Avengers fanfiction peter spider instincts tony

Now," Peter demanded. Everyone was fighting someone. Some slight spoilers for Endgame, Into the Spider-verse and Infinity War also working knowledge Movies Avengers. You know you have to do it. He shrugged. " Tony groaned back less in anger and more in panicked concern. , Hulk/Bruce B. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 6 - Words: 7,931 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 172 - Follows: 76 - Updated: 4/15/2018 I'm Your Son By: DragonSoulWorld. When Peter cancels on Tony one too many times the man starts to worry and realise there is much to Peter Parker he never knew. Peter was burning up, his temperature far higher than any normal person could survive and so, May does the only thing she can. "Peter, this is Bruce. , Iron Man/Tony S. Peter stands hunched in the doorway. " Bruce looked between the two. However, when they are ambushed by a group of information-hungry journalists, bitter childhood memories are forced to the surface and the father will do anything to protect his child from Spiderman was the Avengers' current mission. Jameson: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Just The Facts with your host J. There had to be another way. , said, "Mr. Peter is Penny because Peter is a girl. This story is based off of Spider-Man: Homecoming but will include lots of moments with the Avengers. Serious Injuries. So it's basically the original Avengers from first film still working together, and Tony recruiting Peter simply because he was impressed with his skills. She died giving birth to him. The Avengers. "No can do. The first was when it took control of Iron Man's suits to defeat the Avengers, and the other time when it made an alliance with Kang the Conqueror. Midnight Mission By: stressedirondad. " It's okay, Mr Stark. Starks face that had solidified my fate. "Nah, I'm going to stay young forever. It was way past midnight and the kid was supposed to have returned over an hour ago. Sep 28, 2017 · Movies Avengers. Some surprises she didn't mind, most she hated, but none of them broke her heart the way Peter Parker did. Tony gazed down at his mentee. Prank War By: Karmitara. Peter believes he doesn't need the help of his family, he Avengers Family. "You too. Deaged Peter Parker. You see, I lied to you father. “Hi Mr. To: Peter Parker. There's no music blasting, no tools hammering, no sparks flying, and certainly no talking. " Peter finished, he had to make sure Tony made the right choice. Tony could feel himself growing annoyed. Hold On, To Me As We Go By: G. Jonah Jameson. As soon as Tony pressed the 'send' button, he got another text. Seeking the aid of Doctor Strange, he chooses to be sent to a universe devoid of Spider-Man, even at the cost of losing his own memories of his heroic alter ego. " Movies Avengers. Tony felt like throwing up. Marvel, and Tigra, who were all heavily bruised with torn clothing, from their fight with the Sinister Six. "Shut up, kid," Tony snapped. Peter's first Halloween with the Avengers and he does go as his hero, just no one expected it Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Black Widow/Natasha R. He allowed the small spider to crawl onto his hand, watching with interest as it played with the hairs on the teenager's hand. It was my secret and now it's yours. The doctors at Avengers HQ had determined that the sonic wave that had hit Peter had overwhelmed his senses, causing his brain to overload and shut down, rendering him unconscious. Title: Everyday Superhero. Why not drop the hero act for a couple of years, live a normal life for a bit. Peter sits with a lump in his throat, still wearing a baseball cap the wrong way around just because it made Tony giggle like a little kid when he put it on like that, and wonders how he got here. And Peter, well, Peter doesn't want to go. A. The Ferry Incident By: TheWebbedKeyboard. After the Doctor Conners attack, Peter or Spiderman was accused of Captain George Stacy's murder. But he kept the spider aesthetic. Parker should be here within ten minutes if he continues moving at his current speed. The man in Peter's grip went slack and Peter dropped him, watching as he fell to the floor, then turned to Mr. Cafe AU. Tony had hit him. He's ready for testing. Tony scooted closer to Peter and threw his arm around the kids shoulder. That he'll swoop in and play dad instantly. Peter's best super power had always been his heart, and now there was something wrong with it. When a man with a grudge against Tony finds his way into a school-wide Decathlon practice, he gets more than he bargained for and Peter and Tony reveal more than they wanted. The gauntlet, all the stones, everything. In which Peter gives Tony and the gang a rather festive health scare on Christmas Eve. Rhodey stops by the compound to visit Tony, only to have the shock of his life when he see's a boy sitting next to his best friend. " Tony patted the kids shoulder, and addressed Bruce's look of confusion. He wanted to be like this spider, Peter mused, the thought startling for him as the spider left him. Rated T for slight language. The One where half the team learns to NOT underestimate Peter By: Blaney. She died in a car accident when he was twelve. Peter Parker is the best right side hitter Tony has seen in years. Pepperony, IronStrange, and Stony for Tony. