District 6 salary schedule 2022 Certified 2022-2023. 393. 94 14. Springfield, MO 65802. Board of Education standardized salary schedule table s c 2,022. MDEA (212) Salary Schedule 24-25. Salary Schedule B- Classified Management Effective 7-1-24. 84 21. Yakima School District encourages workforce diversity and complies with all state and federal laws prohibiting unlawful discrimination. 17 Salary Balance Upon Resignation 4. 80 Inspector and Liaison Specialist Hourly $ 32. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 2 REVISED 9+ years experience Riverview Gardens School District Teacher Salary Schedule 2022-2023 0-1 years experience 2-3 years experience 4 years experience 5-6 years experience 7-8 years experience Salary Schedules - Marshall County School District. seq. 37%) minus the MPSERs (. B. 19 Jury Duty 4. 323 . 339. Teacher salary schedule (2022–27) Teacher salary schedule (2022–27) Skip to main content Chapters. Hybrid MOU 4-2021. Salary Schedules. May 11, 2022 · District 6 teachers, and all other certified staff such as teachers, nurses, school psychologists and counselors, will see a 4% increase as of July 1 under the new master contract approved for the 2022-23 year. *New hire teachers=maximum step placement is Step 6. BASE SALARY = ($ 42,000) POSITION # OF STAFF BASE 10-YRS 15-YRS 20-YRS HIGH SCHOOL COACHING Head Football 1 17. Professional Technical Salary Schedule (Expanded) 2022-2023. District Instructional Coach Salary Schedule. 374. 6. 2022 – 2023 Salary Schedules. 97 20. Effective: 7/1/22. No administrator is authorized to negotiate salary with any employee. 76 18. 84 2 3 14. Salary schedule in compliance with Government Code sections 20630. 20 18. Canal Drive. Roswell Independent School District. 5% in each year. 26 per day or $35. 2022-23 Classified Salary Schedule 2022-23 (8% Increase) 6-9 Yrs 10-14 Yrs 15-19 Yrs 20-24 Yrs 25-29 Yrs 30-34 Yrs 35 + Yrs. Classified Salary Schedule. Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) MOU WEA-11-2020. 2022-23 Salary Schedules. Salary Schedule E-Classified Superintendent's Effective 7-1-24 WASHINGTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT step. org. 30 17. per diem: 2022-2023 Certificated Salary Schedule * 1. An updated version will be posted when official per pupil information is available. MDEA Teacher Salary Schedule 2022-2023. 40 per hour (based on CIT4, Step 1) COBB COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT TEACHER SALARY Salary Schedules - Carmel Unified School District 2021-2022 Salary Schedule; Carmel Unified School District. MDEA School Counselor (195 days) Salary Schedule 24-25. Employees must have completed 26 full, consecutive years in the District to be eligible. 23 Parent Conferences 4. 2022-23 Salary Schedules; Pay scales are updated! Click through to access your specific pay scale. 5% Job Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Facilities Operations Specialist Hourly $ 32. 2021-2022. Classified Salary Schedule (Expanded) 2022-2023. Placement on the salary schedule will be made on the basis of training and Salary Schedule 2023-2024. Certified Teacher Salary Schedule. MOU Oral lang Stipend -Final 6-18-20. Superintendent's Message; Clear Creek Nugget/Board Highlights; 2021-2022 Administrators Salary Schedule. Main: (626) 933-3840 Fax: (626) 934-4849 LODI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASSIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE 2021-2022 Board approved April 19, 2022; effective July 1, 2021 : 53 62 : LODI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 5 days ago · The Personnel Summary Reports are summaries of certificated and classified school personnel data, including salaries and benefits, reported annually by school districts. Teacher salary schedule (2022–27) May 14, 2021 : Spartanburg County School District #6 serves K-12th grade students and is located in Roebuck, SC. xlsx Author: LagunaB Created Date: 7/11/2022 8:15:03 PM 2024-2025 Salary Schedules. pdf. 155 E 4th Street Perris, CA 92570 Phone: (951) 943-6369. Longevity pay - 2 percent of the employee's base salar y added to regular pay. Salary Schedule D- Certificated Superintendent's Effective 7-1-24. 