Bns buddy dps meter I installed using BNS Buddy there I put the adoons, the modes I put in the required folder marked adal patch. --- Merged ---Lost the DPS boost by changing values to 0. 5 addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill May 11, 2018 · addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. Menu Log in BNSNEO damage meter. not deleting what i wrote to be lesson to cricktes like me. gl/jFqosHGame Folder:+ BNS VietNam (Default Folder):C:\Program Files (x86)\GarenaBnSVN\gamedata\Apps\BnSVN\service+BNS Feb 18, 2018 · I saw a guy randomly linking old DPS meter (all 6 man damage) and i kinda got interested and went to settings and searched it upside-down to find it but nothing. so learn from mistake and checked the addon tab first. Download BNS Buddy here: https://goo. And much more! Dec 6, 2017 · Spin: Spins 8 meters forward, knocking you away with each hit. Unfortunatly i have no skill to do that, i can only ask you guys. There is no mod that can affect DPS now. T . Oct 1, 2020 · just a sec mine won't open anymore xDD Well today i saw bnsbuddy updated and new features added like disable animation for astromancer. It uses winpcap to sniff the network traffic for the damage packages. This is exactly what you should test. Skills General. Thanks. I hate this game. Posted by u/FM_2017 - 1 vote and 5 comments Dec 6, 2017 · Walks backward 8 meters, is immune to damage while walking, very fast and can register the tank being too far if they don’t react; Targeted uppercut, blockable, causes knockback and knockdown, cannot be CC’d; If the tank stands 9 meters or farther away, Angler Yeti jumps at them creating an unblockable area of effect slam on landing. Patch/Play 6. they work if i turn off SAM. I want to know what can be done Dec 6, 2017 · Depends what region you're playing on. 4. 5 addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill May 11, 2018 · BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. 94 GB RAM usable)Current resolution: 3440 x 1440, 100HzOperating s Mar 14, 2019 · Just sharing an addon that i made for myself to swap 2 and rmb on normal mode fire kfm in case anyone finds it useful. I can install others like sigbypasser without problem. Thank you! P. I actually saw that. Jul 30, 2023 · Please remind me how to enable the full version of the DPS meter in all dungeons on your own ?? I remember that this is done in xml64. Dec 6, 2017 · This boss requires a ranged tank, who should stand at the edge of the square on the inner side. Later friend of mine told me it's about a program called bns buddy and it has that addon. Am I doing something wrong? Please tell me what I am missing. Feb 8, 2022 · Update (04. (I suggest you should download the latest version, or from V4 for the best image quality) *** Note *** Party HP UI file is 00008503 Character UI file is 00009076 So if you don't like or Feb 14, 2024 · Hello everyone, I am playing the North American version. Sep 29, 2018 · READ THIS POST ONLY. And I did do a quick search for these values and they don't really get the traction they deserve. Can the DPS statistics function be turned on Nov 6, 2019 · BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. so "Ice sword of light unpress key status removal" only works in non simple mode. I don't know much about xml but if this would help, when I removed a mod (The Vortex animation removal) the addon started working again. 3. Sep 29, 2018 · Result : 1. Nov 6, 2018 · Hi Guest! To get rid of ads on the page, please consider donating through user upgrades or other methods. Enable Gear Score - Will show hidden Gear Score values. Aug 16, 2019 · Can confirm if you don't install the text changer mod works fine on EU. lisa1051love Cricket. Sep 29, 2018 · Tiny copy-paste mistake. It seems to be the version of the 1. Aug 17, 2018 · 2. And I Feb 21, 2021 · Back with another Party UI Mod if you'd like a version with Party UI & DPS Meter hit the like and let me know! :3 Updated: Cross Server Dungeon Text and other text that shows is very close to edge, but isn't too worrisome atm. Thread starter 121537420; Start date May 3, 2024; 121537420 Cricket. Menu Log in Register Exitlag Ad 10 minutes ago · Viewing thread New DPS Meter. [REQUIRES JP FONT UPKS] Insta All the Things - Faster Upgrades, Transmute, Open Boxes, and Salvage. Gotem the Fist: HP: 1,090,000 Enrage Mar 9, 2025 · BnS Buddy, the tool that makes your game experience a better one. dll you have is the one from 2020. 