Octoprint docker github. Reload to refresh your session.

Octoprint docker github 371Z To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: add multiple camera devices to the container a Mar 22, 2023 · Describe the bug Can't login or get normal first start web UI on octoprint start. Apr 10, 2021 · Question/Problem Description. To summarize, the CLI parameter takes precedence over the env var (as it should), but if the env var isn't a valid integer, OctoPrint will fail to launch even if the parameter is provided and should take precedence. Built by a maker, for makers to get more out of their OctoPrint run farms. jpg and get an image as expected. I don't want to connect my printer directly to my docker server. Contribute to borrillis/octoprint-docker-with-slicers development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to ruiqimao/octoprint-libcamera development by creating an account on GitHub. I plan to run octoprint-docker on a Windows machine. mjpeg-streamer). My initial goal was to run these across different containers, but I couldn't get the Docker permissions to play nicely. Add docker to systemctl by running: sudo systemctl enable docker; run docker-compose up -d once in the clone repo location; you should now have a working Octoprint with webcam support. This docker-compose file also contains a container based instance of vscode, accessible via your browser at the same url as your octoprint instance, allowing you to edit configuration files without needing to login to your octoprint host. My host environment uses bookworm. OctoPrint has 84 repositories available. yml and README . octoprint service basedir is now /octoprint/octoprint (was previously /octoprint) the recommended mount path for the config-editor container to has been changed to octoprint:/octoprint . Jan 16, 2021 · Hello I would like to test octoprint as a docker container but I'm confused with the tags I can see on docker hub. Contribute to MrWyss/octoprint-docker development by creating an account on GitHub. octoprint-docker octoprint-docker Public. Contribute to acrelle/rpi-octoprint-docker development by creating an account on GitHub. Manage your OctoPrint file system. Don't forget to update the usb devices and webcam locations when necessary. My docker-compose. It is designed to work similarly, and support the same out of the box features as the octopi raspberry-pi machine image, using docker. note: You will still need to declare the device mapping in your docker-compose file or docker command, even if you explicitly declare the CAMERA_DEV. Mar 25, 2020 · The only misgiving I have with this way is that you can't have differing user mappings. Contribute to packetworks/docker-Octoprint-RFC2217 development by creating an account on GitHub. opencontainers. It is maintained by Brian Vanderbush and team on GitHub. 6, octoprint itself shows the version as being 1. This is in the works, as I'm trying to come up with a less-bad solution to mjpeg-streamer. Contribute to gglockner/octoprint-docker development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to Bronom/Octoprint-Docker development by creating an account on GitHub. md. Octoprint Dockerfile. Reload to refresh your session. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker OctoEverywhere's docker image only works with Bambu Connect for Bambu Lab 3D printers. Apr 30, 2023 · Hi, What do I set for shutdown/reboot system command? I've tried. Apr 30, 2023 · In particular, it doesn't look like a killall has the effect of terminating and recreating the container (in the docker sense) so, if there is any "mess" left around as a side effect of the killall, you're not getting a clean slate, in the same way you would if OctoPrint was a native install and you rebooted the host. @LongLiveCHIEF - thank you for taking the time to look through and comment on SensorsIot/IOTstack pull request #328. Configuration Considerations; The purpose of the docs here will not be to teach you docker, as it is assumed if you are using the docker image you have a basic working knowledge of docker. The dockerized snappy Explore the GitHub Discussions forum for OctoPrint octoprint-docker. Dec 12, 2020 · You signed in with another tab or window. Follow their code on GitHub. What's left to configure? exchange "container_address" in the webcam config for your server Cloud Empower Your OctoPrint, Klipper, and Bambu Lab 3D Printers With Free, Private, And Secure Remote Access, AI Print Failure Detection, Real-time Notifications, Live Streaming, and More! Oct 17, 2020 · Include the output of `docker version` (and `docker-compose` version if using compose): Client: Version: 18. Before wasting time with testing I want to ask if it's possible to run this docker image on a windows machine. Big thanks to sillyfrog for laying the groundwork for this image. yaml file in this repository for a complete example. When starting octoprint with the command: docker-compose up -d it starts up normally and I am greeted with the setup. When I shut down the containers and start them back up, the configuration is gone. created"}}' octoprint/octoprint:<tag_you_are_using>' and list the date returned. There's a PR open to fix this but it might be some time until it hits a stable Docker release. Running this as a cron job keeps it going, but I feel like this is just a Band-Aid to the a possible real problem with the mjpg_streamer process. I have tested it there and got an image and video with ffmpeg. yml prior to starting octoprint service/reloading the octoprint service after updating config. Hello, I am using the octoprint-docker image with the default docker-compose file, which specifies a volume. Dec 26, 2020 · It's not your typical docker container, but that's really because octoprint at it's core isn't really designed to support a distributed or containerized operating model. I used to use a previous docker image (can't remember the name at the the moment) but you could do "supervisorctl docker restart octoprint" and it would restart the docker container from within Octoprint. @epheterson I just got octoprint working with DSM7 and docker container! Using container in privilege mode was the clue. A full-featured working Docker/Docker-compose wrapper for Octoprint - admackin/octoprint-docker-compose. 