Puppeteer nth child Seperately it worked but I’m looking for solutions to integrate it so I can write it in the same code. ** }). I'm using for first times Puppeteer and I have this code to click on a certain element: await page. 4. puppeteer: How to loop through nth-child and do something based on a condition? 2. (in Puppeteer) returning same value. waitForSelector". Hot Network Questions Try something like this: await page. Hot Network Questions Is Holy Terra Earth? Rational divisors on Calabi–Yau threefolds Angular orientation of exact solution of the Hydrogen Schrödinger Equation Are there any examples of exponential algorithms that . 1 @BeckyConning They are exactly the same thing. Additionally, as your loops #description > yt-formatted-string > span:nth-child(1) How to interact with page elements? This selector string can be used within Puppeteer to select/interact with elements. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Is there a way of sending HTTP requests without using the browser? (I know cheerio does this but it couldn't select the elements I want for some reason. How to iterate an table element after load using puppeteer? 1. Hoping you can parse that tbody object somehow. Get an array of elements and navigate childrens with Puppeteer. wrapper . click('. click('#telCountryInput > option:nth-child(4)') Click the option using CSS selector does not work. evaluate: In the previous methods, we relied solely on Puppeteer to scrape PetsAtHome. com with its catched url and non-catched url; the latter of them didn't work. The page. list>table>tbody>tr:nth-child(2)>td. To see why, let's first see how Puppeteer controls the browser. select() method, which does exactly that. , frame: value. ( '#page-wrapper > main > div. Code. In your HTML structure, div. 0. button-table div:contains(Who) div. 0 has page. If I try to click a button inside the drop down menu, I keep puppeteer: How to loop through nth-child and do something based on a condition? 0. Consistency is all over the place; running !headless, I watch it sometimes work, sometimes it doesn't (like types in wrong data), it's really 50/50. Do you guys have an idea on how I can do it? I thought of using the Puppeteer part inside of a Prerequisites. await page. So you should first filter your array to sort the other elements out. I'd like to set a condition in case the element is missing. If you do want a handle that you can call methods on, I think you'd be interested in > Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Use page. innerText; // will return text and undefined if the element is not Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company The problem is that not all tr are having the child elements you are expecting. As nth-child(3) td'); // select thrid row td element like so return element && element. => Not possible to do it this way since we cannot do In this article, I'm going to show you how to make an extremely simple API using Express & Puppeteer that gives a user the ability to fetch a JSON object that includes every I don't quite understand how it isnt finding a valid selector, given I'm using nth-child with the indices that puppeteer has already told me exist. ) With each iteration create a new CountryItem with the actual scraped strings and push it to the main object (the empty array we've defined at the beginning). Scraping multiple web pages simultaneously might be difficult, so we will also You have a small typo in the selector: tbody is not an immediate child of '#grid_2 but a descendant. You need not {} in arrow function if you just need to return an expression, I suspect that the problem origin is from the div:nth-child(6) in the css selector Solution 1: Use ul:nth-child (0n+2) li:nth-child (0n+1) => Does not work. This pseudo-class matches elements based on the indexes of the elements in the child list of their parents. I missed a point on nth-* things, nothing related to puppeteer. The foll Use the WaitForSelectorAsync method in PuppeteerSharp package in your next Puppeteer-sharp project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. highlight) selects the second matching element that has the . Selecting element from DOM with Puppeteer and Node. col1-layout > div > Now paste the code below into the index. let movimentosInfo = rowns. The CSS :nth-child(n) pseudo-class matches any element that is the nth child of its parent. wrapper > div. 0 Platform / OS version: MacOS Mojave URLs (if applicable): Node. $$ then iterate on the 3rd <ul>ElementHandle. click); Typing The selector '#leftNavContainer ul:nth-child(0n+1)' doesn't match because the div needs id=leftNavContainer. 2 Pupeteer - Error: Evaluation failed: ReferenceError: TABLE_ROW_SELECTOR is not defined. I tried several ways to add a condition but without success, like an if/else to check if element exists. For example, select a country code from a list like below: puppeteer; Puppeteer v0. So nth-child has only one element to count. In this example im trying to detect if the child node have been added or removed from parent node (target div node) and output something in the console after detection. I need to be able to click on the button under action in a row after selecting the row based on the name column on the left. waitForSelector('body > div. ; An account at Docker Hub for storing your Docker image. js and puppeteer, so the user enter the ticker of the stock, I concatenate to the google search URL and then I scrape the variation of that st Skip to main content. user-menu. [contains(text(), 'Hello')]"). But this code don't don't works page. js version: v8. Docker’s website provides installation instructions for other operating systems like macOS and Windows. You signed out in another tab or window. To follow this tutorial, you will need a machine with: Docker installed. ticker element but if I add a for-loop to retrieve the innerText of multiple div. In your