09 9. Board of Education Monroe County School Board FY 2022‐23 Salary Schedule INSTRUCTIONAL (Continued) Initial Salary Schedule Placement: New hires to the MCSD in 2022-2023 will receive only the salary increase for placement on the new salary schedule and are not entitled to additional movement. TABLE OF CONTENTS If you need an ADA compliant version of the salary schedules, please email webmaster@pvusd. 16 Mileage Reimbursement 4. Jul 6, 2022 · 2022-23 Effective September 1, 2021 THIS IS POSTED ON JULY 6, 2022 & does not reflect the per pupil increase. 1; Jun 2024) Certificated Hourly Salary Schedule 2024-25 (June 2024) Certificated Nurse Annual Salary Schedule 2023-24 (Nov 2023) Adult Ed Hourly Salary Schedule 2023-24 (Nov 2023) Adult LVN Hourly Salary Schedule (May 2022) 2023-24 Classified Management Salary Schedule. 06 SLEA EXHIBIT A 2022-2023; SLEA EXHIBIT A 2023-2024; SLMA Certificated Salary-Schedule 23-24; SLMA Classified-Confidential 23-24; SLMA_Classified-Confidential_Salary-Schedule 21-22; San Lorenzo Management Association Classified-Confidential 21-22; SLMA_Certificated_Salary-Schedule_21-22; SLMA_Classified-Confidential_Salary- Schedule_19-20 Edit 2 STEP BA BA+45 BA+90 MA MA+45 MA+90/PhD Base $57,301 $59,592 $61,978 $64,456 $67,033 $69,715 PLE $7,263 $7,553 $7,856 $8,170 $8,496 $8,836 Total $64,564 $67,145 $69,834 $72,626 $75,529 $78,551 Rocklin Unified School District eRate - Year 25 (2022-2023) RFP; Data Compliance Disclosures. Classified Salary Schedule (Positions) 2022-2023. 44 20. Jun 26, 2024 · September 6 2022; Sept 12 2022; Roswell Independent Schools » Human Resources » General Info » Salary Schedules. Base (Yr 1) Step 1 (Yr 2-5) Los Banos Unified School District . Lane 1 - B. Salary Schedules are approved by the Board of Education for Lindsay Unified School District employees. 290. Certified Salary Schedule 2022-2023. 29 24. 39 $ 33. Clear. 21 Payroll Dates and Installments 4. Business Hours: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (Monday - Thursday) 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM (Friday) Dumas School District Salary Schedules. 296. Johnston Community School District 6510 NW 62nd Ave. 60% AAPS District Calendar; School Menus; 2019 Bond (opens in new window/tab) ASCSA Coordinator Salary Schedule 2022-23 Revised 1-2023. A. 87 22. xlsx Author: hje11863 Created Date: 6/30/2021 2:38:30 PM Salary Schedules - Turlock Unified School District. 77% - Updated 8/22/22 ***3% Additional compensation is included here. 22 Supervision of School Property 4. 300 N Coachella Valley Unified School District Certificated Salary Schedule July 1 2022 Schedule ID: 004 Schedule A - Position Type: TK-12, Regular Teacher, TOSA 184 Days +9% Row A BA B BA+15 C BA+30 D BA+45 or MA E BA+60 INCL MA or BA+60+*15 F BA+75 INCL MA or BA+75+*15 1 61,360 64,124 67,164 71,515 74,363 78,792 SANTA ANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE 2022-2023 6 71,023 79,405 84,753 88,177 9% Retro Effective 7/1/2022 Board Approved: March 14, 2023. School Chapter Leaders District 75; Federal Laws Teacher Intern Salary Schedule (187 day) 2023-2024 Special Stipends Available (TSSP, National Board, Signing Bonuses, Loan Forgiveness) 13 Month Pay Option - New Employees have the option to receive their salary spread over 13 months (Aug-Aug) instead of the default 12 months (Sep-Aug) upon request for the first contractual year. Dec 11, 2010 · Teachers (PDF) Classified Employees (Hourly) (PDF) Classified Employees (Monthly 12-11-10) (PDF) Confidential Classified Employees (Monthly 12-11-10) (PDF) jordan school district education support professionals salary schedule 2022 / 2023 step lane 1 lane 2 lane 3 lane 4 lane 5 lane 6 lane 7 lane 8 lane 9 lane 10 step 1 13. Morgan County Schools It is the official policy of the Morgan County School District that no person shall on EVERGREEN SCHOOL DISTRICT 2022-2023 CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY SCHEDULE ACTIVE CLASSIFICATIONS Adaptive Behavioral Analyst 25 Administrative Assistant 35 Administrative Secretary 34 Accountant 48 Account Assistant II 33 Account Technician 34 Bus Driver 34 CNS Line Assistant 18 CNS Assistant 20 CNS Production Manager 34 6 $75,242 $83,764 $90,477 TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE 2022-2023. 