Xcodebuild configuration options xcconfig files, providing a step-by-step guide to creating a configuration file for debug, staging, and release To build an Xcode workspace, you must pass both the -workspace and -scheme options to define the build. Enabling this option will exclude certain compiler options from that hash. In order to change the configuration of archive, I write a shell script change the configuration of scheme each time before run archive command. 10. All (as far as I can tell) of the build settings are documented in the Xcode Build Setting Reference , although some of these are more useful as output (e. Build Configurationの追加 下記画像の赤文字の手順で、Project>Project Target>+ボタンをクリック。 するとDeplicate Debug Configuration、Deplicate Release Configurationとダイアログが表示されるので、Debugを選択。 Feb 27, 2020 · Creating Build Configuration Files. Allow xcodebuild to communicate with the Apple Developer website. Mar 16, 2019 · あとはBuild Configurationを追加してみましょう。 ##3-3. This allows you to customize your app based on its May 31, 2021 · You can see that Run defaults to the Debug configuration, while Archive defaults to Release. To create a build configuration file, select the “File > New File…” menu item (⌘N), scroll down to the section labeled “Other”, and select the Configuration Settings File template. dt. For a scheme that builds an app, Xcode launches the app itself. This doesn't work for some reason. After the archive builds, the Organizer displays. 想想当初天天来到公司,每天需要做一件事就是打开Xcode打包ipa,上传到fir。日复一日月复一月年复一年的做着同样的事情,作为有志成为优秀工程师的我来说,这是必须要解决的问题,所以决定自动化解决问题。 Mar 15, 2017 · This is used in the Xcode server. plist and add a key/value pair. Open Info. An xcodebuild command can combine multiple constraint options, but -only-test-configuration has precedence over -skip-test-configuration. Build configuration とは、Xcode でビルドの時に使われる設定をひとまとめにしたものです。 Aug 2, 2023 · When running xcodebuild from the command line. Feb 15, 2013 · This might help: if the configuration of the project A is not found, Xcode will build Release config as a fallback (or maybe the first config of the list). g. xcarchive/ -exportOptionsPlist exportOptions. In your Xcode project’s scheme editor, set the run destination to a device and adjust the archive task to the Release configuration. The Xcode build process is highly configurable, and you can change the build settings of a single target or all the targets in your project. For each of these scheme action you can set a build configuration, as in the below images (and don't forget to scroll way down in a moment to see the rest of the This option is enabled by default; disabling it passes a flag to lex to not insert #line directives. Aug 27, 2013 · Xcode 4 introduces schemes which provide all the options on how to build/run/profile/etc. When using a variable, specify a value (for example, iphonesimulator ) on the Variables tab. May 6, 2017 · 简单来说打包分为三步:1、 清理 - clean xcodebuild -_xcodebuild -configuration iOS持续集成-Xcodebuild命令 最新推荐文章于 2025-01-09 07:02:48 发布 Apr 20, 2020 · Create a Configuration File. xcodeproj' does not contain a target named ''. If the Configuration specified in this input does not exist in your project, the Step will silently ignore the value, and fall back to using the Configuration specified in the Scheme. The value of CONFIGURATION is automatically set for us. There are also several parameters to display info about the Nov 3, 2011 · Create a new one using "Configuration Settings File" template. 5k次,点赞6次,收藏13次。文章目录基本概念最终取值`Build Settings``Architectures` 架构`Base SDK` (SDKROOT)`Additional SDKs` (ADDITIONAL_SDKS)`Supported Platforms` (SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS)`Architecures` (ARCHS)`Valid Architectures` (VALID_ARCHS)`Build Active Architecture Only` (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH)`Ass_xcode build setting A Configuration Settings File (a file with a . We don't need to worry about it. Available keys: workspace, project, scheme, source_directory, derived_data_path, output_directory, html_report, markdown_report, json_report, minimum_coverage_percentage, ignore_file_path, include_test_targets, slack_url, slack_channel, skip_slack, exclude_targets, include_targets May 22, 2014 · You can try using the -configuration Debug xcodebuild option. xcodebuild archive -workspace MyWorkspace. As far as I understand, there are 5 main scheme actions: Run, Test, Profile, Analyze, and Archive. xcworkspace -configuration someotherconfig archive What is produced is an archive built with the "Ad Hoc" configuration. xcWorkspacePath - Workspace or project path Sep 23, 2015 · I bought the license and set the correct key in the Mac, but there's a problem: I can't select options in the build settings; it show me only a blank text area. 2、 归档 - archive. " Is there a way to use "Build and Archive" from the command line (as part of a build script)? See full list on waldo. After that, we're going to build an already-made project through xcodebuild. See the Apple: Building from the command line with Xcode FAQ . Oct 27, 2024 · This phase copies specific files, such as configuration files or additional resources, to designated locations within your app bundle. xcconfig – ここでは、Xcode で環境ごとの設定をするために Build Configuration を追加する方法をご説明します。 Xcode で Build Configuration を追加する. After running: xcodebuild -list -project <NAME>. xcconfig file to both Debug and Release. Log Feb 16, 2023 · xcodebuild命令行工具使用 如何通过命令行编译ios项目? xcodebuild是一个命令行工具,允许你从命令行对Xcode项目和工作区执行编译、查询、分析、测试和归档操作。它对项目中包含的一个或多个目标或项目或工作区中包含的方案进行操作。xcodebuild提供了几个执行这些操作的选项,如 Aug 14, 2017 · After having a working configuration in Xcode, open a shell and navigate to the directory, where your <NAME>. A detailed list of individual Xcode build settings that control or change the way a target is built. I have legacy code that relies on pointers being 32-bit and want to use xCodeBuild to build that code from command line. This, however, can be discovered only by testing out all the options and trying to reach a suitable combination. Close the scheme editor. xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath MyMobileApp. Xcode 8 now has some improvements in the xcodebuild command line tools. For manually signed targets, xcodebuild will download missing or updated provisioning profiles. 1 would if you pressed the run button. If the scanner encounters input that does not match any of its Apr 23, 2021 · 一、如何查看编译时间 终端执行下面命令 defaults write com. In this post, we'll learn what xcodebuild is. For example, you might use one build configuration file for debug settings and another for release settings. apple. 0. So you no longer need to create a User-Defined Setting . Dec 17, 2024 · -configuration configuration_name: Similar to the workspace build, this specifies which configuration (such as Debug or Release) the build process should use. For example, the value of SWIFT_EXEC is stored as an option and is used by Xcode to resolve the ExecPath = “$(SWIFT_EXEC)”; statement: May 16, 2017 · I'm using Visual Studio Team Services to build my app. The device “My Mac” does not support the following options: name Please supply only supported device specifier options. Jan 11, 2012 · If it doesn't correspond to a GCC option, Google it. your application. 首先,让我们看一下该 Scheme 的 Build Options,单击 Scheme 选择器进编辑,然后转到 Build 部分配置一些简单的东西。 对于 Build Order,我们建议选择 Dependency Order,这样项目的 target 将根据依赖关系图并行构建。这可以极大地提高多核构建性能,还可以让您 This option is enabled by default; disabling it passes a flag to lex to not insert #line directives. Jun 24, 2021 · xcodebuild is a command-line tool that offers the ability to build and test your Xcode projects. Select your project in Xcode and go to Info tab. Next, save it somewhere in your project directory, making sure to add it to your desired targets Apr 20, 2022 · “a configuration to use when building”: the configuration here refers to the 6 Project Configurations we created in step 1, aka Debug (staging), Release (production), etc. pbxproj file. Then you can "force" the link using this tip: Xcode custom build configuration causes "library/file not found" for static libraries This xcodebuild command uses the default configuration. Sections on the left Jan 27, 2016 · iOS 自动构建命令——xcodebuild. This is not a file; it's a directory. 3、 导出 - export. Be sure to quote the setting names and values e. ipa file suitable for Ad Hoc distribution. export_options: Path to an export options plist or a hash with export options. A string identifying the build system action being performed. xcscheme in the main xcodeproj which has all this configuration specified when editing the scheme in XCode. Build Configuration? Xcode默认会有2个编译模式,一个是Debug,一个是Release。Release下不能调试程序,编译时有做编译优化,会比用Debug打包出来的运行快,另外包也会更小。 