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama/Family - Iron Man/Tony S Jun 16, 2018 · The mind melt By: wolfypuppypiles. Peter forced a small grin as he shook his head. Peter has had a hard enough time as it is being Spider-Man- the last thing he needed was a freaking ferry boat splitting in half because of his mistake. Peter never had a mother. I can make it through one day. "I was told to tell you to eat it all, and get some rest," the young man said when he delivered the tray and pulled the table over Peter's legs so he could reach it with minimal exertion. Peter had saved Rhodey's life. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,025 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 207 - Follows: 66 Movies Avengers. It's different this time. The power, so much power! He looked at Tony. Word vomit. (AKA: Story about Peter going through mental trauma because he is 15 and doing hero work. The same eyes, the same curls. Chapter 1 "Peter!" Tony stopped tickling Peter to hand the phone over. , Hawkeye/Clint B. Stark,” Peter greeted weakly. " "Mr Stark, choose Morgan. "Look kid, we appreciate the help. Tony Stark Has A Heart. You looked similar but You look to much like your birth father. Not again. Well everyone our moment of peace has finally ended as that wall-crawling menace Spider-Man has finally appeared. Irondad. Rated for what some may find graphic and cursing. Tony didn't have any grey hair before he met Peter. Apr 13, 2023 · Peter Parker Acts Like a Spider. It was unheard of. Heck, he's wearing Spider-Man pajamas and that seals the deal. Apr 13, 2018 · Sickdays prompt for Not the Norm. " Peter blushed pink and whined, "Tony!" He snatched the phone away and finally decided to pull away, walking away to answer back. R. So in order to find out who this Spider-Man is he sends in his most valuable assets. He's healthy, and in good condition, stats already recorded. Williams. If he was feeling sentimental he may have said it were worth it, but in the moment, all it was, as stressful. But he kept his nerves intact and gave a confident knock to the door, praying that Peter answered the door. Stark!" Tony sucked in a breath, "Dang it kid! Don't scare me like that!" Peter jumped off, did a flip, and landed on his feet, "Sorry Mr. He caught sight of a tall blonde man, that looked like he was dealing with some issues. Cry Your Heart Out By: KevyGrayce. Peter Parker enjoys singing when he gets ready in the morning, when he thinks he's alone, but what happens in front of a crowd? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. Pairings could include. Morgan was sitting by the front door on the ground, her backpack on and her stockinged feet splayed out in front of her. D. "Shut up Flash!" Michelle walked over and tugged on Peter's arm, while still giving him a look that could burn. "Da-aad!" The little boy pushed against Tony's shoulder, a little disappointed with the lousy secret. Tony bent down and put on the other one, before tying them both one-handed like the genius he was. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,075 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 35 Climbing out of the ring he cautiously made his way over, sticking to the shadows to hide his face. His sobs quieted down while the tears still flowed. Explores Peter's descent into the foster care system and Tony's path to eventually discovering where Spiderman went. "Hope you don't mind the change in plans, Happy has the day off and Tony got dragged into a Movies Avengers. Peter. Or. Everyone likes to imagine Tony will be there when Peter is alone. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 3,707 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 343 - Follows: 111 Peter was on his knees within a second and hurling into the toilet bowl. (taken from the story Spider and Snake) Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Friendship - Captain America/Steve R. Tony whispered, fighting the urge to shake the kid…or hug him. Peter and Tony are struggling with Peter being a secret and soon find events force them to face their feelings and finally reveal Peter's identity to the world as a Stark. She is your daughter. The workshop is dead silent. The teenager is a treasure for the high school volleyball team, and they might just have a shot at competing against other high schools. "Really, Ned, I'm fine. The device turned to ash in his hands and he stumbled back a step until he hit a wall. "New subject, number fourteen, randomly selected today. Peter's Halloween Costume By: anxious. " Clint laughs even harder. SI, where Peter Parker's body is taken over and the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, it needs a Spider-man. Undoubtably the Avengers laughed, at the expense of the dumbfounded employee. Tony The tray held soup, bread, a glass of milk and a jello cup. Doc Ock hit a button on his computer and Spiderman felt the whole world whirl around him. I am in the middle of an Avengers meeting. Also on AO3. " As it turns out, making it through just one day proved to be more difficult than expected. Tony raced towards his kid and put his hand to his forehead, checking for a fever. "Okay, it's alright kiddo, just let it out," Tony kept whispering comforting words into the boy's ear as the puke didn't seem to want to stop. " Peter is kidnapped and given a strange virus, leaving Tony, Steve and Bruce to find a cure before time The two beast men started slashing at growling and acting like savages before Logan stabbed Victor in the chest with his claws. He decides to pick up. He didn't get nervous. Tony Stark Shows Concern By: Allen Pierce. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 16,855 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 102 Jun 3, 2019 · Tony's head whips round so fast, he's sure he's got whiplash. Spider-Man, is Peter Parker. After living with the Avengers and befriending Peter, Loki is introduced to April Fools and the whole team is in for a ride. - Words: 8,408 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 473 - Follows Chapter 12: Payback. Peter looked confused for only a second and then he started to laugh. Once the world had stopped spinning he opened his eyes again. Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child. Just as Tony was about to head to bed, his phone began buzzing. Flash snorted, "Sure because you've had dinner with Tony Stark". By day, Peter Parker lives his life being known as the successful son to two superhero's. " Tony said, standing up. Finally, Thanos himself turned to dust with a final gasp of air. Tony raised him and cared for him. " Peter snarled, his temper flaring. Peter is with him this time. Pure, indulgent fluffiness between Irondad and his adorable Spiderson. Would you like to send him a message?" Clint considered. OR A dead May story from Pepper's point of view. " "Peter, I know you are drunk but I won't have you hating yourself. I'll Always Answer When You Call By: YourGuardianAngel08. Captain America glanced at Spider-Man's small form and sighed. Stark!" Movies Avengers. It started to bleed freely again, not as badly as it was before, but enough to make Tony swear at seeing it. The Avengers and Wakandans watched in wonder as the fighting began to cease. Fury has been keeping an eye on the Spider-Man for awhile now but it seems every time he gets even remotely close, Spider-Man slips away. At MJ's nod, he smirked. Tony, Steve, Sam, and Clint love to tease Peter about being cute and cuddly. That man stood in front of him bravely and without doubt, something that Strange never knew was possible. I'm not coming to get you. His classmates were staring at him in shock. Sadly because of his popularity, he has to hide away from the paparazzi and fans, finding himself secluded cafes where he could feel like a casual citizen in. So, now Peter was running for his life because none of them "Tony. She had one light-up pink sneaker on. Jul 2, 2019 · I Am Spider-Man By: lisa-yo. " Ned opened his mouth to protest, but Peter sighed and held up a hand. Strange didn't want to lose this man, this hero, especially not to this. Peter is kidnapped and tortured in front of Tony, in order to teach Tony a lesson. Sensory Overload By: rosesandribbons. Peter Parker Looks Like a Spider. It was a perfectly normal day until it wasn't. Confused at who could be calling at one thirty in the morning, but also growing steadily more concerned, he pulled the phone from his pocket and checked the caller ID. Now Peter is living with Tony and trying to not fall apart. The two boys were fast asleep on the couch, Tony slouched slightly, his head rested on his hand on the arm of the chair. 9 Days and Counting (IronDad&SpiderSon) By: irondork. The Iron Man suit disappeared around Tony Stark as he fell to his knees, unable to move. "Language," Peter mocked. I'm such an idiot. " . A boy that looks just like his friend did when he was younger. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Ned, Michelle Movies Avengers. Yes, demanded. Movies Avengers. Peter leaned in to his touch. the spider-man can By: Random Ruth. First his suit malfunctioned. " It was MJ's turn to blink, though she followed it up with a glance in Peter and Ned's direction. James "Bucky" Barnes & Original Female Character (s) James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers. Aunt May doesn't take finding out that her nephew is Spiderman very well. "Don't scare me like that. Y. A Spider's Gauntlet By: Psych0tic. Peter Snaps By: Jst27. Spider Repellants: Peter Parker and Peppermint Don't Mix by @spider-man-stan. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. A/B/O AU. Tony's AI, F. That doesn't mean evil won't still try and ruin everything along the way. Tony can't find himself being mad at him anymore for being up, when the kid looks so adorable, hair sticking up, clutching at a blanket. "Thank you. /Spider-Man, Iron Man/Tony S. For a few weeks now Spider-Man as well as the Scarlet Witch and the female members of the X-Men have been gone for some time. It had been the look on Mr. Natasha and the spider-verse By: Blaney. Don't text me again if it's about skipping class. Peter was just about to subtlety backtrack when the punching bag was knocked to the ground due to a sharp right cross from the man. Set just after Spider Man Homecoming. But by night, Peter becomes Spider-man, an uprising hero in the world of villains. I. And now he couldn't get his window opened. Peter cries and eats the pizza. Rogers followed it, and spotted them. amputated By: hailingstars. " Peter's voice called out in the darkness. Peter gets shot and calls the wrong number. Chapter 3: Revelations. Tony Stark Shows Concern, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. The look of resignated horror for the decision he was about to make is what triggered my own snap decision. His heart had to be beating because Rhodey hadn't said anything. Oct 1, 2017 · Innocent By: wolfypuppypiles. Peter is upset but won't tell Tony why. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. He'd been excited to go on patrols, eager to brush away the stress of his classes. Sequel to I'm Your Dad. I've got a big science test fourth hour. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Friendship - Peter P. Tony paced the floor in the living room, anxiously waiting for his dumb Spiderling to return from patrol. Jul 29, 2017 · Waking up in a hero's body is one thing, being a hero is another. Stark who was hurrying toward him, a hand pressed to the side of Peter's head. SMHC. Tony and Peter sit at their respective workbenches in silence. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Iron Man/Tony S. I could never tell your dad. The last thing he remembered, was walking home from school. Peter had only been a part time Avenger back in the day, which meant he only met Ultron twice. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker, May P. His eyes closed on instinct as he fought the urge to vomit. Fearing the worst, he quickly answered the call. The rest of the Avengers join him, shaking Dec 31, 2023 · Peter looked Tony in the eye. Peter saves tony. Unable to breathe. He looked at the hallway, only to arch an eyebrow as he saw no one there. (Not related to Not the Norm, just a similar prompt!) Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Iron Man/Tony S. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Iron Man/Tony S. Popcorn completely littered the floor. " The he raised his arm, and snapped his fingers. "I am a mess. Parlor by Shini-666 reviews. OOO. Procrastinating having to get up and get dressed, Peter grabbed his phone off the bed side table, taking notice of the time and date. Tony gets mad. It didn’t feel like he had a fever and so he kissed his forehead and pulled back slightly to look at him. “The reaction seems to be in response to peppermint, boss. I ran a DNA test in secret at the lab and the tests proved my theory. IronDad & SpiderSon One Shots By: IronsSpidey. "Oh, my God," Clint stood up from his seat when they were closer and wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders when Tony moved away, "We're going to enroll you into the Olympics next year. When you were born I knew you weren't his son. " Tony shook his head, breaking down into a sob," Petey I just got you back I-I can't lose you again. He'd sworn to himself that he'd never lose another kid, but keeping that promise might just cost him everything. You never know, it might be important to the boy. But, during a practice match, Peter injures his knee. Peter and Tony meet for the first time when they get trapped in an elevator together. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 4 - Words: 4,438 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 99 - Follows: 143 The blaring alarm went off, waking Peter up. To Save a Spider By: IPrevail. Stark's hand came back bloody, and he began to speak so quickly that Peter couldn't read his lips. The Barely Functioning Stark Family By: MiniKoala. Peter was snuggled up by his side and holding an empty popcorn box. The young boy looked up at his mentor and offered him a tired smile. The Face In The Papers By: StarkandStars. She calls Tony. "Hey kid," he called, closing the book and tucking it away. " Peter sniffed again, trying to regain some composure. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. Tony Lives. Tony and Vision were just walking back inside of Avengers Tower with Hawkeye, She-Hulk, Ms. The brunette suddenly sighed depressingly, a pang of envy stealing his heart away. Including putting the school and all the students in it in danger of someone trying to get even with Spider-Man (or Tony and the Avengers) and maybe bombing the place or taking the kids hostage and possibly hurting them – including Flash, Natasha had added. Peter glared at him, Flash took a step closer "I know your lying Parker, just wait until everyone knows your secret". soul. It's okay. Apr 5, 2024 · The robot, with it's expressionless face, just stared at him in silence. That's what Peter called his own words when they just spilled right out of his mouth. In the months that Tony Stark spent getting to know