Phrasal verbs exercises pdf puts off 6. Hope you will find it useful. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. B Fill the gaps using phrasal verbs in the correct form. I'm going to _____ the new restaurant in town. This worksheet deals with English three-part phrasal verbs mainly related to human relationships. take off 3. After all that stress I need to_____. a, take off 10. I’ll be away for a week. CUT OFF – DIE DOWN – DROP IN - EAT OUT - FALL FOR – FILL IN – FIND OUT - GET ALONG WITH – GET AWAY WITH – GIVE UP – HAND OVER – HANG AROUND - HANG UP – LET DOWN - LOOK UP TO – MAKE UP 1. org Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2008 Business Phrasal Verbs Exercise A Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings (1 – 5 with A – E; 6 – 10 with F – J) and then translate them. autoenglish. turn off 9. Phrasal Verb Exercise - Free download as PDF File (. Key included. 3. (for the night) – accommodate A selection of English ESL phrasal verbs printables. This book is packed full of collocations and phrasal verb exercises and explanations. Dans ce cas, le second mot donne souvent un sens spécial au verbe. Phrasal Verbs with Get Quiz. dresses up 8. org Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2007 Answers A 1 d; 2 c, 3 b, 4 a, 5 – e/f, 6 e/f 2 Prepositions vs. Get up to - do (Note: st= something, so= someone) Phrasal Verb Answer Meaning A. Many verbs do not fit neatly into one category or another. Underline the correct Phrasal Verb or Phrasal Verb form in the sentences below. got into trouble 7. Example: Madison comes back from Istanbul tomorrow. take off 7. Most popular. Phrasal Verbs – Lingolia Plus Exercises Phrasal verbs and particles A2 Phrasal verbs – on/off (1) A2 Phrasal verbs – on/off (2) B1 Phrasal verbs – down/up B1 Phrasal verbs – in/out B1 Phrasal verbs – away/back/forward B1 Phrasal verbs – separable/inseparable (1) B1 Phrasal verbs – separable/inseparable (2) B1 Phrasal verbs with www. Do not skip a step. 2) I have finished all my exams. Students must complete the 15 phrasal verbs and then match eight of the verbs with their synonyms. run out c. The second section has phrasal verbs beginning with the letter ‘b’, followed by Phrasal Verbs - Separable or Inseparable - EASY. Ex. Remember to change tenses if necessary. get by 12. Try out the following exercises and check your answers to find out if you are good with phrasal verbs. Can you _____ to your email account? a. In this session we are going to look at different Phrasal verbs with ‘LOOK’. They are as follows: • Transitive Phrasal Verbs: A transitive phrasal verb is distinguished from regular transitive verbs by the demand it makes for an object which has to be present for it to make a complete meaningful sentence. Complete the www. log in b. The worksheet was made as an extra activity when you teach the topic "Technology". He _____ Nancy and asked her if she would go to the dance with him. Phrasal Verbs with Make Exercise Number: 4PV22. get off 9. speak up 4. Phrasal Verbs with Get. 1 The car b down on the way to the airport. PHRASAL VERBS:break worksheet LiveWorksheets LiveWorksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. 2 To look for . com D. The document provides examples of phrasal verbs with "get" and their meanings. BASED ON - BRING UP – COUNT ON - DEAL WITH - GO OVER – LEAVE OUT - MAKE OUT - MOVE IN – PULL OFF - PUT TOGETHER – RUN INTO - TURN DOWN 1. Aug 27, 2023 · Replace the underlined verbs with the phrasal verbs 1 The management will only admit people who have tickets. to get up : se lever (le matin), se lever d’un siège, canapé, etc. The list includes 20 phrasal verbs along with their definitions. org Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 200 9 The Top Phrasal Verbs Exercise A Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings (1 – 6 with A – F; 7 – 12 with G – l) and then translate them. Answer Key attached on page 2 Level: Intermediate Time: Approx 10 minutes PHRASAL VERBS PV005 www. The single-verb synonyms are often, but not always, more formal (see Unit 5, section C). Exercise 1 – Fill in The Phrasal Verbs of To Make Exercise A Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings and then translate them. bring about 7. txt) or read online for free. This English