0-usb-0:1. Being executed on a remote (whether same LAN, or some remote VPS) requires that the SOURCE_URL and OCTOPI_URL are fully qualified URL using valid hostname and domain or IP address. Snapshot is working, FFMPEG says, path not exists. If you are using OctoPrint or Klipper, follow our getting started guide to install the OctoEverywhere plugin. he instances of octoprint are working and are able to connect to the machines. You need to pass both cameras to the container via --device and use a comma separa Docker image for running OctoPrint and Klipper in a single container - maxmr/OctoPrint-Klipper Work in progress. 8. Runs on port 5000 /root/. I don't know what the address is. io, you will find the address in the application console. Jan 6, 2021 · Since ENABLE_MJPG_STREAMER=false removes the mjpg-streamer service entirely, simply restarting the container with that var set to true won't work, since s6-svscan won't pick up the service run script and start it up. 5 on a raspberry pi. I also run Home Assistant and am able to have "switch" which turns docker containers off and on. com/OctoPrint/octoprint-docker/blob/master/README. Docker Containers for OctoPrint and mjpg-streamer. It is not essential for you to clone IOTstack onto your Raspberry Pi to make use of these instructions. Contribute to petonic/docker-octoprint development by creating an account on GitHub. Dec 26, 2020 · Describe the bug The web interface does not load with docker running on RPI4, similar to OctoPrint/OctoPrint#3502 This issue is redirected from OctoPrint main repo OctoPrint/OctoPrint#3907 To Reproduce Install docker-compose on Raspberry Follow their code on GitHub. 19 is a totally different machine on my network that has nothing to do with my printer or the device I'm running octoprint on. Question/Problem Description. Ideally H. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Extended docs for OctoPrint Docker Image. I haven't had any issues with that, I can manually take a photo using ffmpeg -f v4l2 -video_size 1280x720 -i /dev/video0 -frames 1 out. You signed out in another tab or window. You can subscribe to be notified of releases as well, by selecting the Watch button in the upper right corner Oct 16, 2021 · This has a pre-existing octoprint volume which you create simply like docker volume create octoprint before upping the docker compose file. Sep 26, 2020 · That's what I do for now also. My version of a Docker image for running OctoPrint and Klipper in a single container. For a Plain Docker setup, you know the IP address of your Pi; if you run balena. The octoprint/octoprint image uses semantic versioning, but the tags for octoprint/octoprint follow the version of octoprint contained in the image. 6:1. none of them work since neither init nor reboot not shutdown commands are available. octoprint-docker Public. The following 2 docker container setting Feb 26, 2023 · I'm struggling to get the webcam working when using docker and octoprint (the same webcam works flawlessly with octopi). Works for now. Dec 26, 2020 · The real challenge here is not adding the cgroup rule, but the fact that you have to know the state of the desired device when the container starts. 39 (minimum version 1. 12) Go version: go1. Config. TESTED ON A RASPBERRY PI 2 B with Ubuntu server The documentation for usage is there. Jan 30, 2017 · My lack of docker experience might be showing here again (and the fact that I haven't yet gotten around to testing this myself) but: is the site-packages folder of the virtual environment writable by the OctoPrint process in this setup? Simple but working way to add support for multiple cameras; tested on a Raspberry Pi 3 with two different cameras. '. I can run the 2 OctoPrint web interfaces and they work with my 2 print You signed in with another tab or window. yaml: octoprint: container_name: octoprint image: octoprint/oc ARM32v6 devices such as the Raspberry Pi Zero (W) are unfortunately unable to pull this image directly using docker pull nunofgs/octoprint due to a bug in Docker (moby/moby#37647, moby/moby#34875). s Cheap Installation script for Octoprint. Dec 29, 2023 · Of course, my go-to thought was Docker, and it was initially as easy as ever to spin up two OctoPrint containers after reflashing my Pi with the Raspbian Lite OS and installing Docker. The dockerized snappy web interface I've got the problem, that I cant get the webcam stream to work. docker image for Octoprint. 