Stc vs oitc This data is accurate as of October 2018. Jan 28, 2025 · OITC is similar to STC but measures noise from low-frequency to mid-frequency sources, such as aircraft, trains, and cars. It is an incomplete measurement since STC ratings do not factor low-frequency bass, which is where most noise problems occur. 5 fi berglass insulation batts, ⁄8" None TL-92-618 38 5 designed to deliver noise control ⁄8" Glass fi ber TL-93-325 49 5 in metal stud wall What Do STC Results Mean? The STC rating provides a single number that simplifies the complex spectrum of sound transmission performance into an easy-to-understand single-number metric. Glass size and glazing system will affect STC rating. RW is similar but covers 100Hz to 3. En la Tabla 2 se listan los valores de STC y Rw para diferentes configuraciones de vidrio, medidos en laboratorio. May 22, 2022 · Is OITC Better than STC? The short answer is ‘No’. The other measure is known as the Outdoor-Indoor Dec 31, 2024 · STC Ratings vs. Originally used to evaluate transmission through interior walls only, today STC is used to assess almost all types of barriers: exterior walls, interior walls, Windows, and doors. As such, it is calculated over the frequency range of 125 to 4000 hertz. In addition although the respective sound test procedures are similar, the way that the individual results are interpreted are dissimilar. Based on the NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) and square area of all room finishes. The OITC (Outdoor Indoor Transmission Class) rating was Mar 5, 2021 · STC – Sound Transmission Classification. 1 This classification provides a single number rating for May 22, 2022 · A typical interior wall has a single layer of 1/2-inch drywall on each side with no insulation inside with an STC rating of 33. Usualmente este valor es igual al Rw o difiere en 1-2 dB. The type of glass and frame are the key factors in improving the transmission loss of windows. Q: Are the STC and OITC ratings determined by the same test? A: The sound transmission loss values from the ASTM E90 test are used to calculate the STC and OITC ratings in accordance with ASTM E413 and ASTM E1332 respectively. The results express in decibels as opposed to the point system used to determine STC ratings and with weighting more towards low frequency performance. 751 614 -426. The OITC value is typically used to rate, evaluate, and select exterior glazing assemblies. The OITC is determined from testing between 80 Hz and 4000 Hz. The OITC (Outside-Inside Transmlssion Class) rating is used to classify acoustic performance of glazing in exterior applications. The higher the STC value, the better a construction reduces the transmission of sound. Back to Top. STC (Sound Transmission Class) STC is a rating system that measures how well a building partition attenuates airborne sou loss are Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Outdoor Indoor Transmission Class (OITC). What STC and OITC Ratings Do Renewal by Andersen® Replacement Windows Offer? En la Tabla 2 se listan los valores de STC y Rw para diferentes configuraciones de vidrio, medidos en laboratorio. Email: info@commercial-acoustics. Windows, along with walls and doors are the common culprits in the soundproofing saga. The higher the STC rating, the more effective that material is at reducing sound transmission of the most common frequencies. OITC ratings. LoVerde and W. The overall STC rating is an average of the STC ratings measured between 125 Hz and 4,000 Hz. Dec 20, 2022 · The higher the STC rating, the better a material’s ability to block sound from travelling from one space to another. STC equals the 500 Hz band of the reference curve with 0 dB, While R W sets the Oct 21, 2013 · Roughly speaking, the STC rating equals the reduction in decibel levels across the partition. STC vs OITC Banda also tackled a misconception about the use of two single number ratings for building envelope elements: sound transmission class (STC) and outdoor-indoor transmission class (OITC). A product with a high STC value, ranging from 50-60, indicates that loud speech is barely heard, if at all. Here's how to know what to look for, what to ask, and how much of a difference (the May 22, 2022 · Thanks, Terry, for the helpful information. Sep 14, 2021 · OITC is calculated by subtracting the logarithmic summation of the transmission loss values from the logarithmic summation of the A-weighted transportation noise reference spectrum stated in the calculation standard. 24 Page 1 of 7 Due to continual product research and development, details listed are subject to change at any time The STC (Sound Transmission Class) is a rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used to categorize acoustic performance. Decibels - Decibels, dB, are a simple measurement of how loud something is. The STC rating for a basic insulated 2×4 wall with a single layer of drywall on each side is 35-38. Oct 1, 2019 · The authors have previously analyzed the use of OITC versus STC for describing the sound isolation of exterior façade assemblies [J. A sound reduction of 35 decibels is very high. We've learned that a high STC-rated wall may suffer terribly in the low frequencies and is therefore not a true solution. This is useful for my customers as I can quickly determine which rating system would be more ideal to reference depending on the application. The OITC rating represents transmission loss results from 80 to 4,000 Hz using a different mathematical equation than the STC rating. 5” Acoustics Assembly Number: ISS-02 STC: 43 OITC: 28 Report No. Transmission May 22, 2022 · A 1/4″ pane of glass with an STC of 31, has an OITC rating of 29, and a double 1/4″ pane window with 1/2″ of air between drops from an STC 0f 38 to an OITC of 34. 