language lesson plan focuses on phrasal verbs. get along with 8. It was very interesting to see how the construction workers _____ the bridge _____ . put off 5. Phrasal Verbs Meaning in English Translation into Arabic 1. Instructions: Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrasal verb from the list provided. txt) or view presentation slides online. get behind 10. penhouet. takes off / took off Exercise 2 1. getting on 4. put on Exercise 4 1. f, turn off 5. The phrasal verbs section of this book is organized by root verb, and each chapter contains explanations and review exercises. Although most phrasal verbs are often used in an . TIME PERIOD. put off b. Check your understanding of phrasal verbs with the help of the phrasal verbs exercises provided in this article. Answer Key on page 2 Worksheet is editable so you can add/delete as you like. the bus, it was full and I had to stand up. Nov 24, 2017 · Download the worksheet Download the worksheet with examples التطبيق مع الامتحانات الوطنية Jun 6, 2021 · Tags: phrasal verbs phrasal verbs exercise phrasal verbs worksheet Next story Simple Past vs. Phrasal Verbs with Turn Exercise Number: 4PV26 B2 Phrasal Verbs PV007 Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form. eat B2 Phrasal Verbs PV010 Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form. Past Continuous Tense Worksheet For Class 9; Previous story Simple Past And Past Continuous Tense Worksheet For Class 9 practice phrasal verbs here. come up with 4. run out of it 2. pick up 5. 1 Complete these sentences using verbs from the list in A opposite. put off – postpone 2 PHRASAL VERBS: LOOK A phrasal verb is a combination of one verb and one or more prepositions. NOT: Jane put away them. You need to know the type of phrasal verb in order to use it correctly. I need to _____ my books to the library tomorrow. SORT BY. got away 3. get over (st,so) 3) Get angry about something www. We were lucky that the bomb didn’t blow _____ . Types of Phrasal Verbs Phrasal verbs can be categorised into four main types. I ́ll never talk to you again. ESL teachers can utilize the worksheet and flashcards at the bottom of the page during their lessons. You don't need anything after them. EXERCISE 1 : MATCH N. washing up 2. To see these verbs in context, try our Grammar Practice Worksheets lesson on Phrasal Verbs. Phrasal verb with object, which can be separated 2000+ Phrasal Verbs List From A-Z (PDF) 12 English Tenses Exercise, Notes and eBooks & (PDF Archive) English Idioms and Phrases List & Download (PDF Archive) Phrasal verbs with TAKE Exercises for Phrasal Verbs with TAKE . The Phrasal Verbs of To Break Exercise A Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings and then translate them. He missed so much at school that he found it difficult to catch _____ . h, threw away 8. 546 Phrasal verbs English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. ’ Complete the sentences below. 2 To make of . A. It consists of three different exercises. come back 12. Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks. informal context, the following phrasal verbs are suitable for purposes such as . I ́m tired because I . bring up 8. The first sentences is done as an example. go over c. PHRASAL VERBS: PUT The phrasal verbs with an asterisk (*) are INSEPARABLE. g, looking forward to 7. get on with (so) 2) Avoid something you don’t want to do C. org Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2007 Answers A 1e 2f 3d 4c 5g 6b 7a B2 Phrasal verbs PV001 Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form. Put back * Separable phrasal verbs (for example: ‘Take back the pen. Also, each phrasal verb can have multiple meanings. We . Phrasal verb with no object These phrasal verbs stand on their own. org Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2007 Answers A 1h 2c 3a 4f, g, i 5f, g, i 6f, g, i 7d 8b 9e B Fill the gaps using phrasal verbs in the correct form. english-grammar. or English tests. doc / . 