11 too. 5. Thank you so much! Well, use the BDAniCancel. This can be blocked as long as you’re facing Yunsang, but you can also sidestep it. Is there a way to turn off built in dps meter permanently and let the game not to calculate incoming damage to the boss? Aug 14, 2019 · I hope you guys enjoy this mod. But I always get it to say that. 0. Enable JP Font - This will enable the JP Font. 90% community use client modification like a dps meter in Dec 4, 2017 · The existing damage meter in Mushin’s Tower, raids, etc. It's not touching TERA in any way and provides a HTML interface for displaying the results. Then it all worked, but now it doesn't work and it is necessary to fix the game via the launcher. Mar 9, 2021 Jun 21, 2019 · Other than that, I feel that there's a higher delay between the skills on simple mode compared to macroing lmb/rmb on normal mode, so that's something to think as well if you want optimal counts/dps. but the dps meter and anything like that works fine. Also when i try to launch the game in the bnsbuddy launcher, it says config64. The stronger the numbers the stronger the stutters. Friday at 8:02 AM. Notes/Warnings 1. And this is a (crude) way to calculate how long your key is held down when you click Voices - https://drive. Aug 28, 2018 · yeah, I'm using 6man dps meter, instant box open/transmute. Member. 70GHzMemory: 32 GB RAM (31. nz/#!YJ112C7Z!Nn2kqLROAW_hE3eSmWUnDeZzFQiopTnUa_b Jan 19, 2019 · Here's the info as mentioned in the video. Custom Mods. Clicking was ignored even by a breeze on the keyboard. Menu Log in do you have only the dps meter? or how can i add only the dps meter T. Post automatically merged: Nov 28, 2019. bnsbuddy. Aug 8, 2019 · So my friend recommended me BnS Buddy, and explained to me how to put on some simple add-ons such as dps meter and fixing the loading screens along with korean font of the game (basically a better font than what Europe server has imho) and thing is Dec 27, 2020 · I am using bns buddy with the bnspatch in the add-on part. I will post again when I can using the Simplified Mode OFF version. The BM add-on is add F to rmb, or Destro mighty Cleave to rmb. 5 addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill May 11, 2018 · addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement; Replies: 69 Jan 11, 2020 · To be honest, I 100% don't feel bad about it, because the game UI and frames make it so if I don't use instant cast, this skill bugs about 30% of the time and doesn't go off, or auto level 1s. Here is the screen shot of it. With the add-on sometimes the animation cancel seems to delay or accelerate randomly. Its's the same on both of my PC's. I had been away for a while and when I got back I discovered they removed from the XML. Smoothness when it comes to delays of being in RMB+LMB macro to manually pressing F "Violent Blade" (BLOCK) , (1) Block to F (sword shroud) BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. I have consulted the GM and they cannot implement the DPS function. dat, but I already May 11, 2018 · Hello everyone, I am playing the North American version. May 3, 2020 · BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. com/drive/u/0/folders/0B7ez-0rwiXjNMGRQWFY0YnBISVUFont/Source - https://mega. Apr 28, 2020 · I hope you guys enjoy this mod. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. I wrote this and than i checked the addon tab on the buddy louncher. Thread starter Sushifu; Start date Nov 6, 2019; Sushifu Cricket. 08. May be, I have to delete all, repair the game and reinstall bnspatch and addons ? Hmm, maybe. 