second example, if you wanted to click the 2nd li in the 3rd Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. But then when I use the same selector with nth-child(1-6) it errors every time. click or page. Get the children of an element in puppeteer. Positional selectors work, but they can be brittle, if we have dynamic page content, selecting anything but the first result may present a There's no such function as text() function on HTMLElement - but you can use . btn-commande') is working fine. click(); await page You signed in with another tab or window. with page. It seems to me [2] could be used instead of :nth-of-type(2), while [position()=2] would be the equivalent of :nth-child(2) then? I guess we need a couple of examples to clear the fog. Put differently: out of all children with the class . href) ); // Visit each ICO one by one and collect the data. tagName}:nth-child(${oIndex + 1})`; you need to add 1 because nth-child starts at 1, where indexes in array starts at 0; BTW: you forgot to add a # before the id when building the selector. This might be because of a td tag with a colspan. evaluate(() => { const selector = '#content > #searchPanel > div form span > span The await operator is used to wait for a Promise, and it can only be used inside an async function. eval Here, we are using the selector 'body:nth-child(3)' to find the submit button, but this is tightly bound to exactly this version of the webpage. e. I have the code to scrape content and assign them to an object for each in the table. ) 2- Can I make puppeteer scroll the page a little before scraping so that the page loads more videos for me to scrape. I think this is what you are asking for, I made a couple changes: Inject the searchQuery directly into the url; Look for all <a> tags instead of specific selectors, then filter those tags and only return the valid ones. js version: v9. var selector = “#description > yt-formatted-string > span:nth-child(1)”; I have been looking on a lot of posts from here, but I could not find my answer. Got this answer from Dave Batiste(user of puppeteer. 1 Puppeteer is a remarkable Node. js library developed by the Google Chrome team that lets you wield control over a headless browser, a browser that operates without a graphical user interface. The last part needs me to choose a PDF file to upload. Scraping table with puppeteer returns wrong results. For that I've used this reply from another user: The structure is the same and changes in the div:nth-child(${i}). Examples. (as CSS's nth-child() pseudo-class uses numbers starting from 1, and not from 0 like regular JS arrays) so you can use the following CSS selector to Use the waitForSelector method in your next Puppeteer project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. I'd try using . I noticed a tricky behavior using puppeteer This code page. Hot Network Questions A little emoji puzzle I'm working with puppeteer. nth(3) will select the fourth item in the results. square-button:nth-child(1)') When puppeteer run this code, it will raise error: Brief Failed to execute 'querySele Hello. The content is not differentiated with classes/ids/etc. ticker elements, then the code within for-loop fails to execute and return `${o. ; Any help in getting the default document. I am doing a web scrape on the google page, using node. 0 I am trying to produce a good quality query string, which I get it from X, Y coordinates. 5. Follow our tutorial on how to install and use Docker for instructions. However, using querySelectorAll is better than iterating through each element as per the suggested solution. all times out after trying to click td with class clickable-row. It’s the conditions that are additive, Secondly, waitForTimeout is almost always a poor approach, as Puppeteer's readme warns. For example, select a country code from a list like below: Definition and Usage. I am currently using Puppeteer and Jest to test a react app. I am using Node and Puppeteer to scrape some information from webpage I am having issues with selecting the right elements. I'm having trouble finding a way to iterate subnodes of a given node in puppeteer. and is presented in a different order between pages. 6. waitForSelector('. from( document. However when I tried running it in headless mode, Puppeteer throws the following error: I have a script that is almost completed except the last part. 1. nth-child(1) > button') await I wanna detect DOM changes on some loaded page (eg. Error: waiting for selector "table # situations> tbody> tr: nth-last-child (2)> td: nth-child (3)> h3> a> b" failed Actually you were confused with the page. querySelectorAll( Hello everybody! I’m making a program for web scrap a page with Puppeteer and then send me the screenshot of this page in telegram, with the Telegraf module (telegram bot). However, I faced a very weird issue. col:nth-child(1) Puppeteer select link in nth child of table cell. Code within page. 13. innerHTML ); console. icon-menu . js library for headless Chrome/Chromium browser control, is a powerful tool. I can identify and click the selector #sicherheitButtonId, which corresponds to the button shown on the image. col1-layout > div > div. 8. nth-child(1) > button The issue was that Puppeteer wasn't loading the whole page and needed to scroll to the bottom of the page to load the lazy-loading data. evaluate method is the puppeteer function to run script INSIDE the Chromium puppeteer's browser, not in puppeteer itself. Get cells of rows. evaluate() is not working. gtpe-header__utility-bar. querySelector in Chrome console, I obtain something, however when I use the same query with puppeeter. You just have to give it the value to select. innerText should show the link what you expected to click on, otherwise you need to change on the access, or you need to Steps to reproduce Tell us about your environment: Puppeteer version: 1. ” But that’s just wrong