A scheme’s build configuration determines how Xcode launches the product. I poured over my xcscheme file, xcworkspace dir and the like and I can't see why the "-configuration" command line argument has no effect whatsoever. For example, build clean performs a clean build. Each project-level build setting applies to all targets in the project unless explicitly overridden by the build settings for a specific target. Specify the options you use to compile, link, and produce a product from a target, and identify settings inherited from your project or the system. NOTE: I found that Xcode would crash anytime I set the section name to CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR after creating it (most likely due to the empty values). This way you can split your settings in several files and reuse them a lot. txt 则 xcodebuild_showBuildSettings. Add a . Click Next. Select Configuration Settings File. Setting name: LEX _SUPPRESS _DEFAULT _RULE. OTHER_LDFLAGS="-ObjC -lstdc++" skip_build_archive Xcode distinguishes between precompiled header (PCH) files by generating a hash value based on the command-line options to the compiler used to create the PCH. Requires a developer account to have been added in Xcode's Accounts preference pane xcrun xcodebuild -scheme MyApp -configuration Release archive -archivePath build/MyApp. ipa file like this, which differs from Xcode6. xcarchive Step 4, export as . Mar 16, 2022 · Xcode does provide us with multiple combinations of configurable options, but it is up to us to find out what amalgamation works and suits best for a specific project. Go to File -> New -> File (or cmd + N) and select the "Configuration Settings File" template. Sep 18, 2023 · 🔘 Options. Jun 19, 2017 · How do I set a default build configuration for xcodebuild? In Xcode, the Configurations section of your project's Info pane provides a pop-up menu, which sets the default configuration to be used by xcodebuild when building a target. Enabling this option causes the default rule (that unmatched scanner input is echoed to stdout) to be suppressed. You can also use the scheme editor to specify launch arguments, runtime data, and debugging parameters. This should build the same way Xcode 5. In context of this article, we’re most interested in theOptions array entry of the tool’s specification, which is where information about build settings is stored. Feb 4, 2024 · 以下是xcodebuild的基本用法和常见参数: 基本用法 要构建一个Xcode项目,您需要在终端中导航到项目所在的目录,并运行以下命令: xcodebuild < options > < project or workspace > 其中,<options>是可选的参数列表,<project or workspace>是要构建的Xcode项目或工作区的路径。 常见 A Configuration Settings File (a file with a . xcodebuild -scheme uConnect build Above builds with Debug config in Xcode’s DrivedData folder. plist Now, you get an ipa file in build/ directory. To view the build phases for a target, select the target and navigate to the Build Phases tab, as shown in the following figure. xcodeproj resides. plist" # The project files can be specified by the project name (recommended), BUILD_PROJECTNAME = "testproject" # or with the actual file paths and scheme. When I try to run unit tests, I'm getting an error: xcodebuild: error: option 'Destination' requires at least one parameter of the form 'key= Jun 15, 2012 · Here's a solution you can check into source control, and which I've verified works with Xcode 6. It indicates that Nov 20, 2016 · fastlane finished with errors [!] Could not find option for key :configuration. Jan 4, 2022 · 複製したのち、Build Configuration を各環境に合わせたものに設定するようにしてください。 また、Shared にチェックを入れておくとプロジェクトを clone したチームメンバーもその Scheme を使えるようになるので入れておくと良いと思います。 Jul 28, 2014 · So I guess Xcode 4 now still uses my distribution config for normal development. Jun 20, 2016 · Each test configuration name must match the name of a configuration specified in a test plan and is case-sensitive. Build settings without any property in the projects xcconfig file: And the same with some settings in the projects xcconfig file: The same applies for the Target as seen in the following two pictures: No settings in the targets config file: Jun 20, 2021 · Build Options. What does xcodebuild read in from this file? 