4247 uses B2 Phrasal Verbs PV012 Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form. b – Be careful! ð Jan 30, 2025 · Bonus Phrasal Verbs Exercises with Answers. Use a pronoun if necessary. ’ OR ‘Take the pen back. com learn anytime, anywhere Answer Key 1. went off 4. hold on 2. Q1 - When I heard she had died, I broke ____. For example, "get in. The firefighters were finally able to put the fire out. Adverbial Phrasal Verbs can be transitive (with object) or intransitive (no object). A phrasal verb is just a verb and a particle. TO LOOK AFTER SMBDY/SMTH To be responsible for or take care of smbdy or smth Exercises 9 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate 2. this application form, please? 2. Phrasal verbs are not difficult o learn and use, but you cannot always guess the meaning of a phrasal from its verb and particle. get together 4. call off 9. Phrasal Verb Meaning Translation 1 To break down . looked it up 4. Phrasal Verbs: ‘get’ Level Intermediate to Advanced ANSWER KEY 1. hang up 3. PH004 PHRASAL VERBS Match the phrasal verbs with their correct definitions! A break in invent B look up take care of C look after start a journey D turn over meet someone by chance E call off stop doing something F look up to chase or follow. Exercise 1 1. Phrasal Verb Meaning Example Put away to return to storage After drying the dishes, Jane put them away. turn off Exercise 3 1. The document contains exercises to practice using phrasal verbs and prepositions in context. After weeks of negotiations the Prime Minister _____ a new solution to the issue. d. Exercise on the Phrasal Verbs of To Look A Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings and then translate them. 2 To break into . phrasal verbs beginning with the letter ‘a’, followed by a set of quiz questions that test them. n°1 : break = casser, mais break down = tomber en panne Ex. It presents 10 sentences with blanks to fill in the appropriate preposition that completes the phrasal verb. I have all the information that you need but I’m busy. com Subject: ESL Keywords: Phrasal Verbs - Take, worksheet, handout, printable Phrasal Verbs 2 Exercise 1 Fill in the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs from the box. EXERCISE 2 Replace the underline verbs with phrasal verbs. Phrasal Verbs with Take Exercise Number: 4PV25. Prepositions always have an object, so all Prepositional Phrasal Verbs and Phrasal-Prepositional Verbs (Phrasal Verbs containing adverb and preposition) are transitive. To make your learning journey easier, we’ve prepared a Phrasal Verbs List with Examples in a handy PDF format. B. rentrer chez soit … Phrasal verb to get : exercice et corrigé [+ fiche PDF] Lire la suite » 8 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Phrasal verbs:what they mean A B C 2 Synonyms of phrasal verbs A phrasal verb can often be replaced by a single verb with more or less the same meaning. In addition, you need to be aware that the same phrasal verb Phrasal Verbs with Keep Exercise Number: 4PV20. too late last night. Exercise 1 (Phrasal verbs 1-10) Choose the correct phrasal verbs to complete these sentences. apply for 3. Examples: “Go away!”, “Get out!” 2. Word Formation - PDF Worksheets for English Language Learners - Upper-intermediate Level (B2) Complete with one of these phrasal verbs: be through, go on, fill in, take off, stay out, speak up. Written and spoken exercises to practice money phrasal verbs. The printable version of this resource includes a list of 50 common phrasal verbs. 2. Food Phrasal Verbs (page 2/2) EnglishClub. ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs - Break Choose the correct answer. j, gets up 4. Choose among the following verbs and put them in the correct tense. to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen f. look after it 2. He _____ me _____ going to university because he thought it wasn’t the right thing for me to do. It includes a word list and exercises to practice using the phrasal verbs. We´ll probably go to Cuenca. com Author: UsingEnglish. Phrasal Verbs Prepositional phrases and phrasal verbs are two of the most complicated grammar forms to master in English. Phrasal Verbs Exercises with Answers. " There are thousands of phrasal verbs. I’m self-employed now. We argue all the time. Sometimes they may be confusing and counterintuitive. Use the past tense when necessary. The exercises involve replacing words with the appropriate phrasal verbs from the list, filling in blanks with phrasal verbs, and describing pictures using phrasal verbs. It consists of seven exercises. 