265 could be a simple selection in the drop-down of advanced timelapse settings. For example, I would like my openHAB docker images to run with UID 1003, the OctoPrint image with 1004 and the whatever-other-service image with user 1005. Important: Some things may not work the way you'd expect when running OctoPrint in a docker container. Stop: docker-compose down. You switched accounts on another tab or window. There’s also an official OctoPrint Docker image, octoprint/octoprint. Here is my docker-compose. Log settings are not mandatory ofcourse. yaml file. 265 encoding, so it would have to be re-compiled. One of them is Octoprint-telegram or Octoprint-bedlevelvisualizer. The value of CAMERA_DEV is used in starting the mjpg-streamer service, whereas the devices mapping is used by docker to make sure the container has access to the device. Why is it even being accessed? Hello, I'm new to docker and containers but pretty happy, thanks to your guides, to get two printers running! I noticed that when I am "starting" my two octoprint instances via "docker-compose up" Simple but working way to add support for multiple cameras; tested on a Raspberry Pi 3 with two different cameras. To use the Bambu Connect plugin, you need to get the following information. Manager your OctoPrint instances right down to triggering Updates and Plugin installs. Mar 26, 2020 · You signed in with another tab or window. You need to pass both cameras to the container via --device and use a comma separa To build: Enter the project's top directory and run: docker build -t octoprint . Dec 14, 2020 · The general answer to "plugin needs some OS package" will likely be to manage this with your own docker build, however I'll consider each request based on these merits: is the plugin so common that most users will need this package; is the package available in all distros & architectures that the octoprint/octoprint image is distributed on Do note that this is meant to be run on some Docker host, not a Raspberry Pi, nor the Raspberry Pi that hosts OctoPrint. Container Details 2021-02-27T15:26:38. e. GitHub community articles Repositories. This problem has been there since my first day using OctoPrint in Docker (since November I think). yml This is the primary image of octoprint/octoprint. please run `docker inspect --format '{{ index . Contribute to gotdibbs/octoprint-docker development by creating an account on GitHub. To use it: Start: docker-compose up -d. 0 ) The minimal image variants of the octoprint/octoprint images behave like a more traditional docker image. I'm trying to pass a PS3 eye through to my container, using the methods laid out in the docker-compose file. Oct 30, 2023 · The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - Issues · OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Nov 2, 2021 · Basically have docker try to restart the container continuously, and when the printer turns on, then octoprint does too? Or are you saying you want octoprint to be able to start whether the printer is on or not? The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Hey there, i have a webcam that´s working on my host system. i like that idea i did install it directly onto the pi (the newer version) I felt it might run better directly on the host. My objective is to improve the overall quality of the user experience for IOTstack users who choose to install OctoPrint/octoprint-docker as one of their containers. Jun 1, 2018 · I am using that solution via docker-compose for few months already and I migrated my Octoprint container between three docker machines and two filesystems (providing the docker volume). So far it works flawlessly. 3" #volumes: # octoprint-do Apr 4, 2020 · On a test of the OctoPrint PSU control plugin via docker, I believe it is necessary to enable and document a few things related to using GPIO for our users. init 6 reboot shutdown -r now. Please refer to its entry on dockerhub for more details on usage and configuration. May 26, 2023 · Just noticed my Octoprint Docker container is no longer healthy, when I try to load the site I get: 503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request. Side note: I highly recommend using Portainer with your Docker instance - it makes simple management so much easier! Oct 18, 2022 · Describe the bug When deploying octoprint using the official image and the tag latest or 1. . The readme say: The octoprint/octoprint image uses semantic versioning, but the ta Installation instructions for installing from source for different operating systems can be found on the forum. octoprint can be mounted to persist configuration; PYTHONPATH and pip configured to install plugins in /root/. -- Edit. These settings Jun 18, 2024 · Describe the bug Multiple webcams do not work when the CAMERA_DEV variable contains more than 1 entry Container Details 2024-06-18T08:11:07. Is this just my system, or a general problem others are experiencing? The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker Configurations for running Octoprint with Docker on WSL - nthings/octoprint-docker-compose Work in progress. 57. 8 API version: 1. The cam is setup in the first one only but I can not get to it. I also added root to the video group on the host, I don't know if this is mandatory or not but I did it anyways. I'll be happy to continue to toss ideas around, but unless we can confirm this happens in the supported setup and environment, I'm going to close the issue. The stuff that's not documented that I mentioned is how to upgrade the new image to future versions of the new image, and we need the community's help with this due to the OctoPrint plugin ecosystem. Dec 7, 2020 · docker exec into the container and use the octoprint cli to change configuration; enhance docs on utilizing the config-editor service provided in the docker-compose. I have taken all your suggestions seriously. Topics You signed in with another tab or window. So what are my options ? This RFC2217 seems like a perfect solution. Configuring Docker; Building your own OctoPrint image; Preconfiguring Your OctoPrint Container. But i can´t use it in OctoPrint. This means there is no process supervisor, and there is only one process (octoprint). My octoprint is currently running on a small orangePi and for performance reasons, I would like to move it in a docker container running on a much more powerful and easy to maintain system. It should work according to the docs but I don't get any video. once started, open browser and point it at the container in question and watch the error A Dockerfile for running OctoPrint Klipper and mjpg in a single container. Point your browser to the IP address of your Raspberry Pi and enjoy OctoPrint! Aug 10, 2024 · The examples in here assume SensorsIot/IOTstack conventions. 