文章浏览阅读8. Next, you’ll create a new build configuration for the staging environment. xcworkspace -scheme MyLib here's the output I get Before we continue with the implementation of the Configuration enum, we need to update the Info. Aug 21, 2020 · xcodebuild: error: Unable to find a destination matching the provided destination specifier: { generic:1, platform:macOS, variant:Mac Catalyst, name:Any Mac } Unsupported device specifier option. For automatically signed targets, xcodebuild will create and update profiles, app IDs, and certificates. A Configuration Settings File (a file with a . Look up build settings for your Xcode project. The Build Configuration drop-down menu is where you change the selected build configuration. For example, the value of SWIFT_EXEC is stored as an option and is used by Xcode to resolve the ExecPath = “$(SWIFT_EXEC)”; statement: Mar 15, 2017 · This is used in the Xcode server. Aug 2, 2024 · 项目属性包括有两个选项卡,分别是Info(信息)选项卡和build settings选项卡。Info选项卡中有三个主要分组:Deployment Target(部署对象),Configuration(配置)以及Localizations(本地化)。 Deployment Target分组用来定义项目所有对象的最低os版本,这根据平台的不同而不同 May 9, 2011 · For example, the information in a build setting can specify which options Xcode passes to the compiler. : xcodebuild -verbose test -workspace theworkspace. plist (let call it THE_KEY) and then try: xcodebuild -target <target> -configuration <configuration> THE_KEY=<new Oct 5, 2015 · Xcode多种Build Configuration配置使用 测试环境. You can specify build settings at the project or target level. This should build our app for the testing and create xctestrun file. Note that this will override any other "OTHER_LDFLAGS" that you might have had in the actual xcode project. 04. Note: You should follow these steps to see the optimization: Build the project once. xcconfig file extension) is a plain text file that defines and overrides the build settings for a particular build configuration of a project or target. Setting name: ACTION. Use 'xcodebuild -help' to print the full set of available options: export_xcargs: Pass additional arguments to xcodebuild for the package phase. 1. BUILD_EXPORTOPTIONS_PATH = "build/exportOptions. And after that, we'll learn about some of the terms related to an Xcode project, like workspace, target, and scheme. When you add an option, make sure you add quotation marks, otherwise Xcode will not be able to parse the project. To add a new build phase, click the Add button (+) and select an appropriate build phase from the pop-up menu. There are two steps. You can also open the Organizer, go to "Archived Applications," and "Submit Application to iTunesConnect. Jan 31, 2017 · BUILD_XCODE_CONFIGURATION = "Debug" # Path to a plist file containing the export options, relative to the root of the repository. 09 12:58 浏览量:11 简介:本文将详细介绍Xcode中的Build配置,包括如何找到和更改工程文件生成的位置,如何配置Xcode命令行工具,以及提供了一些实用的建议和解决方法。 To override an option you go xcodebuild "OPTIONNAME=newvalue" xcodebuild "OTHER_LDFLAGS= . Nov 27, 2022 · We have the same problem on our project, but with one configuration (p12 + mobile provision) it's work but with other it does : The working configuration has setup at 24/11/2022 with a MacOs 11 and work well when build on MacOS 12; The other configuration has setup at 06/01/2023 with MacOs 12 and failed when build on MacOS 12 $ xcodebuild -project HelloWorld. Oct 30, 2011 · I'm so confused about how schemes interact with build configurations right now. 2 provides an awesome new feature under the Build menu, "Build and Archive" which generates an . The first time I opened the project, I was able to change the configuration and Xcode showed me the options. May 9, 2013 · xcodebuild clean install -workspace MyWorkspace. xcworkspace -scheme 'thescheme' -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 7' --argument=value This question is similar to xcodebuild pass arguments to application on iOS but the solution to that question is not satisfactory. xcconfig file extension), also known as a build configuration file or xcconfig file, is a plain text file that defines and overrides the build settings for a particular build configuration of a project or target. The key is Configuration and the value is $(CONFIGURATION). Xcode disables any menu options that aren’t valid. To test the exact conditions your app user’s experience, create a release build. You can change the active scheme using the Scheme drop-down button at the top of the project window and/or edit the scheme via Product > Edit Scheme… ⌘< menu item. This type of file can be edited outside of Xcode and integrates well with source For CodePush, you want to create another user-defined section named CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR, using the same per-configuration settings. The full list of sdks (as of this writing) comprise Feb 27, 2018 · xcodebuild clean -workspace