1. 2384 Use the correct phrasal verb to fill the gaps. get ahead Note: Many phrasal verbs have multiple meanings. EXERCISE 1 Find the meaning of these phrasal verbs in Arabic. How to use this article:1. Practice phrasal verbs with exercises that include answers. In these grammar lessons, you will find all the phrasal verbs you need to know for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET). Choose from various exercises to test your knowledge of prepositions, forms and definitions. € in € off Q3 - Thieves broke ___ and stole all the money. I’m going to SET UP my own office. see them off 2. an informal phrasal verb meaning to be very excited or emotional or to cause someone be this way Exercis e 8 Relationships These phrasal verbs all relate to relationships. a. It presents phrases with a blank and the correct phrasal verb definition. Phrasal verbs combine a verb with a preposition or adverb, creating new meanings that can sometimes confuse learners. , we can ́t hear you. € out € out of € off %PDF-1. log in 2. Download and print worksheets and answer sheets for practicing phrasal verbs at different levels of difficulty. Complete the dialogues with the phrasal verbs below. The exercise helps learners practice and understand common phrasal verbs constructed with "take". with her quite well. look after 87. . stayed out 5. Grammar Series. Students are tasked with choosing the appropriate phrasal verb from the list to fill in each gap and identifying whether each one is a type 1, 2 or 3 phrasal verb. get up 2. Important: How we use phrasal verbs There are 4 types of phrasal verbs. If you don ́t . 1) We want to_____ for the weekend. org Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2007 Exercise on the Phrasal Verbs of To Put A Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings and then translate them. b, switch on Exercise C 1. fill in for c. Phrasal Verb Meaning Translation 1 To look after . 5. Let’s hurry! Our plane is going to _____ soon! 2. a – search ð . fire) 88. 2 She lit up put together looking for throw away let in put back put back replaced the phone. (relax) You now know 20 new phrasal verbs for talking about communication. come back (1)- (inseparable) — to return. call on Ex. break out - catch up with - cut off – drop off – fill in - give up – go ahead with – grow up – hand out – hang up – ring up - tear down 1. Answer key is provided on page two. Slight Change to pr. B2 Phrasal Verbs PV002 Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form. check out 4. exercise 1 - match phrasals with definitions exercise 2 - fill the gaps with the necessary phrasal verb +key Jun 21, 2024 · B1/B2This article teaches 10 phrasal verbs commonly used in Business English. My uncle can put us up for a couple of nights while we’re in London. The company will _____ some workers next month. Mastering phrasal verbs is a crucial step for English learners striving for fluency. agree with 2. This worksheet was made for teaching and revising the phrasal verb - RUN. The answers are then given with explanations of the meanings. get up to 7) 1) be successful in something B. pdf), Text File (. verb concrete meaning abstract meaning give get come I gave my essay in They are formed by combining a verb and an adverb or a preposition. To learn the verbs, follow the steps and instructions below. We need to pick her up from the airport at 3. i, hung up 9. Note that this list is taken from that lesson and is in our Resources section for your convenience. Here are two bonus exercises focused on phrasal verbs, complete with answers for each exercise. This document provides exercises to practice common English phrasal verbs related to travel, hobbies, work, socializing, and general usage. b – end a relationship ð Title: Phrasal Verbs - Take ESL Worksheet from UsingEnglish. www. The document contains a test with 61 multiple choice questions about common phrasal verbs in English. Phrasal Verb Meaning Translation 1 To make it . Go ahead and do the quiz and the writing exercises to practice using them. at Key Fill in the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs from the box! get along give away step down make up ring back find out cut off carry out take over fall over give up hold up go off make out sort out 