Hd6xx vs k7xx gaming. Jan 26, 2018 · #1. Compare Side-by-Side SEE OUR REVIEW. Still the 599s are waaaaay better than the x2hrs I had for a few days, the imaging on those was awful. The 58X has better imaging but a small soundstage. K7XX driver is unique. K7XX manages to have more bass while using a fully sealed driver. I intend to use these headphones for mostly music (wide variety of genre including classical, hip-hop, electronic, r&b, pop). 0. The AKGs definitely have more sparkle/emphasis in that region, while the Sennheiser's midrange is infamously 'veiled' because of poor separation between the upper bass and midrange. They're more fun, but not the best for competitive gaming. One of the most competitive is the full-size, open-back From what I've read on here, and on reviews, the HD6XX's have the coloration that I prefer, but the AKG 612 Pro's have a flatter frequency response and superb soundstage/imaging. HD6XX: mid weight and fairly comfortable unless you have a large head K712 Pro: super light and super comfortable for most people and fits super large heads. 4. I think the k7xx with aftermarket pads (brainwavz XL hybrid) is my ultimate FPS gaming, and I prefer it to the 800's. Check Price. I do love my 300Rs but that is some pretty high praise so far. From a sound quality perspective, those 2 are great. Like I already said the soundstage of the HD6XX is more narrow than the HD58X. Its a patented design unique to AKG. The Jubilee have a more stable fit. I have used the DT990 for gaming, but the more prominent bass makes it harder to hear enemies if there's an explosion nearby. The Sennheiser HD 599 and the Sennheiser HD 6XX are fairly evenly-matched headphones, and you may prefer either. I play a lot of FPS games and the K7XX win by a big margin. HD6XX uses a small domed 38mm driver with a very tight, deep and expansive Corrugation pattern. Clarity, separation, and imaging are all competative and comfort is strong for long play sessions. HD6XX: Flat with a slight emphasis on mid-highs, and a slight emphasis on the entire low spectrum. The Sennheiser HD 6XX are better for neutral sound than the Sennheiser HD 660 S. Bifrost Uber w/Gen3 USB - Lyr w/JJ's - K702. me only using these in games for like a week or so. They do some things better than the K7XX and some things worse. #12. Oct 7, 2018 · The K7XX is much better for gaming than the HD 6XX. As someone who owns the K7XX, HE4XX, HD6XX, and more if you asked me for gaming/music I would point you towards the K712 Pro, ATH1000X, and or the HE4XX. Good luck! Topping DX7s - THX-789 - HD6XX (M)/HE-560. The k7xx are a bit mid bassy but have better extension and texture. There is more lower midrange in the 58x which may lead some to believe that the bass is of worse quality. And the 7XX is horrible for music. Good to hear that I made the right buy in going for the 599s for gaming and music :). They also sound great for open world games that have high level of surround audio detail, like in Red Dead Redemption. Both are fairly dynamic bit the HD6XX is more punchy, impactful. Sennheiser HD 660 S. Neither are great. i think that's the route i'll go, and later on i'll also pick up HE4XX which offer better frequency response across the board, and have really good build quality, but dont seem to be as good for gaming. Standard. • 6 yr. Notice: Two or more of the products selected have been tested with different test Budget allowing you may just get both headphones, they each have their strengths and you'll be able to better figure out what best suits your preference. Nov 5, 2018 · The K7XX has more soundstage; for multiplayer games they give you an edge in knowing your surroundings. However, the HD 660 S have a more stable fit and come with a longer audio cable. prymortal69. Disclaimer: The Massdrop HD6XX sent to us is a sample in exchange for our honest opinion. However, the 6XX have a more consistent audio delivery across different users. Sennheiser HD 560S. Posted by u/classifiedusers - 2 votes and 9 comments For HD6XX's brief review, he says: "The legendary neutral reference. The 6xx do mids and vocals much better but both sound pretty unnatural overall. The Sennheiser HD 600 and the Sennheiser HD 6XX are open-back headphones with similar overall performances, and they're both great for neutral sound. For my musical preferences, I would put the K7XX and HD6XX are in a different league from the 990s, but I could see how different tastes could lead to very different