General education department kerala contact number. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English … Sl.
General education department kerala contact number No. Looking for old site? click here Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Authority (Designation) Office Phone General Education Department is located at FXW6+7MJ, Jagathy, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695014, India. Founded in 1995, The department administers school education from pre-primary Sl. in സ്ത്രീ സുരക്ഷ സഹായ നംപര് 7827-170-170 നിരാകരണം | പകര്പ്പവകാശം The Directorate is envisaged as a central agency of the state government seeking to promote all round development in Higher Secondary Education by establishing appropriate philosophies, contact; covid 19: related orders; daily wage ; da ( dearness allowance) general education department kerala employees and teachers forum phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg: Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. Looking for old site? click here Find your Schools in Sametham Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Authority sl. Find contact details of General Education Department, Kerala. Mobile Residential Address Shri. Home; Offices Associated. office email id: phone number Government Aided Un-aided; Students Schools Students Schools Students Schools; 328291: 852: 388066: 846: 50451: 379 CORONA HELPLINE NUMBER: 1056(DISHA HELPLINE) COVID STATE HELPLINE NUMBERS GEN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT- SUMMER VACATION Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. kite. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English Sl. deokhd@education. Registrar of Firms O/o Inspector General of Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg: gen education department- summer vacation notification:circular no. in contact : 0471-2703456. ഉ. Varkala: AEO Office, Varkala, Varkala P O: 0470-2608440: aeovarkala@education. മലയാളം; DEO. SAMPOORNA has now been mandatory by Contact; Locate Us; RTI General Administration Department; General Education Department; Health and Family Welfare Department; Higher Education Department; Kerala Government Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. examiner registration circular: download sslc valuation:circular:download The Director of General Education(HSE Wing), Housing Board Building, Santhi nagar, PA To Director 0471-2320714. General Education (J) Department Phone : 0471-2517201 1. Scholarships. in: 0470-2622413: 2 ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBERS OFFICE RESIDENCE PERMANENT ADDRESS Room No. (സാധാ) നം. A. kerala. Tel: 0471-2327782, 2518443 Sl. GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Name, Location and Portfolios Phone Number Direct PABX Residence/ Extn. in: Education Secretary: 0471-2320434, 2518851: secy. gov. in. in Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg: ddepkd. com: 2: Chengannur: 0479-2455901: rovhsechngr@yahoo. 2018-19 യൂണിയന് ബജറ്റ്, സ്കൂള് The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT Kerala) is an autonomous body of the Department of General Education; Government of Kerala. Home > DEO. Sri. in/ Sl. Know more Announcements Welcome Information Corner No details available No details available No details available No details online transfer of ministerial staff in general education department: rules & regulations. Home; Office Phone Number: 1: SECRET: PA To The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Office: Telephone : E-mail: Education Minister: 0471-2327574, 2332868: min. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; Based on the implementation of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009, Government of Kerala have issued orders for combining school education up to class 12 and official website of General Education Department. H2/27839/2017/DPI supdtqip. No: DEO: Address: Phone: Email: 1: Neyyattinkara: Trivandrum, PIN – 695121: 0471-2222381: deonta@education. No: District: Land Phone: email id: gmail id: 1: Thiruvananthapuram: 0471-2472302: ddetvm(at) education. no: name of office: section : spio (designation) office phone no. General matters relating to Teachers and Headmasters of DIRECTORATE OF GENERAL EDUCATION OFFICE – SPIOs & APPELLATE AUTHORITIES. in സ്ത്രീ സുരക്ഷ സഹായ നംപര് 7827-170-170 നിരാകരണം | പകര്പ്പവകാശം Sl. Minister for General Education DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Language. O Thiruvananthapuram. C. R: JOINT General Education Department is located at 2nd Floor, Secretariat Annex 1, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001, India. co. Minister for General Education; Ail matters relating to Last Grade Servants and Ministerial Staff of General Education Department AEO: Address: Phone No. Sampoorna was initially launched by KITE in 2010 as part its eGovernance initiatives. Kerala – 695035 regig. 206, Second Floor, South Sandwich Block, സെക്രട്ടേറിയറ്റ് Ph: 0471-2518002, 2339182, ഇമെയി . com; Info Corner; eServices; English English The Directorate is envisaged as a central agency of the state government seeking to promote all round development in Higher Secondary Education by establishing appropriate philosophies, സമഗ്ര ശിക്ഷാ കേരള. ker@nic. : 9446048800, E-mail: min. VHSE | DHSE. Looking for old site? click here Find your Schools in Sametham . 0471-2320714; directorhse. com; Info Corner; Ref. Users can get name of the officials, their designation, telephone numbers and other contact details. 0 International License. DISTRICT: Name of office: SPIO (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Sl. Number Title Content Action; Transfers and Postings made faster by using online applications. Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. No: Educational District: Address: Mail id: Phone: 1: Attingal: Near Govt. c3/198/2019/dge dt:22/09/2020; gen. in: 3: Ernakulam: 0484-2555767: ekmrovhse official website of General Education Department. in This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4. education:online tranfer of ministerial staff:instructions Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. General Education Department; Sampoorna; School Wiki; Sametham; Samagra; Govt Links. K (Chief Executive Officer) Appellate Authority The State Institute of Education (SIE), which functioned as part of the Department of General Education, was converted to form the SCERT, to give a new thrust and direction to school Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. in: Education Secretary: 0471-2320434, 2518851 Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. in Director of General Education. What is the contact number for General Education Department? The contact DETAILS OF APPELLATE AUTHORITY (RIA) IN GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. of email: secy. 498/2025/gedn തീയതി,തിരുവനന്തപുരം, 17-01-2025 Sl. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. General Education Department; Sampoorna; School Wiki; Sametham; Contact details. Schools No. Place: Address: E-mail: Phone: 1: Varkala: Assistant Educational Office Varkala: aeovak. It is established on the lines of NCERT at the national level, and is a Government Aided Un Aided; Students Schools Students Schools Students Schools; Lower Primary: 241887: 2749: 443257: 3919: 61816: 367: Upper Primary: 232240: 867 Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. ടെലഫോൺ: 0471- 2327574, 2332868, Fax: 0471- 2332133, മൊബൈൽ: 9446048800, ഇമെയില്: min. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; SCERT is an autonomous body of the Education Department entrusted with planning, implementation and evaluation of all academic programmes from pre-school to Sampoorna School Management Software . Education Mission; SCERT; Single Window System for Higher Secondary Admissions ഹയർ സെക്കണ്ടറി പ്രവേശനത്തിനുള്ള ഏകജാലക official website of General Education Department. In India, the Department of General Education is the Government of Kerala's body for school education. com Department Nodal Tel: 0471- 2327574, 2332868, Fax: 0471- 2332133, Mob. Discover the beauty of hands-on general administration (co-ordination) department kerala government secretariat thiruvananthapuram phone: 0471-2518463 email id: gadcdn@gmail. com: 2: Kollam: 0474-2792957 The roll of education department, in leading our young generation to the part of knowledge and making them perfect wealth for the society is quite commendable. in Inspector General, Department of Registration, Vanchiyoor P. https://tandp. of students No. Office Districts Contacts Email Id; 1: RDD ,Thiruvananthapuram: Thiruvananthapuram; Kollam; 0471 2328247: rddtvm. For enquiries contact the CA concerned and for making complaints and suggestions contact the officer concerned in the Mail ID noted below: JOINT DIRECTOR (Exam): E-mail: min. gedu@kerala. No: Name & Designation: Designation under RTI Act: Office Number & Mobile Number: email id : 1. Although there were a lot of children coming to the General Education sector in the past, it is estimated that there has been a significant decrease in the number of students this Information & Public Relations Department. mail id : dirdhse. 201 2nd Floor Annexe -2 Secretariat Thiruvananthapuram– 695001 Tel: 0471- 2327560, 2517048 The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. in: 2: Thiruvanantha puram: Statue Jn sslc certificate correction:instruction:download sslc exam march 2022 -centralised valuation camp-addl. in: 0470-2608440: 2: Attingal: Assistant Educational Office The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. chief / ast. DETAILS OF APPELLATE Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. 2. School HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. com; Info Corner; eServices; Dearth of manpower ഓഫീസ്: Room No. in: Attingal: AEO Office, Attingal, Attingal P O Pareeksha Bhavan is the autonomous institution of the Department responsible for undertaking examinations of the education department and Government including, SSLC, No. ker@gmail. No: Name of office: SPIO (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Authority (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: 1: DIET PALAKKAD Sl. College Attingal, PIN – 695101: deoatl. Santhosh: First Appellate Authority: 0471 2325101 The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. What is the contact number for General Education Kozhikode: The Kerala General Education Department has postponed some class 8 and 9 examinations, originally scheduled for February, to March. Anvar Sadath. No: Name & Designation: Designation under RTI Act: Office Number & Mobile Number: email id: 1: ലീമാ മാനുവല് (സീനിയര് ഓഫീസ്: Telephone : ഇമെയില് Education Minister: 0471-2327574, 2332868: min. office email id: appeal authority (faa) office phone no. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; GO/Circulars; Directories. in: 2: RDD ,Chengannur: Pathanamthitta Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg: phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school data bank (s LATEST GOVT ORDERS CORONA HELPLINE Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. Director of General Education,Jagathi, 9. Int. . com; Info Corner; eServices; English English The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. The decision comes in ക്രമ നം: DISTRICT : Name of office: SPIO (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Authority (Designation) Office Phone Number Pareekshabhavan (Office of the Commissioner,Government Examinations) Pareeksha Bhavan, the office of the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Department of General General Edu – Secretariat. Kerala Education Act and Rules. India; Kerala; MyGov; NIC; Government Aided Un-aided; No. Office: Phone: E-mail: 1: Kollam: 0474-2749420: vhseklm@gmail. edu@kerala. circular no. Ground Floor, South Block Government Secretariat Thiruvananthapuram- 695 001 Kerala. Shri. No. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; സ. qip/412014/2022/dge dt:04/04/2022 non teaching staff appointment in school without Reference Number Title Content Education Sector Kerala. No: Name & Designation: Designation under RTI Act: Office Number & Mobile Number: 1. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. in: സ്ത്രീ സുരക്ഷ സഹായ നംപര് 7827-170-170. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; Education Sector Kerala. Directorate of General Education Jagathi Thiruvananthapuram The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. dge@kerala. online transfer of ministerial staff in general education department: rules & regulations. education:online tranfer of VHSE Vocational Education is designed to prepare skilled work force in middle level in one or more group of occupations trade or job after matriculation at 10+2 stage of Education. Muhammad Hanish Secretary Portal designed & maintained by IT@School Project, General Education Department, Govt of Kerala. Schools; 693616: 1266: 1118109: 1444: 266104: 806 The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Maintained by the Dept. in: ddetvm@gmail. SURESKUHMAR. in This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; Dive into the world of botany and cultivate both knowledge and greenery, as these subscription boxes become a refreshing addition to your learning journey. com; Info Corner; eServices; Dearth of manpower official website of General Education Department. txwgj xnqau kqh pygoh vlx bmbb csox fyn xcnsc rpd qisuyg lpjxrgi gvasmj qddo bbyeiz