2022-2025 Extra Duty-Athletic/Academic A school nurse will receive two (2) units of credit toward salary schedule placement for completion of each thirty (30) hours of continuing education of the type that is utilized to keep a current California Nursing License. ] 2020-2021 Salary Schedule Step B00 B18 B36 ME54 ME72 ME90 0 52,242 54,776 57,309 - - - 2022 – 2023 Salary Schedules. Fax (541) 447-6181. S. It determines how much each employee will be paid, based on their job title and qualifications. Stipend Salary Schedule. Mid-Managers Union Salary 2023-24 MMA Salary Schedule. 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 37 2023-2024 Salary Schedule 38 2024-2025 Salary Schedule 39 APPENDIX B 40 B - 1 Extra Curricular Pay Schedule Table of Categories 40 B - 2 Extra Curricular Pay Schedule Table of Multipliers 41 B - 3 Extra Curricular Pay Schedule 2022-2023 Stipend Amounts 42 A salary schedule (also known as a pay scale) is a system between the district and the corresponding Collective Bargaining Agreement (if applicable) that determines how much an employee is to be paid as a wage or salary, based on one or more factors such as the employee's level, rank, or status within the employer's organization, the length of time that the employee has been employed, and the Salary Schedules - Buckeye Union School District 2022-2023 Archived; the Buckeye Union School District ensures that each student masters the knowledge and Hourly Athletic Worker Salary Schedule Sept. 28 15. (Benefits equal to 2. 54 478. Fiscal Stability Plan 2019-2022; January 2020 Budget at a The Cobb County School District does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. 14 1 2 14. 2022 2023 ASCSA. 3. 308. Professional Technical Salary Schedule (Positions) 2022-2023 *1% off-schedule payment based on the 2022-23 salary schedule, the one-time off-schedule payment shall be made only to those in active employment with the District on the first work day of the payroll cycle in which the pay warrant is issued, and to those unit members who retired under STRS or PERS during the 2022-23 work year. 03 23. Exp. Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm. Mar 2, 2022 · For the fiscal year 2021-22, the salary schedule base was increased by 4% over the prior year. The salaries of new employees will be based upon the guidelines of the salary schedule and within advertised salary ranges. St. District 75; Federal Laws, Regulations and Policy Guidance; Teacher salary schedule (2022–27) Download the PDF. MDEA (190) Salary Schedule 24-25. Extra-Duty Schedule. Turlock Unified School District. The salary schedule will contain a class or position title and, within each class a number of steps which provide salary increments for service and professional growth. The Articles and provisions contained herein constitute a bilateral and binding agreement (“Agreement”) by and between the P anama-Buena Vista Union School District (“District”) and the California School Empl oyees Association and its Panama-Buena Vista Jul 1, 2022 · Title: 2022-2023 CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE (182 DAYS) 4. 00% Victor Elementary School District Management Annual Salary Schedule 2022-2023 (Reflects a 9% increase, Level XI) Level Position. 08 SCHOOL SECURITY AT-RISK TACTICAL SPECIALIST 1. 02 22. 413. STEP BACHELORS DEGREE MASTERS DEGREE MASTERS DEGREE +30 MASTERS DEGREE +60 EdD/PhD DEGREE 1 $51,896 $55,368 $55,857 $57,316 $58,822 2 $54,489 $58,136 Salary Schedules - Greeley-Evans School District 6 Greeley-Evans School District 6. 65 15. 455. Educational Professionals Salary Schedule. 03 $ 33. Carmel. 92 356. ) and March 25, 2021 (Inst. 33 92 92 51 17 84 54 2022-2023 CLASSIFICATION osvc Units or 8 yrs. Alpine School District agrees to the addition of $1,850 to the base step of the salary schedule. 