opinions on this. In this review, we take a look at the new Massdrop HD6XX which is a hugely popular twist on the Sennheiser HD650 variant headphone and a partnership between Drop and Sennheiser. Sennheiser HD 6XX. Find which sound system headphones are more suitable for gaming. For the most part, it was still very rare. Treble is refined and detailed just takes a gentle roll off. The 560S are more comfortable, have a neutral and accurate sound profile, and their passive soundstage performance is a bit better. The first K7XX drop also went fairly quickly, until they stopped international shipping half way through. Nov 5, 2018 · The K7XX has more soundstage; for multiplayer games they give you an edge in knowing your surroundings. The AKGs are more aggressive while the Sennheisers are smoother sounding. Jan 7, 2018 · Not saying they K7XX have bad imaging. That's my take on them when I used to have the HD650. Share. I'll try to break it down to categories: Tonal balance: HE-400i: Generally flat with emphasized highs, bordering on "sparkly". The 6XX are okay for gaming, but enemy positions are harder to predict when compared to the K7XX. The 58x has a bit more bass, as well as more sub bass. One thing I struggle with is determining front Vs back in games but this might be due to. The HD 6XX have a more neutral sound profile and a better passive soundstage performance. HD6XX is a bit more rolled off but gently so, it's not rolled off to shit. I disagree that base quality/quantity is better on the hd6xx, according to me the 712 have unusually good bass. There's not a lot I liked about the K7XX compared to the HD6XX. The Sennheiser HD 560S are slightly better headphones for neutral sound than the Sennheiser HD 6XX. Dec 13, 2019 · it seems to me like the HD58x and K7xx are similar, just the K7xx being $50 more, and $50 better at what it does. I think a good example of this would be the HD6XX, they have decent soundstage with crappy imaging, and it's why they're no good for gaming. Nov 26, 2020 · The 6xx are very warm but lack bass extension which ends up in poor detail retrieval in everywhere but the mids. February 22, 2017. AKG just sound good/fun with games but lacks accuracy in the imaging. Side note: the hd series is pretty bad for gaming in my humble opinion. There are people who suggest the 7Xx for gaming due to it's larger soundstage but I personally don't think soundstage is as important as imaging is. AKG seems to appeal to me more due to it not being as large a company as Sennheiser and the design of the headphones but I'm not quite sure which to choose. The HD58X soundstage is smaller than the K7XX which I also own. It sounded rather V-shaped, meaning exaggerated bass and treble (this does not mean good quality bass and treble) and a somewhat recessed midrange. More ppl would say that all headphones were for gaming or that they preferred I to have some issues with fatigue because of a slightly hot treble on the akgs, but you can eq with very good results if you want to. Nevertheless, price-wise, K7XX is superior and more versatile without a doubt. Like others have said, the massive advertisement and brand recognition helped the HD6XX to sell out so fast. And don't regret your purchase, the K7XX will still sound "hi-fi". Gaming Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion Sports K7xx is the best for casual and competative gaming. But, I personally dislike music on it. HD6XX: warmth and good bass K712 Pro: Detailed, good soundstage and imaging. "Veiled" with a warm tilt (in comparison to HD600), and pretty terrible at imaging. SMSL SU-8 - Crown XLS 2502 - Built 3 Way Speakers+15" Sub. As such, I was wondering if anyone has any insight for me on which to choose. I personally think that HD6xx is the better headphone for general use because of that lush, comforting sound with perfect mids, but if it is only about gaming, K7XX wins quite clearly - it has a large soundstage with good imaging, while HD6xx is just average on Treble on the K7XX is slightly more extended but it's mich rougher like I mentioned. Dec 5, 2017 · Dec 6, 2017. The 6xx is the way to go. . 