5 addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill May 11, 2018 · "this addon pack down with the new patch I hope there will be upgrade. Fixed an issue where the cooldown was not displaying properly on the F hotkey skill slot. I will try to see if it works with multi tool. Sep 17, 2018 · Roles: - Conductor x3 (10/2/6), 7/12 meter - Marker x1 (direct the boss, stay close, can’t be tank) - Everyone else dps from 3+ meter, stay away from conduction Dec 6, 2017 · At the same time the lava puddles are being shot, two Flame Wraiths will be approaching from the room’s entrance and exit, pause 16 meters from the tank, then attempt to self-destruct which strikes the entire room, detonating Ember for massive damage; as the tank is constantly standing in the lava puddles and having max Ember stacks the Jun 14, 2018 · https://mega. 01. Apr 5, 2018 · So after all this time I have had it I cannot show the DPS meter for all group through BnS Buddy. To counter that just install Holol's blue KR font or something for a similar effect on on color for the dps meter. bd simple mode (remove x), sf simple mode(add v)etc they all work fine. Mar 9, 2021 · DPS Meter - This will activate the DPS Meter when fighting most Bosses. May 2, 2018 · the only thing i added was the kr shadders, as the topic from Volmie said, it would help with the stutters, btw i'm repairing now and will try again without it, then try to add with it again, i must have added in a wrong way(i'm new to this ><). If you attack into this, you will be deflected and stunned. I could do it right from 17. Menu Log in Register Exitlag Ad firecracker is radiant volley in dps meter. win-rar. Either way, you can always do a few parses and compare the addons Dec 6, 2017 · Roar or ground slam - He will swap between these two attacks during his pattern, both are AoE attacks that cannot be blocked and will knock back and disable as well as do a large chunk of damage. Place the addon in your BnS Buddy addon folder. Dec 16, 2024 · This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Oct 10, 2017 · sorry for bad resolution :( i will fix it BNS Buddy link :https://www. 121537420; May 3, 2024; Replies 6 Views 2K May 3, 2020 · TBH I don't know how to call this UI, I just throw everything i like into this, hope you will like it too. nz/#!EDhHEb5S!4VuxGnFe0sXhXDIgqLWqWhTOYhYAo2fTmO9QCMgJJxo Sep 29, 2018 · My attacks are much faster and fluid than default settings, hence I net an increase in DPS. and the skill id isnt there on the character website either GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 TiCPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3. Should I install Windows 10? Oct 3, 2021 · Apparently i don't know why, but when i click " install " on bns patch_UE4_2021 nothing happen. Someone is currently selling a DPS statistics plug-in made by themselves. all of them working. dat is missing for all the add addons i need, but if i can't install bnspatch_UE4 how im supposed to do this. Some regions has the old dps meter which uses the old dps meter patch. Currently it only displays in 4 man dungeons, solo dungeons (Mushin's Tower), and 24 May 11, 2018 · addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 May 11, 2018 · addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 May 11, 2018 · addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 May 11, 2018 · BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. Damage numbers should look "fuller" than they did last time, instead of being cut off in some spots. In fact, it went lower than default settings. 1. first thing i noticed was the damage numbers were clearly trying to overlap each other. Endless. I disabled all anims and now i see no floating damage numbers and guess what my fps is stable now. May 29, 2019 · BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. Jun 21, 2019 · Yes ! Btw, some addons works (DPS Meter / Disable Clause / etc) and some addons doesn't works (Gear Score / JP Font / etc). I meant when it was possible to actually anicancel. May 11, 2018 · addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 Nov 23, 2020 · For some reason, the addon for dps meter is showing up even through i only activated the instant transmute, open box. 01 and was hell. So how would I get this to run properly? I am not offline, I am online. Feb 18, 2023 · Solved Weird system message when I try to use DPS meter I get this massage when I try to open the game, but only when I have selected the dps meter addon, I know it is a very old addon and that maybe why. Jun 2, 2019 · This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. You can simply hear it just from the audio. patch I posted up there. " Okay. sorry for the fuss. Messages 0 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Dec 7, 2017 · A personal damage meter is now enabled in Normal Mode Heroic Dungeons. 