MyWorkspace. The parameters of the scheme will control which targets are built and how they are built, although you may pass other options to xcodebuild to override some parameters of the scheme. Copy the desired scheme name and run: xcodebuild -workspace <WORKSPACE NAME> -scheme <SCHEME NAME> build Jul 11, 2013 · xcodebuild -scheme TestScheme -workspace testscheme. Xcode ShowBuildOperationDuration YES 编译时,Xcode编译进度条走完后,会展示编译时间 二、可优化点 build setting中 Optimization Level 设置优化 配置项 含义 None 编译器不执行优化,不改善代码性能,编译耗时较少 Fast 编译器执行简单的优化来提高 Jan 24, 2023 · This is where xcodebuild comes to our rescue. What does the install option do? xcodebuild -configuration release install For the release scheme in this example, what switches does install flip? The manual sadly does not elaborate and the man page for xcodebuild makes no explicit reference to install other than the command takes a <buildaction Jan 13, 2024 · Edit schemes as per configurations: after creating schemes then click on any scheme and click on edit, and configure as per the requirements: follow existing setup and change configurations file Dec 23, 2014 · EDIT: Adding some pictures to show the columns with different config file settings. Expand Configurations and add your Configuration. xcworkspace -scheme MyScheme -configuration AdHoc SYMROOT=PATH DSTROOT=PATH It searches for MyScheme. 1k次,点赞10次,收藏4次。这篇博客适合Xcode新手,通过简单的三个步骤指导如何在Xcode中操作工程文件。首先,打开工程后点击文件夹图标;接着,双击蓝色图标深入;最后,找到并了解关键设置项。 Running the suggested command: xcodebuild -target "${PROJECT_NAME}" -sdk "${TARGET_SDK}" -configuration Release I get xcodebuild: error: The project 'MyProject. plist file. xcodeproj -target HelloWorld -configuration Debug -showBuildSettings > xcodebuild_showBuildSettings. You can have a configuration file for each build configuration at three levels:the build configuration (Debug for instance), the project and the target. Jun 4, 2017 · Xcode Scheme with Release configuration : CLI-Release; xcodebuild has a new -exportArchive option to create an IPA that works more like Xcode Organizer. because ${PROJECT_NAME} gets not value from the Build Settings my whole point in my question above. For example, the value of SWIFT_EXEC is stored as an option and is used by Xcode to resolve ExecPath = "$(SWIFT_EXEC)"; statement: All build settings (options) have Name and Type Feb 24, 2025 · From the macOS Terminal application, run xcodebuild -showsdks to display the valid list of SDKs. xcconfig file to your project - see this SO question for details. /Build -allowProvisioningUpdates --options=runtime Jan 8, 2024 · In Xcode, a “target” is a specific build configuration for a part of your project, such as an app, framework, Specifies options for the product packaging utility. Aug 11, 2021 · why xcodebuild building the same application differently for scheme and target options? xcodebuild -target uConnect build Above commands builds with Release config in build folder inside project. Xcode 3. Xcode provides default schemes for most targets, and you can customize those schemes or create new ones as Nov 27, 2014 · xcodebuild -target <target> -configuration <configuration> -showBuildSettings This command shows all the settings that are filled for target and configuration passed. OS X Yosemite 10. , environment to a shell script phase) than as input (actual settings ). May 27, 2019 · Let’s try applying this configuration to the same open-source project and see how it works. Setting name: ADDITIONAL_SDKS. For other products, you specify the app to launch using the scheme editor. Upon writing this article and Xcode 14, by default, Xcode creates… I have DWARF with dSYM File in my Build Options scheme Meteorologist -configuration Release -derivedDataPath . xcrun xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportPath build/ -archivePath build/MyApp. It is a pretty powerful tool – particularly for running CI jobs for macOS and iOS – but to use it well you need to have a solid understanding of several Xcode concepts that will inform the arguments that you pass when you call xcodebuild in the terminal. Presently this option will exclude search path options (-I, -iquote, -isystem, -F, -L) from the hash. Jan 29, 2019 · 其中,[options] 包括各种参数,用于定制构建行为,比如 -scheme 指定构建方案,-target 指定构建目标,-configuration 指定构建配置(如Debug或Release)等。• 查看构建日志:提供详细的构建过程日志,帮助诊断构建失败的原因。 If not specified, the default Build Configuration will be used. txt 中保存了Build settings for action build and target "HelloWorld”,其中dump了所有的环境变量。 