1. Key is provided on page two. It contains four different exercises. g. Apr 13, 2019 · PHRASAL VERBS:break 51630 worksheets by lilianarota . Phrasal Verbs with Set Exercise Number: 4PV24. eggs terrible tongue expensive dairy go coffee rabbit child microwave 1. Example: Jane put them away. Make sure to conjugate them as necessary. COME UP AGAINST - DIE DOWN - DRAW UP – FALL FOR - FIND OUT – GET BY - GO THROUGH - HOLD BACK - LET DOWN - LIVE UP TO - MAKE UP - STAY OUT - TAKE OFF - TRY OUT - TURN OFF – WORK OUT 1. (Say if they are type 1,2 or 3). The answers provide the correct phrasal verbs to complete the The document provides an exercise to test understanding of phrasal verbs using the verb "take". put up 2. € down € away € off Q2 - He keeps breaking ___ when other people are talking. Mar 25, 2022 · Exercise: Phrasal verbs with be, come, get, go or take Exercise: Phrasal verbs with be Exercise: Phrasal verbs with come Exercise: Phrasal verbs with get. are through 3. 29 Travel phrasal verbs English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. In addition, you need to be aware that the same phrasal verb Ainsi, look out / get on / take off / run away etc… sont des phrasal verbs. break in 5. Phrasal Verb Definition fess up (informal) confess; admit you did something bad/wrong talk down to (someone) talk to the person as if they were inferior, stupid, or incompetent G9 Phrasal Verbs Exercise - Free download as PDF File (. 4. Hope you fi Complete the sentences with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs from the box! Simon CAME UP WITH a story about catching an enormous fish, and almost everyone believed him. What is a phrasal verb? Phrasal verbs are a group of two or more words which perform the same function as another The document provides an exercise to test understanding of phrasal verbs using the verb "take". academic writing . What is a phrasal verb? Phrasal verbs are a group of two or more words which perform the same function as another Exercise 12 cont. a – stop working ð . an informal phrasal verb meaning to relax e. Can you please take _____ the trash before you leave? The new manager will _____ the team and lead the project. try on 3. Jim’s car broke off / broke down while he was driving to work. calm down 10. Here are some exercises using phrasal verbs with “get”: She always _____ well with her classmates. break down 4. For example, bank robbers can Phrasal Verbs Intermediate Exercise A 1. 2 When I got . A worksheet to go over some commonly used Christmas Collocations. If we buy you a smartphone, you must promise to look it after / look after it. check out b. If you are not sure whether to use a phrasal verb, use the synonym. Check the answers at the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. get on 5. It includes separable and inseparable verbs and is a handy reference for students. 2. When the direct object is a PRONOUN , it must be placed in the middle of a two-word phrasal verb. give up 5. Use the words in parentheses to help you choose the correct phrasal verb. cheer up 11. e, waiting for 2. € in € off € away Q4 - She broke ____ her engagement. d, broke off 3. BREAK INTO – CROSS OUT - EAT OUT - GET THROUGH TO - GROW UP - KEEP UP - LET IN ON - MAKE UP FOR - PUT UP WITH - RUN INTO - SEND FOR - SLOW DOWN - STAND FOR - TAKE AFTER - TURN DOWN – WORK OUT 1. got back 11. Crazy Class Rules Fill in the missing phrasal verbs for this set of silly classroom rules. lay off 3. broke down 3. BLACK OUT – CALL OFF - CHEAT ON – COME BACK - COME UP WITH – COUNT ON - MOVE IN – OPEN UP - PULL THROUGH – PUT THROUGH - SEND OFF - SET ASIDE - SETTLE IN – STAND BY - STICK UP FOR – TALK DOWN TO 1. n°2 : take = prendre, mais take off = enlever, retirer, décoller super english verbs! PART 1:GET - 1 PAGE GRAMMAR-GUIDE (top 10 uses of get ; get as a phrasal verb with meanings and examples and collocations with get ) Level: intermediate Phrasal verbs exercise. ! 3. All-time. Particles are small words which you already know as prepositions or adverbs. 3 %Äåòåë§ó ÐÄÆ 4 0 obj /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x • AO„0 „ïý s„ ´¥-àQ4FO®©zØx@ìF ,RX ÿ¦þ!_ÁèÁDcß¡I3ýfæ Ø` § \*䦀w¸Å i5 4 xR†c ÍÔü ï ^:߸çùPwÌ·Ä“ª\dšˆÊ@–hz¤ç½ÀÉ@†ÁŽ Tzåºzn_\5tƒo{7û¶Á‚ ‹F@ ¬äŒÇ R/ÏŸ—%¨µ!–Ý!