5 series. Line of fire: Shoots a line of fire at the tank and stacks Ember, can be sidestepped. May 11, 2018 · Hi, sorry for the stupid question, but I came back to the game after a long time and the modes don't work for me. 2. Anyone know why this happened? Mar 4, 2020 · As gunner i got many bonus stat while figthing and i would like to see them in real time (like the dps meter). Improve FPS. Ill double check tonight, the worse case I will manually edit the file and see if it works--- Merged ---ahh. (I suggest you should download the latest version, or from V4 for the best image quality) *** Note *** Party HP UI file is 00008503 Character UI file is 00009076 So if you don't like or The DPS Meter displays you and your party members' damage in real time. Which means you didn't move both Now that you've mentioned it, i do feel like getting hit more often. Probably not the best reference without a DPS meter on either video, but it definitely feels like a DPS loss. Dec 6, 2017 · This has a 3 meter area of effect on the marker that chains to other players. Aug 28, 2018 · Careful cuz theres 2 types of wardens skills, 1 normal and second that gives iframe during V. May 11, 2018 · addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 May 11, 2018 · addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 May 11, 2018 · addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 May 11, 2018 · addon addon pack auto bias close game faster disable afk check disable clause disable nagle dps meter gear score instant skill change instant slavage instant transmute jp font performance mode pvp adjustments pvp score show pvp names simple mode lv1 user agreement Replies: 69 May 11, 2018 · BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. Locked; Unsolveable Blade and Soul mods work for Blade and Soul NEO ? chugglesin; Feb 25, 2025 Sep 29, 2018 · Thanks. Mar 3, 2021 · I get this massage when I try to open the game, but only when I have selected the dps meter addon, I know it is a very old addon and that maybe why. WinRAR: https://www. Menu Log in Addon Request Guide Change DPS Meter Color. com/Thanks for watching and I hope Nov 28, 2019 · BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. I even move all the addons that I don't activate to a different folder so it doesn't show up on the BNS Patch list. google. will continue to show up normally as it has been. It is a DLL file. and not this new one. READING EVERYTHING ON EVERY PAGE WILL ONLY HURT YOURSELF. Menu Log in Register Exitlag Ad Today at 4:11 AM · Viewing thread New DPS Meter. 5. "i tested before and after-- before there was a huge space before the 2nd key=damage comes up. Apr 25, 2020 · The DPS meter works in 2 ways: For parties, it shows 3 + 1 (the +1 is if you aren't on the top 3 DPS) For alliances (raids, weeklies, msp), it shows 6 + 1 (the +1 is if you aren't on the top 3 DPS) There's no way to change it, as of today. S. May 3, 2024 · Online Users: 115 BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. Enjoy! *** Note *** Party HP UI file is 00008503 Character UI file is 00009076 So if you don't like or want to mix UI, you can delete the file that you don't like My other UI mod for you May 11, 2018 · DPS Meter - This will activate the DPS Meter when fighting most Bosses. Messages 0 Reaction score 0 Points 0 May 11, 2018 · [QUOTE = "GunerX, 게시물 : 4883, 회원 : 2"] 왜 업데이트 할 필요가없는 것을 업데이트하려고합니까? "새로운"dps 미터 애드온은 이미이 팩에 포함되어 있습니다. I'm not a fan of D3 but i like D3's UI, and i think it fit BNS so i made one. Select the DES DPS - All Specs in the addons section of BnS Buddy. com/sh/8veleejg5zovbsf/AAD0zRV9tWfruw2K_7uPRkr2a?dl=0 Jun 7, 2016 · This tool acts as a DPS meter for TERA. Great job though awesome looking UI. 2019) Fixed the mod for awakening patch. Oct 1, 2020 · I searched web and found out these stutters somehow caused by DPS calculation of the party. just class add-ons do not. Will also show other data that was previously hidden. One of the following: Uppercut: Charges toward you and sweeps his spear once which just does damage, then sweeps again which causes launch. Download DES DPS - All Specs patch file 3. Fixed any texture-clipping that existed in the older version. I figure maybe they synced it to GCD or Feb 10, 2025 · Is it possible to use bns buddy to translate a Chinese Neo Classic server? boyboy; May 22, 2024; BNSNEO damage meter. I had it set to 0. Sep 29, 2018 · Well of course I knew that. html?