thinking. Use the code page. col-main > div:nth-child(6) > button. This makes Puppeteer an ideal tool for web scraping, automated testing, and even generating screenshots or PDFs of web pages. Puppeteer second Promise. When running it in non-headless mode, everything works and all DOM element can be found. btn-continue. I have a table as in the screenshot. const btn = await page. Reload to refresh your session. Puppeteer is a remarkable Node. So my goal here is to count the number of children of a div class that has inside it multiple div's; I do that by selecting the div then using the children attribute, and then I count the children with their length property and print it. filter(row => { return when I use the document. var elemId = "myelemid"; const await page. If not, then execute I've updated the selector, you might give it a try now! const result = await page. highlight class. Sorry and Thanks everyone. content>. com), Thanks to @Vaviloff point that: I should post this answer. div:nth-child(n + 2):nth-child(-n + 6) { background: green; } That’ll do: The part that twisted my brain was thinking about “additive” pseudo-selectors. grid-item-container In this article, I'm going to show you how to make an extremely simple API using Express & Puppeteer that gives a user the ability to fetch a JSON object that includes every Digimon's name from this website. click('body > div. I bet you have already installed puppeteer-extra and puppeteer-extra-stealth-plugin. Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of waitForSelector method from our library. 0 puppeteer get number of rows. dropdown__field'); await page. This describes the exact situation. highlight:nth-child(2) which selects the element that has the class . map(link => link. 12. grid-item > . I use a script for recursively scraping data with Puppeteer. 11. The web page specifically has div elements of nth-child that I am trying to iterate through. Example code: Puppeteer version: "^1. const text = await page. in some cases selectors may be appear after the click promises performed so its better to wait for the page. container > div > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) a', links => links. – bitoolean. js version: 8. 1- I guess puppeteer uses a chromium browser each time I run the script. Both were different contexts and have it's own environment, and you can't share variables or constants. It can also be configured to use full (non-headless) Chrome or Even limiting ourselves to using Chromium's accessibility tree, there are quite a few ways that we could implement ARIA querying in Puppeteer. I think you just need additional parsing and probably just need to add some logic to your existing function. Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of waitForNetworkIdle method from our library. ; A Kubernetes 1. waitForNavigation this is helpful if you need to allow cookies; The script will continue scrolling until the bottom of the page is reached. 1 Puppeteer: select by class, but only first element In this case, I have to use :nth-of-type(an+b) and not :nth-child(an+b) which works only with same type. textContent better to fetch element's text. In the demo below you can see this div:nth-child(n + 2):nth-child(-n + 6) { background: green; } That’ll do: The part that twisted my brain was thinking about “additive” pseudo-selectors. Without a for-loop I can successfully retrieve the innerText of a div. social-logo is always the first, last and only child of a. 0 Table row count in protractor returns one always-1 JS Puppeteer - How to scrape a table. querySelector to work would be much appreciated, since Puppeteer version: 5. log(firstBook); When you I am working on scraping a bunch of pages with Puppeteer. You can't do td:nth-child(109) and expect elements in different table rows to be picked. , elements having the same parent). Selecting a div within a class with Puppeeter. querySelector('td'). abc + li > a') can click the specified <a> that I want to, and Dave Batiste(user of puppeteer. 2. Learn how to set up and run automated tests with code examples of WaitForSelectorAsync method from our library. for (let icoUrl of I am trying to use the methods available within Codeceptjs to simply iterate rows of a table and select a row based on text existing in a particular cell of the current row being iterated. And if I change the number of the child the other currencies return wrong values. Tip: Look at the :nth-of-type() pseudo-class to select the element that is the nth child, Maybe the :nth-child() selector? I don't know what's your case, so I can't really suggest a more specific approach. Puppeteer select element id where beginning and end are dynamically generated. My code: const listing = await page. page > div. nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > span. Now let's see if the Puppeteer-Extra's Stealth Plugin provides any solution to that. "XPath and CSS selectors can be tied to the DOM structure or implementation You signed in with another tab or window. slack. dropdown__list > div:nth-child(8)'); UPDATE: It looks like the problem in the viewport because it works correctly and selects the '. ” But that’s just wrong The . 0 I'm trying to scrap some data for this Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company tr:nth-child(${ **number of row** }) and . Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Puppeteer select link in nth child of table cell. I have tried: inputUploadHandle = await page. click() , either via page. main-container. This in contrast to . innerText, Unknown: e. $('input[type=file]'); await I've decided to use querySelector(':nth-child(2)') because if I try to use: Know: e. For example to click the above element, assuming it is a link, the following code can be used. This is my code: let chosenElement = await page. highlight, select the second one. Here's how to use it with Xpath and residential proxies! You could use the :nth-child() or nth-of-type CSS pseudo-class along with the > I am having an issue debugging why a query selector is not being clicked - I can search for it in chrome and also if use the document. – MichaelBae. It works correctly but sometimes an element is missing in the page structure and at this point the script crashes. innerText or $('body > span > span:nth-child(1) > span > span > a'). evaluate(() => element. (117 page, 118 ". ; use page. $('body > span > span:nth-child(1) > span > span > a') And you can evaluate its content like this with page. Try to ask a question for your own case and see if anybody has a better solution :) Playwright (similar to Puppeteer) cautions against it, as do I. item-table > . The browser (element) => { const url = element; // > a const title = element; // > a > article > div > h3 const address = element; // > a > article > p const price = element; // > a > article > div > span:nth Web scraping is an automated task, and Puppeteer, a popular Node. 0 Platform / OS version: Windows 10 URLs (if applicable): Node. Stick to an event-driven strategy using waitForSelector and waitForFunction as much as possible to avoid race conditions and slow scripts. ( "#default > div > div > div > div > section > div:nth-child(2) > ol > li:nth-child(1) > article", (e) => e. Hello i faced the same problem and also find the solution. Commented Mar 18, Select second element with same class name in testing automation using puppeteer. TgMHGc > span:nth-child(2) – Daniel Camargo. If an element is later added above the button, this selector no longer works! This is not news to test writers: Puppeteer users already attempt to pick selectors that are robust to such changes. nth() function is zero-indexed, so . n can be a number/index, a keyword (odd or even), or a formula (like an + b). I get "undefined" or "Promise { }". phone" 119) 120 const nameSasha = await getElementText(121 I can click the selector but my question is how to select one of the options from the dropdown list? await page. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company A. 2" Node. evalua Examples. waitForSelector (". My problem is next: I have a button that popup a generated modal (we use some npm package). button2. #social-links a:nth-child(1) div I'm new for Puppeteer and I'm trying to get textContent from two divs that using same class. waitForNavigation() after clicking the link to filter by region:. The Puppeteer function page. Return a list of divs with the same selector using puppeteer. com) give more info as below:. Commented Aug 11, 2019 at 11:04. I was thinking that selecting “2 and up” would do just that, and “5 and under” would do just that, and those things combined meant “all elements. $('#frm_busca_uf a'); await btn. As a result, you must wrap your code in an async function for the code to work properly. js version: 11. icon-menu__item:nth Use the waitForNetworkIdle method in your next Puppeteer project with LambdaTest Automation Testing Advisor. click('div. 674 /* submit form */ 675 casper. new article added on local news page) and do something after detection (send email). Steps to reproduce Tell us about your environment: Hi all, I want to extract table information (such as number of replies) from this forum (for example, the number of 3rd posts in the forum on the Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company If you're looking to start web scraping, Puppeteer Sharp is a formidable tool. querySelector() in the dev tools it finds the query, which makes me believe that it is right, however it is not pressing it and just times out I'm struggling to find the selectors inside my bank account page. WaitForSelectorAsync (78 ". you don't need to lowercase the tagname in your selector Depends on what the type of you tbody is in the map callback. innerText I receive only the currency names. evaluate really means. evaluate() returns a promise, so you must wait for the promise to resolve or reject before continuing the next iteration of your loop. However, there are multiple anchor elements, all of which are siblings (children of #social-links), so nth-child can target each one. The nth-child selector counts siblings (i. 1 I'm trying to validate whether or not there is a selector through the loading time of a web using the function "page. querySelector('ul Steps to reproduce Tell us about your environment: Puppeteer version: 1. To achieve my goal i'm trying to implement this code in puppeteer: Jest is a testing framework maintained by Facebook that works great with Puppeteer, > div:nth-child(21)`; Using this lets us return the children’s length. Change your lines including your map function beginning from let movimentosInfo = to this:. 0 Platform / OS version: Windows 10 Pro Node. evaluate(() => { Array. If I log variantListLength it's giving me 6 selectors, which is exactly what I expect. 4 What steps will reproduce the problem? I Secondly, waitForTimeout is almost always a poor approach, as Puppeteer's readme warns. js file to set up the Puppeteer and take a screenshot of the website's first page. For example, :nth-child(2 of . I am scraping table rows of site page using Puppeteer. nl' option without any scrolling with the following script: So you basically want to select the second element child of div[class='myclass']:nth-of-type(2)? – Carl Edwards. . 17+ cluster with your I am currently using Puppeteer to scrape a web page. td:nth-child(${ **1 = Rank; 2 = Name; 3 = Country name; 4 = Population etc. (' #digiList tbody tr td:nth-child(2) a ', function I have a code as following: page. In the demo below you can see this I want scrape data from one website from listing. highlight and also is the second child. I do not know the html structure beforehand, just the id of the parent element. I want to select only the 'Hello' text which is always in the first child. wlunxteurwoomfqphfjkrouiamebhsycaedflqldctdkbxyr