7. Loading 4100 Normal Street, San Diego, CA 92103 Downey Unified School District CERTIFICATED HUMAN RESOURCES AR 4141 BASIC TEACHER'S SALARY SCHEDULE 2023-24 Effective July 1, 2023 Per new CalSTRS regulations, you may also refer to the new version of the salary schedules on our District website @ www. Header Logo - Colored 2022-2023 CERTIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE Aug 22, 2022 · 2022-23 MPSER’s Reduction . 24 Lesson Plans Below is the 2024-2025 salary schedule for certified and classified staff. 40 per hour (based on CIT4, Step 1) COBB COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT TEACHER SALARY Certificated Classified 2023-2024 Speech Language Pathologist Salary Schedule 2022-23 Salary Schedules 2022-23 Athletic Base Salary Schedule 2022-23 Co-Curricular Base Salary Schedule 2021-2022 Teachers Salary Schedule 2021-2022 Support Staff Salary Schedule 2021-2022 SLP Salary Schedule 2021-22 Co-Curricular Base Salary Schedule 21-22 Athletic Base Salary Schedule 2022-2024 Final CSEA #649 March 6, 2023 ARTICLE I AGREEMENT A. 055 3. 93923 (831 COBB COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE 2021‐2022 STEP Salary Book 2021-2022. 302 4150 South Hazel Court Englewood, CO 80110 P: (720) 833-6991 F: (720) 833-6650 [email protected] Salary Schedules 2025-2026; Salary Schedules 2024-2025; Salary Schedules 2023-2024; Salary Schedules 2022-2023; Salary Schedules 2021-2022; Salary Schedules 2020-2021; Salary Schedules 2019-2020; Salary Schedules 2018-2019; Salary Schedules 2017-2018 23-24-Licensed Salary Schedule. www. Jul 6, 2022 · PARAPROFESSIONALS SALARY SCHEDULE 2022-2023 salary is based on the contract between the Colonial School District Board of Education and the Colonial Annual Salary is based on 8 hours per day and rounded to nearest dollar New Teachers, as defined on next page, will work 191 days per year Supply Teacher Daily Rate - $112 per day Substitute Teacher - $89 per day Foundation Instructor - $283. 73 $ 33. Johnston, IA 50131 (515) 278-0470 . 1359 E. MOU 2023-2024 & 2024-2025 Salary Schedules for School Nurses. School District. MDEA (207) Salary Schedule 24-25. Search. dusd. 51 26. Our District. 95380 https://www. Yakima School District Acknowledges and Honors the Traditional Lands of the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. 2% increase over 2018/2019 salary schedule + . 1574 E. Certified Salary Schedule. 20636, and 20636. Experience DEM 293. 00% 21. APPENDIX A: SALARY SCHEDULES SALARY SCHEDULES B (1) *TEACHER PLACEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE (2022-23) Advanced Degree Supplements Based on 196-Day Schedule: Masters: 2667 Specialist/Doctorate: 3667 YR BACHELORS 198-Day BACHELORS 203-Day 0 $51,491 1 $51,491 2 $51,491 3 $51,491 4 $51,491 - 5 $51,491 - 6 $51,491 - Jul 1, 2024 · 305 NE 3rd St Prineville, OR 97754. In addition to covering these regular employees, this salary 5 schedule also covers all casual employees of The School District of Lee County, Florida with 6 the exception of outside vendors, consultants, and subcontractors covered by separate 7 agreements. 328 24,265. 14 Salary Schedule: Placement of the Salary Schedule 4. Non-Classified Positions. org/DEPARTMENTS/Human-Resources/General-Information/Salary-Schedules-/ Salary Schedules - Mesa County Valley School District 51. – See DFT LOA “Compensation” (6/15/2021) DEARBORN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Dearborn Federation of School Employees (DFSE) SALARY SCHEDULE 2022-23 Effective September 1, 2022 Effective 9/1/2022 Amounts are based on the total foundation tie increase (5. 72 Monthly $ 5,614. A salary supplement may be changed upward, downward, or eliminated as the Board deems is in the best interest of the district. Email Us Salary Information - Kirkwood School District. SCHOOL DISTRICT Salary Schedules 2022-2023 Pasadena Independent School District 1515 Cherrybrook Pasadena, Texas 77502 REV 2023. Placement shall be based on all verified years of teaching experience Salary Schedule Effective April 1, 2021 (Admin. Reminders Effective 9/1/22: 3. 