168. Run OctoPrint as Docker microservices. Jun 9, 2022 · I understand the ffmpeg command line is now editable, but don't believe the Octoprint docker package ships with ffmpeg capable of h. This is the place to get help with using the official octoprint/octoprint docker image. Feb 27, 2021 · Describe the bug Some plugins do not work. image. Docker. yml version: "3. Apr 1, 2021 · Describe the bug OctoPrint in Docker works properly until I upgrade to the next OctoPrint version, it never boots again after restarting. Included a few plugins I find useful. Sharing certain libraries is now having an issue when passing them into the container. When I check the logs I see: 2023-05-26 16:04:33,588 - octoprint. Contribute to geekypenguin/octoprint-docker-with-slicers development by creating an account on GitHub. Container Details. Docker image for running OctoPrint and Klipper in a single container - seanauff/OctoPrint-Klipper libcamera with OctoPrint using Docker. Docker image for running OctoPrint and Klipper in a single container - GregO1778/OctoPrint-Klipper Apr 29, 2020 · 192. This container does not contain support for the webcam (i. Everything works great using docker-compose. octoprint so they are persisted as well Disconnect all printers from your print server except for the one you want to add; ls /dev/serial/by-path/ copy the path of your printer excluding the “-port0” (should be like pci-0000:00:1a. Get an overview of your farm with the customisable dashboard. See the docker-compose. This docker-compose file also contains a container based instance of vscode, accessible via your browser at the same url as your octoprint instance, allowing you to edit configuration files without needing to login to your octoprint host. First run. See updated examples and usage info in docker-compose. Webcam is a C270 and was working outside docker properly. If you want to run OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi, you really should take a look at OctoPi which is a custom SD card image that includes OctoPrint plus dependencies. 11 Git commit: bfed4f5 Built: Fri Mar 13 06:46:11 2020 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false Server: Engine: Version: 18. However, some understanding of IOTstack's conventions will help you make sense of what is going on so you can adapt the techniques to your own environment. sudo /usr/bin/docker exec octoprint pkill mjpg_streamer. 09. Discuss code, ask questions & collaborate with the developer community. com/twiggotronix/docker-octoprint) page with an example docker-compose file and basic instructions on how I got the camera working by running mjpg_streamer on the host (not an elegant solution but it works) Sep 22, 2020 · This is the place to get help with using the official octoprint/octoprint docker image. 103Z To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Go to Settings->Pluggin Manager. It is designed to work similarly, and support the same out of the box features as the octopi raspberry-pi machine image, using docker. I would like the octoprint container to be based off of Bookworm Jan 10, 2021 · docker run --rm --name=octoprint -p 80:80 octoprint/octoprint:1. Your printer's Access Code Following the best practices to pre-install a plugin, I created a new Dockerfile which builds from octoprint/octoprint and pip installs the plugin (I've tried both copying the source files into the image and pip installing from github). I set up a github (https://github. I didn't find any descriptions for this use case. I have 2 containers running. Click on the "Power" button in OctoPrint's top bar, then select "Start video screen" to enable the webcam. 39 Go version: go1. It has the following differences from the main image: it does not contain mjpg-streamer; octoprint can't be restarted from within the container This is the primary image of octoprint/octoprint. Keep a track of all the live data on your farm with a selection of views. Dockerfile to set up Octoprint with x86, armv6, armv7 and arm64 support ! - GitHub - SckyzO/docker-octoprint: Dockerfile to set up Octoprint with x86, armv6, armv7 and arm64 support ! You can change settings either via Docker command line, or - more conveniently - via Docker Compose. 11 Git commit Mar 26, 2023 · It would also make it easy to manage multiple cameras and to resource limit the camera container to avoid hugging resources from octoprint (especially nice on multi-instance octoprint setups). See the individual settings below, demonstrated through corresponding parts of the docker-compose. One webcam is located under /dev/video0 and the other one under /dev/video2. Labels "org. The usage docs can be found at https://github. May 16, 2020 · At the moment, we're working to look at the best approach to making OctoPrint more compatible with docker in general, so some of these types of issues are being held off on so we don't wind up making massive changes to existing user implementations if the container usage changes suddenly down the road. Home docker setup for octoprint. created"}}' octoprint/octoprint:<tag_you_are_using Follow their code on GitHub. If your printer is visible in the /dev list you should be able to run octoprint in docker with privilege mode and use it without Portainer. Somehow the docker container couldn't access the /dev folder and detect the printer. 1. Container Details please run `docker inspect --format '{{ index . nxax xda yve lyfxof uudh nxqwfe fispxif hzjh gbkpi vnxiq