&L=0Forum: https://www. Aug 17, 2018 · Hi guys, first i wanna thank the creator of this addon again, already did it on discord but i feel like it's not even close to be enought. I want to know what can be done. dat I switched them to "y" if it was "n" and "2" if it was "0". (Optional) Download and apply the other optional addons if you desire them as well. The Marker must stand at least 2 meters in front of the boss; 2 must stand just behind them. I have tryed to go in on the NCsoft launcher and scan the files and repair, but that did not work. Two people, including the marker, must huddle up and share this, no fewer or the marker dies instantly. See if the winmm. Maybe cause of the problems they cause? Minor problems, definitely worth the DPS gain. My ping is quite unstable, bouncing between 100-200 over the course of a few seconds sometimes. and all of them were unchecked. I for sure do, its much easier to move while attacking pressing rmb instead of 2 and i dont like simple mode Download the addons (they are just a text file that tells BnS buddy where to go to change it) --> put it in BnS buddy add-on folder --> checkmark them --> select 32/64bit --> click the patch/play button on the first tab of BnS buddy --> EZ and mostly automated --> update game when there is a patch and redo this short process from checkmark them Dec 6, 2017 · If the tank stands 9 meters or further, she will Phantom Grip the tank and hit them repeatedly, dealing very high damage. Jul 7, 2021 · This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Nothing lives long enough for a good test, but so far it seems to be working fine. Don’t forget to register for the Blade & Soul: Dawn of the Lost Continent update by 11:59 am PST, December 1, and receive your FREE Lost Continent Explorer’s Pack! BnS Buddy News; Replies 0 Views 899. Jun 21, 2019 · I have that same issue with number 14 Addon wasn't working (I don't use number 19). dropbox. Sep 29, 2018 · The difference I guess is that without the add-on it seems the animation cancelling is a lot smoother. If i could see my AP, CC, DCC, and maybe elemental damage without stoping to fight and press "p", i would be soooo happy. Everyone else stand 3 meters behind the boss. 5 Sometime ncsoft drops cold story about transferring bns to ue4. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. DPS meter is still showing up. com/predownload. I updated the addon due the reaver bug during sb, followed the instructions to restore the old XML and all, basically i installed every auto attack but twin Steel strike but now the auto reaver is doing weird things, in a nutshell if i rmb once to actívate Sep 29, 2018 · Unfortunately I won't be able to do any testing for about an hour or so on my BD. my mistake. No changes will be made to the existing damage meter that shows up in Mushin’s Tower, raids, and Hard Mode Heroic Dungeons. Dec 6, 2017 · Spin: Spins 8 meters forward, knocking you away with each hit. If the tank stands 9 meters or farther away, Jarakhan throws two ice projectiles at them, both are blockable. . Enjoy! 7. Please go easy on me ;-; Took me some time to work out the correct dimensions and stuff and now have it where I like it. Nightmare Wave: After a minute and 15 seconds into the fight, a message warns “Scorpion Queen is preparing to cast Nightmare Wave” and she will dash to the center of the room and create a small damaging AoE impact there. Feb 14, 2018 · Hello, after recent patches my dps meter stopped working. For others, any changes to these values results in stuttering and skipping. I manually switch the values in xml64. BnS Buddy Current Version: 6. Apr 1, 2018 · is there an dps meter working atm i tried the one with addons didnt work and other that released in last december and didnt work too Feb 19, 2021 · Been working on this for a couple days now as this is my first attempt at a UI Mod. If the tank stands 10 meters or fewer from the boss, he will create an AoE around him for several seconds that deals massive damage to everyone within 10 meters. 16. I know you said Duplicate thread, but that thread does not give a solution or any responses to fix it at all. The following is just quality of life changes. ekawd qlhvzis tmpj mvmvp ffcp qaaz jyvlb tbegyg yugu suvwuox gpxn ccarjl qfts ryhhje cxqkj