Apr 8, 2024 · Xcode Build 配置详解:从入门到精通 作者:很菜不狗 2024. If you need to add more than one specific option, add another square-bracket delimited item like so [arch=x86_64]. Feb 24, 2025 · Valid options are build, clean, test, analyze, and archive. xcworkspace -scheme MyScheme. Find the name of the key that contains $(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules. Oct 15, 2016 · Output tool: xcodebuild (xcpretty tested, too and not working, too!) Additional options for xcodebuild call: Export the generated archive?: yes Use deprecated ipa export method?: no Export all dsyms: no Custom export options plist content: ad-hoc. – Andrew. Nov 23, 2012 · The configuration for archive action has no effect, maybe it's a bug of xcodebuild. 2. But like you can see in the dropdown options list above, there's no way to pick one when building. clean build: Instructs xcodebuild to first clean existing build artifacts before initiating a new build. Cleaning the build helps resolve issues related to old cached files affecting new Oct 3, 2013 · The app bundle in your example is Viewer. plist' 需要参数 Feb 2, 2024 · This article explores the concepts of Build Schemes, Build Configurations, and . BTW, changing quotes as suggested Jul 10, 2023 · A build configuration file is a plain-text file you use to specify the build settings for a specific target or your entire project. (Defined in the Scheme's archive action ) The input value sets xcodebuild's -configuration option. If you want to, let's say, show just the config settings for the Debug configuration, the command would be: xcodebuild -scheme "schemeName" -configuration "Debug" -showBuildSettings >> mynew. xcarchive -exportPath ExportDestination -exportOptionsPlist 'exportPlist. Populate it with copy/paste from build settings. For example: build clean performs a clean build. Feb 4, 2024 · 以下是xcodebuild的基本用法和常见参数: 基本用法 要构建一个Xcode项目,您需要在终端中导航到项目所在的目录,并运行以下命令: xcodebuild < options > < project or workspace > 其中,<options>是可选的参数列表,<project or workspace>是要构建的Xcode项目或工作区的路径。 常见 Apr 23, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读5. We only have a single configuration file, but this is where you can set up different configuration files for different environments: Jun 20, 2016 · To build an Xcode workspace, you must pass both the -workspace and -scheme options to define the build. This knowledge is required before we start building our project. If you click on it and "Show Package Contents", you'll see the rest of it. 5. Suppress Default Rule. May 12, 2019 · In context of this article we are most interested in Options array entry of the tool’s specification, which is where information about build settings is stored. For example, when you build and run an app, the scheme tells Xcode what launch arguments to pass to the app. Build For Testing The xcodebuild now has build-for-testing option, it takes workspace scheme and destination as usual but on top of that it will create XCTESTRUN file. I can't find when Xcode included this feature but EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES is now directly available in Build Settings > Build Options > Excluded Source File Names. Xcode 7. Jun 15, 2012 · Here's a solution you can check into source control, and which I've verified works with Xcode 6. Log Aug 14, 2017 · After having a working configuration in Xcode, open a shell and navigate to the directory, where your <NAME>. -disable-concurrent-destination-testing A build scheme contains a list of targets to build, and any configuration and environment details that affect the selected action. How can I tell Xcode 4 to use my "Debug" configuration when building? Probably I must select a Scheme. To create a build configuration file: Select File > New File. Here's the command I use: xcodebuild -configuration Debug -arch i386 -workspace MyProject. May 23, 2017 · Simply passing the argument to xcodebuild doesn't work, e. Then, choose the Archive option in Xcode’s Product menu. xcodeproj/ you see a list of Schemes. If the scanner encounters input that does not match any of its Jul 21, 2021 · You can create as many build configuration files as you want, and you configure different settings in each one. com Nov 29, 2022 · We're nudged to use Xcode's Build Settings instead. hdmrgm aupch nnvbrg kyjvzl ezzy nvzm nfyk yfet guufwu lzdnibw fnd cupjpv bvub mnnhg vqf