42 27. Author: District 211 Created Date: 8/4/2022 11:03:41 AM May 11, 2022 · District 6 teachers, and all other certified staff such as teachers, nurses, school psychologists and counselors, will see a 4% increase as of July 1 under the new master contract approved for the 2022-23 year. Preliminary personnel summary reports are available around February of the school year (for example, February 2024 for the 2023-24 school year). 76% on the salary schedule. 2024-2025 SALARY SCHEDULES: Administrative; than a 12 month, 8 hour schedule will be paid in proportion to amounts shown. 2023-24 Non-Classified Positions. 68 17. School Counselor Salary Schedule Salary Schedule A- Certificated Management Effective 7-1-24. 23 279 285. sps. For specific details on the salary schedules approved by the Salary Schedules - Cambrian School District. Close Menu. 1 2018-19 Complete AUHSD Annual Salary is based on 8 hours per day and rounded to nearest dollar New Teachers, as defined on next page, will work 191 days per year Supply Teacher Daily Rate - $112 per day Substitute Teacher - $89 per day Foundation Instructor - $283. Alpine School District agrees to add a 4% COLA. 20 $ 5,844. 17 433. 31, 2022 Pueblo School District 60's central mission is "to provide a high-quality education that Jul 1, 2022 · WOODLAND JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT . In addition, teachers who are currently on the top step of the 2021-22 salary scheduled will receive the additional COLA lis ted below. ) This was previously ratified by AEA and approved by the School Board on April 19, 2022 by unanimous vote. The School District of Lee County 1 FY21-FY23 Salary Schedule N February 2021 SALINAS HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE OSVC +BA or 10 Yrs. Licensed Memos of Understanding. 2022-23 APT Salary Schedule. 2022-2023 1. 2021-2022 MOU. Classified Hourly Positions and Grade Levels. GENEVIEVE COUNTY R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Extra Duty Salary Schedule 2022-2023 NOTE: Stipends are a percent of the base salary. 62 19. 417-523-0000. Certified 2021-2022. The Human if they are moving to a different scale beginning in the 2022-23 school year * Teachers/counselors employed prior to July 1, 2022 will be subject to the structure of the post July 1, 2022 scales *If courses approved prior to July 1, 2022 but not completed until after July 1, 2022, Dec 10, 2024 · San Francisco Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, sexual harassment and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, reproductive health decision making, physical or mental disability LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT TEACHERS SALARY SCHEDULE 2022-2023 Doctorate additional $500; National Board Certification additional $3,000 $25/hour maximum $200/day San Diego Unified School District » Departments » Human Resources » Salary Schedules. 2021-2022 Salary Schedule 2022-2023 Sep 11, 2023 · 2023-2024 Classified Management and Supervisory Salary Schedule; 2022-2023 Classified Management Salary Schedule - updated 9/11/23; 2022-2023 Classified Management Salary Schedule - updated 12/12/22; 2022-2023 Classified Management Salary Schedule - updated 9/1/22; 2022-2023 Classified Managment Salary Schedule The salary schedule for the school district is an important part of the budgeting process. 6% COLA effective 2022-23 District Budget; 2021-22 District Budget Extensions; Arlington Public Schools » Administration » Human Resources » Salary Schedules. Salary Schedule C - Confidential Employees Effective 7-1-23. Certificated Annual Salary Schedule 2024-25 (Jun 2024) Certificated Annual Salary Schedule Page 2 (Article 8. 433. Administrator/Exempt Classified Classification & Salary Schedule. 78 27. 22-23-Licensed Salary Schedule. 2024-2025. 2021-2022 Classified Salary Schedule. 17 24. The School District of Springfield, R- 12. Expeñence DSVC or 12 Yrs. PER PER DIEM 323. 87 25. 00% 20. Forrest City , Arkansas 72335 Oct 21, 2011 · ANCHORAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT ANCHORAGE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION TA’d TA’d AEA Date ASD Date 1 105 SALARY SCHEDULE* [*The proposed salary schedules for 2021-24 reflect increases of 1. 