs, preferences and Study characteristics. Pharmaceutical companies try to influence the prescribing decision of prescribers by creating a mutual benefit based relationship . Data collection was done by a self administered questionnaire. As a result, pharmaceutical companies must develop strategic marketing methods that do not compromise the ethical code of conduct. , Medicare reimbursement) of prescriptions for the drug[s] of interest; “fraction of prescribing for drug of interest” indicates the Chapter 5 The marketing of drugs: how drug companies manipulate the prescribing habits of doctors Audrey Balay-Karperien, Norman J. Oct 27, 2022 · Background Exploring the effect of different marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing practices is important due to its positive effect on the management of patients’ diseases and improving the health status of individuals by promoting the use of the most cost-effective and safe treatment for patients. Description SDa N (%) Da N (%) Na N (%) Aa N (%) SAa N This study explores the influence of pharmaceutical marketing on the prescription practices of doctors in India. Background Pharmaceutical drug promotion is a means of informing health professionals about new drugs. Pharmaceutical companies apply all of the marketing mix elements or only one of them such as promotion. Background: Drug companies rely on their marketing activities to influence physicians. However, very little studies investigated the impact of pharmaceutical marketing strategies on prescribing pattern Main outcome measure Attitudes toward pharmaceutical promotions, exposure to promoted pharmaceutical products, factors affecting physicians' prescribing practice of promoted pharmaceutical products, and their perceptions toward academic detailing and expected challenges. Pharmaceutical companies adopt different marketing communication strategies and tools in order to influence physician’s prescriptions in their favor. Pharmacist prescribers are navigating an increasingly complex landscape, where terms such as ‘prescribing’, ‘independent prescriber Jul 10, 2017 · Pharmaceutical companies employ various techniques to promote their drugs to the physicians. 317-318), so that for many years the empirical evidence on the effects The lack of a comprehensive pricing strategy for prescription drugs in the U. Because of personal interests and a conflict between money and ethics, the The influence of pharmaceutical companies' promotions and other factors affecting their prescriptions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), mainly in Dubai and the Northern Emirates private hospitals influence on physicians' prescribing pattern in Lebanon: ethics, gifts, and samples Micheline Khazzaka Abstract Background: Drug companies rely on their marketing activities to influence physicians. One of the key themes of the film is the influence of marketing and advertising on the prescription and use of medication. Data were collected on variables which were supposed to influence prescription. Some of these techniques are purely informational like advertisements in medical journals and detailing by medical representatives, but some other techniques aim to induce the physicians to prescribe particular drugs by offering them financial incentives like gifts, sponsorship of visits to attend Exposure to Information from Drug Company Study (First Author Name) Result in Exposed Group Versus Controls (Where Applicable) Change in Prescribing Quality Result Effect of PSR visits de Bakker [61] Wider prescribing range was associated with more visits from PSRs in the last 4 wk Beta coefficient +0. While it was the smallest increase since 1998(8), expenditures on prescriptions are now well past those for all services refined strategies to influence the Jordanian physicians to boost up their ratings. Apr 1, 1992 · DOI: 10. The objective of both studies was to determine the association between education sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and the prescribing behavior of physicians. R. Jan 7, 2021 · Background Prescription drugs constitute the primary source of revenue for the pharmaceutical industry. Abstract. 05)a Muijrers [64] More frequent The prescribing of pharmaceuticals by health care providers is influenced by many factors. Considering that these payments increase drug costs for patients and health Availability of diagnostic and pharmaceutical resources in the organization could also influence the prescribing decision of physicians (27,34,35,48,50). Proceedings of legal cases and published research provide insights into the nature of the influence of Background: Drug companies rely on their marketing activities to influence physicians. 0 (IQR: 18. The objective prescribing practices [11, 12]. 09 ± 1. PLoS ONE 9: 10. It focuses on how the health service can develop over the next ten years with advances in medicine, changing population health needs, increasing demand for healthcare services, alongside significant changes in delivering this via new digital means (NHS, 2019). Sep 29, 2013 · The results show that the promotional factors which were found to be more influencing were the activities of the MR (medical representative), their rapport with the doctors, their personality traits, and the drug samples, leaflets, and brochures given by the MRs to the doctors. The objectives are as follows: Main objective: To assess the effectiveness, using evidence from randomised trials, and the association, using evidence from nonrandomised studies, of pharmaceutical industry promotional interactions with prescribers (including receipt of information, payments, gifts and samples), compared to no Mar 16, 2024 · The company should also establish clear guidelines for interactions with healthcare professionals and disclose any financial arrangements that may influence prescribing behaviors. In this intense competition, pharmaceutical companies use their best marketing minds to convert doctors for their brand. Pharmaceutical companies employ 1 sales representative for every 5 office-based physicians 50. By investigating how external influences, such as ABSTRACT The study seeks to explore how pharmaceutical marketing strategies impact doctors' prescribing habits within the complex relationships between healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies. Every year, billions of dollars are spent on such Oct 25, 2017 · The number of prescriptions written by NPs and PAs has more than doubled over the past five years; in 2015, NPs and PAs wrote 676 million of 4. BMC Public Health Page 6 of 15 (2021) 21:65 Table 2 Perceived influence of promotion strategy on physicians’ prescribing behavior in hospitals of Dessie, Ethiopia (n = 136) No. Using a Bourdieusian lens, we examine the socially structured conditions that underpin exchanges between pharmaceutical companies and GPs in Pakista … Mar 8, 2016 · Originality/value By examining the essential factors that predict physicians’ prescribing behaviour, pharmaceutical companies can improve their understanding of physicians’ attitudes towards . Abstract Background. , serving as experts on clinical practice guidelines and receiving consulting monies from the drug companies whose products are recommended in the guideline) that have taken psychiatry “off course,” undermined its public It is an exploratory study that looks at ethical concerns from the perspectives of stakeholders in pharmaceutical marketing techniques. 9% in value. Caudill and Nicole Lurie and Eugene C. It is self-reported by the respondents that pharmaceutical companies influenced their prescribing behaviour. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess perceived influence of pharmaceutical marketing mix Sep 22, 2023 · Introduction The Royal College of General Practitioners defines person-centred care as “holistic, empowering” care that “tailors support according to the individual’s priorities and needs” [1] . Compliance and Governance: XYZ Pharmaceuticals must strengthen its compliance programs and governance structures to prevent unethical practices and ensure adherence Jun 3, 2011 · Interventions in the form of continuous medical education may be required to improve their information-seeking behaviours. Background: Prescription medicines have become a Oct 17, 2011 · Corpus ID: 74830185; The Influence of Pharmaceutical-Company-Sponsored Educational Programs, Promotions, and Gifts on the Self-Reported Prescribing Beliefs and Practices of Certified Nurse Practitioners in Three States The study aimed at investigating the effect of pharmaceutical companies' gifts on doctors' prescribing behavior in Jordan. Method: A quantitative survey study was conducted from May to November 2021 on practising physicians in Jordan. edu Introduction. 6% in volume and 8. Doctors are actually the ultimate decision The objective of this study is to assess perceived influence of pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing behaviors in hospitals, Dessie, Ethiopia. Data were collected on 36 variables which were supposed to influence prescription. Family Practice 30: 320-324. fcqazpx zovwem tjhi etlbfh resk hur tsz xctpp qwzd sseaydd