the young man from Queens, he had learned more about Peter Parker than one would've thought possible to learn about another human being. Spider-Woman and Black Widow teamed up to kick back Taskmaster. "Yeah, kiddo. Bruce clicked on one of the last videos and chuckled at the sight. Now Tony must figure out how to be a father to a little girl while Penny deals with her own trauma. Tony thinks Peter is in trouble and his paternal instincts kick in. I made you come and get me. Badly. All Tony wanted to do was get a Happy Meal for his son, eat some chicken nuggets and go home. When they somehow fail, Fury outsources. "Say good-bye, Spider-Baby. But you're just a kid. Oct 9, 2019 · One very upset scientist had been desperate for the toilet and was very disturbed when they found Mjolnir sitting on top of the toilet lid in the stall. "Hi, it's really nice to meet you. Peter's school goes not only on a field trip but also on a two-day camping trip to the Stark Tower and Avenger's Compound upstate, a year after the events of Endgame. (Boring stuff, Blah, Blah, Blah, Yada, Yada, Yada Tony flung the door open just as the brunette slammed his closet door shut. For Peter it could be MJ or even Shuri. Stars flew across Peter's vision, and the teenager blinked, suddenly finding himself on the ground. (Spider-Mania (geddit?) has gripped Midtown School. After finding out Peter was Spider-Man she became abusive saying being gay and so crazy mutant was too much. They'd said there would be no lasting effects once he recovered from the massive headache he'd awakened with, but Tony wasn't so sure. Friday supplied. " Peter sits down unceremoniously on the couch, holding his head between his hands and mutters resignedly, "Aunt May is so going to kill me. "As a supper hero, I'm gonna need a sidekick. Please comment and review:) A man who had been beaten down, lost, choked with grief and expectations, yet staying strong despite it all. 97. Tony has a heart. Peter's Secret By: HazelBook. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Iron Man/Tony S. …Or how the Avengers learned just how scary Peter can be. They saved him every time. Peter Parker. "Peter?" Jan 10, 2020 · Movies Avengers. / Tony was just working in the lab when his phone goes off with the distinct ring to his private line. Tony had brought a lot of surprises into Pepper's life and into their relationship. Sunday. Of course, they devolve into a full blown argument. The thought honestly hadn't even crossed my mind until then. Peter Parker Meets the Avengers. A holographic map sprung up in front of him, representing Clint's location with a small purple arrow and Peter's with his little spider logo. Tony Stark is shoving an NDA in his face, Peter is apparently Spider-Man, and all Harrington can think about is the girl who died on his watch ten years ago. Singing Spiders By: HalfIrishWriter99. " Peter immediately got interested again! They were both gonna surprise Pops! Aug 29, 2023 · Movies Avengers. "Mister Stark, I'm so sorry. L. Tony was glad he wasn't eating it. "You're such a mess," he chuckles in pity. Your Real father is Tony Stark. Wrong Number By: PinkAvidReader. When Penny Parker's mother dies, she is sent to live with the superhero father she's never met. Original Female Character & Everyone. Virus By: wolfypuppypiles. His ears still rang too loudly for him to hear, but Mr. Bio daughter. He hadn't known what happened until he looked to see Tony's arm sticking out towards him, and he paled as he realized. In an instant By: wolfypuppypiles. The rest of the Avengers just sigh, used to Tony's extravagance. He wasn't. Peter knew he was dangerously close to becoming hypothermic. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 3 - Words Tony takes the glass as the boy rests his head on his mentor's shoulder. Disclaimer: Spider-Man and X-Men characters seen, used, or mentioned are all owned by Marvel. It was amazing. Slamming the alarm off, Peter slowly got up. His heroic, naive, innocent and adorable little spider kid. Tony smiles softly and ruffles the boy's hair, easing out some tangles. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 459 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 95 - Follows: 36 - Published: May 1 Movies Avengers. Peter Parker Has Abandonment Issues. His fingers were too cold, they wouldn't work properly to get the window unlatched. Peter asks Natasha for a very complicated favor, that has to do with another Spider-kid. Matters of the heart By: wolfypuppypiles. AN: This is slightly AU from Marvel Timeline. He looked so small in this moment. Peter must have sent a text at the same time Tony sent his. The Avengers decide it is time to step in. Tony realising Peter is a dad By: SpideyParker0100. Choose Morgan and go. Peter could not believe his luck tonight. What if Tony Stark adopted Peter as a baby when he had no where else to take care of him and then in the process changes his life for the better. Dr. MCU AU for how Tony and the Avengers meet Spider-Man. He had it in his hands. His latest grey hair was due to a dinner they had. ) TW: Suicide Attempt, Self Harm, ANGST. Without realizing Peter rested his head on Tony's shoulder aching for comfort and completely exhausted. It felt like every day he knew the little troublemaker, the more grey hair he got. Arriving in the unfamiliar city of Gotham, Peter must navigate its dangerous streets while grappling with newfound abilities he struggles to understand. Food, shower, bed. It starts out as an absolute disaster as the boy just won’t shut up. Language: English. Control By: wolfypuppypiles. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Friendship - Captain America/Steve R. Peter had never known anything different, but he knew he wouldn't change it for the world. AKA 5 Times Peter Struggled with Spider Metabolism, Plus 1 Time Tony Helped. There was no Civil War between the Avengers, as I didn't like them all fighting each other. "Welcome to my Parlor said the spider to the flies. "Peter's talked about you. Whether it was because Peter just bossed Tony Stark around or because they had never heard Peter use that type of voice before he wasn't sure. Victor growled and roared before punching Logan in the face but Logan countered with a leg sweep. ”. A slightly longer Tony takes Peter in story. Tony Stark was actually nervous walking to the apartment. Peter's day starts out rough, soon leading him to sensory overload. Tony looks embarrassed for a moment before finally answering, "Netflix. His kid, who taught him to live above his demons, is in the hell that Tony swore to keep him safe from. Tony quickly knelt down next to him to push his curls out of his eyes and start rubbing his back. She and several of the Avengers get introduced to the Spider-verse and meet a few of Peter's 'family'. But his friend had stopped, shaking hands hovering over the boy's chest. And now…now the boy wasn't moving. But, who knows, maybe Tony may eventually warm up to him. BAMF Peter Parker. FebuWhump Day Fourteen: Sensory Overload. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 2,199 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 92 - Follows: 29 - Published: Feb 15, 2021 - Status Peter turned around and followed, curious. Genius, Tony's Kid (although neither will admit to it), Spiderman, oh and did he mention he also has a one year old daughter only known by few. But he never made it home. Tony nodded, letting Peter go, and gesturing to his friend. The Adopted Little Spider By: Supernerd17. Chapter 13: Superhero. And even better, Tony thinks Peter could go pro. Tony and Natasha had pointed out several during their discussion with the boy. Avengers Team & Original Female Character (s) Peter Parker/Original Female Character (s) Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor. Then everything became nothing, and Spiderman knew no more. Peter Stark lives in the Avengers Tower after being adopted by Tony Stark. Bruce this is Peter, otherwise known as Spider-man. Mostly Tony and Peter, father-son fluff! Peter, Tony, Pepper, May and Happy family fluff. "Jesus Peter. Now the doors to enter the compound wouldn't open. "Come on. , Loki, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 2,300 Tony Stark & Avengers Team. “Peppermint is known to repel spiders, and can be lethal in large quantities. "Ugh!" Tony's whine was one for the record books, much to the shock of his classmates. Spiderman had saved his best friend. Harley had a mother. Peter flinched as another voice met his ears in the dark. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Captain Sep 26, 2020 · CHAPTER 1: An Unexpected Visitor. Tony clapped a hand against Peter's shoulder, starting to lead him back to the group. Typical invalid fare. Fury wanted him hunted down and brought to Shield Headquarters for questioning and who to bring him in none other than the Avengers themselves. Peter's Secret Chapter 4, a Spider-Man + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. " Peter smirked, winking at his mentor. Fully using Peter's genius, the new Spider-man finds a balance between being a hero and a teenager. Will include MCEU and more. Tony sat up as he heard plats of bare skin hitting metal. or Peter Snaps. Tony loves going to cafes and restaurants. Waking up for school was the worst part of the day, almost as bad as, well, being at school. Tony took him out of the situation and after a few months, Peter removed Parker from his name to get a new start. Tony snapped his fingers in front of his son's face; 'Earth to Peter Parker-Stark! Jul 24, 2017 · As Bruce left the room to go hunt down the needed supplies, Peter successfully managed to pull off his spider suit and webbing bandage in the process. Tony chuckled as he watched his kid. And each time his outside facade grew stronger, as he slowly sank into the dark place created in Afghanistan. Random adorable one shots about the best father/son duo Peter Parker and Tony Stark. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" The younger shouted quickly, stopping Steve from charging in after his lover, parental instincts kicking in. Him, nervous. Peter stuck his head out from the ceiling, "Hello Mr. Peter staggered backward and relaxed into a pile of rubble. vb fd cx ib fc dr jx dr bo id