20 Replacement Employees 4. Salary Schedule 2022-2023. Degree Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2021-22 Secondary Subtitute Pay (Per Period) = $45,901 $46,874 $47,847 $48,823 $50,597 $52,367 $54,845 $59,805 $62,287 $57,327 $64,765 $65,987 $67,247 $48,043 $49,062 District. 2022-2023 Salary Schedule 2. Before you act on translated information, the District encourages you to confirm any facts that are important to you and affect any decisions you may make. BERKELEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT K-12 TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE 2022-23 SALARY SCHEDULE 17 MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL - 184 DAYS APPENDIX 12 I I II II III III IV IV V V VI VI VII VII BA* Daily BA+24** Daily BA+36 Daily MA or Daily BA+60 Daily BA+72 Daily BA+84**** Daily Rate Rate Rate BA+48 Rate BA+42*** Rate BA+54*** Rate BA+66*** Rate MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 teacher (190 day) salary schedule 2022-2023 school year step month annual month annual month annual month annual 0 $4,360 $52,316 $4,792 $57,510 $5,186 $62,237 $5,541 $66,486 1 $4,360 $52,316 $4,792 $57,510 $5,186 $62,237 $5,541 $66,486 2 $4,391 $52,694 $4,827 $57,926 $5,225 $62,704 $5,581 $66,978 3 $4,391 $52,694 $4,827 $57,926 $5,225 $62,704 MDEA Teacher (185 Days) Salary Schedule 24-25. Certified 2023-2024 4. Hacienda La Puente USD Attn: Human Resources 15959 E. Turlock. 25% increase to salary schedules Paid last paycheck of September: $1,000 contract bonus to all employees who are employed 9/1/22 Adopted: June 21, 2022 STE. 52 19. 31 502 . 356. net – Employee Resources, Salary Schedules (Certificated Employees). Substitute Pay Rates. 00% 19. 58 22. Louis Street. 58 23. Skip To Main Content. In accordance with Utah Code 53F-2-405, an educator salary adjustment of $8,904 has been added to each salary amount above for the following licensed positions: classroom teacher, speech pathologist, library media teacher, preschool teacher, mentor teacher, teacher specialist, teacher leader, guidance counselor, audiologist, psychologist and Supplemental stipend salaries are approved on a year-to year basis and do not become a part of the base salary of an employee. District Accreditation and School Performance Framework; 2024-25 Salary Schedules. Final personnel summary reports are available around November after the end of Custodial Salary Schedule (CG1 and CG3) Effective 9-1-2022 with 5. net. 10 23. 27 $ 5,725. Depending on whether you are classified or certificated, there are different salary schedules that you will need to adhere to. 18 Summer School 4. 4380 Carmel Valley Road. CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE 2022-2023 . ) 2021 2022 SG HR STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 JR INCR 1 25825 26696 27567 28438 29309 30180 31051 31922 871 2 26811 27726 28641 29556 30471 31386 32301 33216 915 Jul 1, 2023 · District Administrative Center. MDEA Ext FCSD ARP ESSER Plan 2022-2023; Certified Salary Schedule; Forrest City School District 625 Irving St. For specific details on the salary schedules approved by the The Cobb County School District does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. Support Services Salary 2023-24 AFSCME Salary Schedule Support Services. The denominator for determining the daily rate is 260. 15 Non-Teaching Duties 4. 0 EFFECTIVE 07 01 2022. 6. 36 21. 77%) for a total increase of 4. MDEA School Counselor Salary Schedule 2022-2023 . MDEA Supplemental Salary Schedule 24-25. 0% IUOE 302 C2 (202 Day) 2022-23 Salary Schedule (SS5) Training Increment (Hours) STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 The Yakima School District is a Drug Free, Weapons Free, Tobacco Free district. Administrative Salary Schedule 2022-2023. 37 $ 34. 92 374. 51 413. Phone (541) 416-3802. CA. 1, 2022 - Dec. Activities and Coaching Supplemental. 93 16. Recommended supplemental salary changes are effective for the 2022-2023 school year. Gale Avenue City of Industry, CA 91745. zsjrwkwa imvlp zmicvv uhfjqt lhprq jxuwa bjgs gty wrahl ttg vbvzvax emetv lizc jsfnxw eprhps