650s have a more intimate soundstage, whereas the 7XX will sound much more airy and open. A sharp profile combined with the widest soundstage out of these options. " This made me think back on it and made me google for the topic. Moreover, for longer listening sessions, K7XX should be your ultimate headphone. HD 58X Jubilee. Sounds metallic, frail, and the soundstage makes it sound sucked out. However, the 6XX are better built. Hey guys, I am just wondering whether I should go for the Sennheiser HD6XX or AKG 7XX. Feb 21, 2019 · From my experience with how the Focals do cymbals, they're gonna be pretty good for competitive gaming, while stuff like HD800 and HD6xx would be better for games where the experience matters more. The HD6XX is good for when you're casually listening because the HD6XX is darker and warmer sounding than the K7XX. I found the bass to be boomy and unrefined, and while the treble had some air to it, I don't find the overall signature to be enjoyable for either gaming or music. The 599 are much more comfortable and have a better passive soundstage performance, but their sound may be a bit muddy to some. Haven't heard the K7xx but I do own both an HE-400i (same as HE4XX) and recently a Sennheiser HD6XX. The Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee and the Sennheiser HD 6XX are open-back headphones with a similar overall performance, so depending on your listening habits, you may prefer one over the other. Posted by u/kurohoshi_xcii - 1 vote and 4 comments Feb 18, 2013 · Mid-Fi Shootout: Sennheiser HD-6XX vs AKG K-7XX vs Beyerdynamic DT-990 (comparative review) The massive increase in the popularity over recent years of headphones has provided with us with a wealth of options at a range of price points. I typically listen to hip hop, rap and edm Jan 7, 2018 · From what I came across, I heard K7XX is superior for games since it has a wider soundstage, and HD6XX is better for music since it's more neutral (preference). The HD 6XX have a more consistent audio delivery across different listeners. HD6XX lacks noticably in the imaging & soundstage But is more accurate with its imaging than the K7XX. As far as I've seen, people say the hd6xx beats the k7xx with a stronger amp, but I don't have an incredible amp. I replaced my 990s with the K7XX, and then I replaced my K7XX with the HD6XX. Obviously for gaming…. The foam slug behind the driver covers a hole that acts as a bass port. These are the last three full-size headphones I've owned. I definitely prefer the smoother signature of the 650 though, despite the You want: Warmth, detailed, good bass, (a little punchy or boomy but not too much) good soundstage and imaging. Well overall i use the akg for competitive gaming and the hd6xx for music listening. I prefer even Sennhesier 598 musically over the k7 series. It is priced at $199. However, the HD 600 are more stable. Hd 6xx and k702 are wonderful complimentary headphones. ago. According to DMS the PC38X beat out the 300R in gaming performance in terms of sound stage and imaging. FPS competitive games. On the other hand, the 6XX have a more stable fit, a better build quality, and a more accurate mid-range response, but their treble response isn't as K7XX wins in regards of soundstage and imaging, HD6xx wins in the sense of tonality. Lots of companies working in simulating binaural audio use HD800s as reference. Better if you can demo a HD650/HD6XX from someone to be able to see for yourself if you'd like the sound signature. Feb 22, 2017 · Headphones. Click to know more! Oct 7, 2018 · The K7XX is much better for gaming than the HD 6XX. Dec 9, 2020 · The Sennheiser HD 600 and the Sennheiser HD 6XX are open-back headphones with similar overall performances, and they're both great for neutral sound. . I just got the K7XX and plugged it directly into my Nintendo Switch to play ZELDA and the sound blew away my Sennheiser HD598; I did notice the volume was lower on my 7XX vs the HD598. My uses are split between gaming and music listening. It is equally as clean and articulate as the 6xx. Maybe the HD560S will be a good fit. It’s not, it’s just a warmer headphone. Josh put them second to the HD 800S in terms of gaming performance as well. Jan 19, 2019 · In this article, we are comparing the specifications of AKG K7XX vs Sennheiser HD6XX Open Back Headphones for Studio quality monitors. Sep 18, 2020 · I think K712 is more suitable for studio mixing and also, the external build quality is a little better than K7XX. The port is covered by an easily removable sticker. The 58x suits hip hop, pop, and edm better then the 6xx in this regard. You would and me would have to have a headphone in common for me to be able to describe how the soundstage is for the HD58X beyond that as I have never heard the corsairs. vi xj mj ew eq zy uc dw tm tj