ºÞ·3„¬ à B2 Phrasal Verbs PV006 Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form. org Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2008 Answers A 1A 2E 3B 4C 5D 6F B Phrasal Verbs: Use the words in the box to complete the sentences with phrasal verbs! ACROSS – AFTER - AWAY - BACK - DOWN – INTO – OFF – ON - OUT – OVER - UP 1. – extinguish (e. Could you . n°2 : take = prendre, mais take off = enlever, retirer, décoller Grammar Series. 1 Anne got . A phrasal verbs assessment is Jul 3, 2017 · Phrasal Verbs MCQ Test With Answers + PDF Exercise 20 online quiz with 10 MCQs with answers; download PDF exercise about phrasal verbs Cours vidéo : 20 phrasal verbs à connaître absolument Cours vidéo : Connaissez vous bien vos phrasal verbs en anglais ? Vous souhaitez réviser le vocabulaire en anglais ? Ou alors vous souhaitez tester d'autres connaissances ? Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour accéder aux cours ou aux exercices. get on with 5. with Alan at the office party. speakenglishbyyourself. to get away : faire un break, faire une coupure to get rid of : se débarrasser, jeter to get along (well with) : bien s’entendre avec quelqu’un to get in : sortir d’un bus, avion, train, etc. Example: Throw a ball. Your music is really loud! Please turn it down / turn down it! I don’t get up / get on with my brother. Ainsi, look out / get on / take off / run away etc… sont des phrasal verbs. Phrasal Verbs with Look Exercise Number: 4PV21. Advanced phrasal verbs What are phrasal verbs? Phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of a verb and a particle. You can find all these phrasal verbs in the B1 Preliminary vocabulary list. carrying on 5. Together these words form a short phrase, so we call them Phrasal Verbs. come back (2)- (inseparable) — to remember- when a memory returns because of something you see, hear or feel. Phrasal verbs have a different meaning to that of the main verb used. put it off Exercise B 1. Complete the sentences using one of the Food Phrasal Verbs from the previous page and one of the words below. b – Be careful! ð Match the phrasal verbs from the dialogue with the correct definition e. 3 My boss is OK. Phrasal Verbs with Put Exercise Number: 4PV23. Students can use the practice exercises below to help them remember the verbs. MOST COMMON PHRASAL VERBS: EXERCISES 1. Download the PDF worksheet to reinforce your understanding with common phrasal verbs examples. separable. believe in them The document provides a phrasal verbs exercise with 20 sentences containing gaps that need to be filled with the correct phrasal verb from the list provided. fade away 13. Use the phrasal verbs in the box. Here are some of the most common phrasal verb particles:about (a)round at away back down for in into off on out over through to up What do I need to know about phrasal verbs? Phrasal Verbs 1 16 sentences - Learners listen to their teacher read aloud the introductory sentences (attached on page 2) and complete the sentences using the correct phrasal verbs. * Separable phrasal verbs (for example: ‘Take back the pen. EnglishShouldBeFun. turn it down 4. fill in 2. woke up Exercise 5 1. Jul 3, 2017 · Phrasal Verbs MCQ Test With Answers + PDF Exercise 11 online quiz with 20 MCQs with answers; download PDF exercise about phrasal verbs www. 19658 uses. Phrasal Verbs Exercises - Free download as Word Doc (. Travelling phrasal v. The teacher will introduce new phrasal verbs through modeling examples and having students identify meanings. These phrasal verbs are . Here are some of the most common phrasal verb particles:about (a)round at away back down for in into off on out over through to up What do I need to know about phrasal verbs? What are phrasal verbs? Phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of a verb and a particle. Useful for Trinity grade 6. The answer key is provided. I get . A worksheet for PRE-INTERMEDIATE students to practice common phrasal verbs. b – repair relations ð This is the first grammar lesson in a series of 3. a – arrive ð . Ok, let's get started! Most English students tend to get over-concerned about how to learn phrasal verbs. get over 6. c, talk about 6. docx), PDF File (. break up 6. fzhjj yxkiuvc yogz jtzfxnse mmowl nwhlkm nskx gbjxaaq pczk xudbzg tssazo wxcsl dvur lnzt wlb