030 1-1/2 1/4 41 32 2250 Series STC and IIC Ratings of Truss Joist Floor Assemblies Containing GreenFiber INS735 Insulation Truss Height 16" 12" STC 53 54 IIC 56 53 Basic construction outline 16" Truss Joists, 24" oc, with 1/2" RC and 5/8" Type X Drywall below, and 3/4" T&G plywood and 3/4" 3310 gypcrete above and 3/8" padded carpet on top. Most double-glazed windows will achieve an STC number in the mid- to high-20s. Unlike the STC, which is based on a noise spectrum targeting speech sounds, OITC uses a source noise spectrum that considers frequencies down to 80 Hz (aircraft/rail/truck traffic) and is weighted more to lower frequencies. STC 30 = This is where most dual-pane windows perform. See full list on ngctestingservices. OITC* Frequency (Hz) OITC* Frequency (Hz) 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000. It must be remembered that the STC or OITC rating of a glass product does not represent the rating of the glazing system. The same applies to soundproof windows with double laminated panes rated at an STC of 42; they drop to 33 on the OITC scale. STC measures sound insulation from 125Hz to 4kHz and is calculated by comparing measured transmission loss data to reference curves. Tipo de producto de vidrio y espesor STC OITC Clasificación Clasificación Monolítico 3/32" 26 - 1/8" 29 - ¼” 31 29 ½” 36 33 Unidades de vidrio aislante sellado 1 /8" vidrio + ¼” aire+ 1 "vidrio 28 26 the STC or OITC rating means the higher the sound attenuation properties of the window. STC rating was developed to asses several different types of barriers, such as doors, partitions, windows, and both interior and exterior walls. – Full STC test results can help determine whether Mar 30, 2023 · Also, an acceptable STC rating for walls may be different from the acceptable STC rating for floors, depending on whether the walls are shared by a neighbor, or a room is directly beneath a kitchen with heavy traffic. MTC was developed to address shortcomings of STC and RW at low frequencies important for Sep 17, 2018 · What we mean when we say STC-35, STC-45 and STC-52. STC rating (frequency range - 125 to 4000 hertz) The STC rating (1961) provides a standardized way to compare products such as windows and doors made by competing manufacturers. Jun 20, 2024 · STC (Sound Transmission Class) and OITC (Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class) are ratings used to measure the soundproofing effectiveness of building materials, particularly windows, doors, and walls. Es el índice de pérdida de. When evaluating the soundproofing needs of a space, it’s essential to understand the distinction between Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC). The latest editions of the standards shall be used in determining the STC and OITC ratings. Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class (OITC): To find OITC, sound is played at a predetermined frequency from 125 hertz to 4000 hertz. Resource Alert: Find OITC and STC ratings for roof-ceiling assemblies on pages 111–112 of The SoundBook. The OITC covers a wider range and lower frequency than the STC. It is also the most used soundproofing rating system. [Click to enlarge any image] Definition of STC, Definition of SRI , Definition of OITC. specify the STC or OITC that is required of the glazing system. The long answer is ‘In some cases’. OITC. As with STC, the higher the OITC number, the better the window or patio door unit keeps out unwanted noise. A low STC rating, 20-25, indicates that loud speech is audible. 45 43 49 52 53 49 48 56 48 52 49 49 53 34 36 46 49 48 46 49 51 46 49 May 22, 2022 · The higher the STC value, the better it is at preventing soundwaves from moving in or out of space. STC 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 C STC. STC was developed to measure the extent of sound control between interior walls and the higher the number the better. A typical interior wall with two sheets of 1/2″ drywall and no insulation has an STC rating of 33 – but an STC rating of 50 during lab testing and 45 in field testing is the standard in many North American Building Codes. This sound rating increases to STC 42-45 with steel studs. How to calculate an STC or OITC rating; STC versus OITC. Many people are looking for more noise reduction when buying new windows. Jan 18, 2022 · OITC Test Date Test Number Intercept or Cardinal horizontal slider 6110 6111 6130 6130J 6170 size tested 6040---Operating Style Series Numbers Glass 1 Glass 2 Spacer STC File Name: STC Ratings - Style Line | V250 Due to continual product research and development, details listed are subject to change at any time. The apparent sound transmission class (ASTC) rating quantifies the sound transmitted directly through the separating wall assembly as well as indirectly via the adjoining building elements, as shown on the right. Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class May 6, 2024 · ASTM E90, the same test method used for STC ratings, is used to calculate OITC ratings, but the OITC test includes a wider range of decibels between 80 Hz and 4,000 Hz to represent outdoor sounds such as car wheels on a road and engine noises. com Nov 25, 2022 · To determine how much sound is transmitted through a window, manufacturers conduct testing to calculate ratings for two primary ratings: Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class (OITC). Testing shall be performed at laboratories that are accredited under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) the STC or OITC rating means the higher the sound attenuation properties of the window. STC (Sound Transmission Class) STC is a rating system that measures how well a building material or assembly can reduce sound transmission. Significance and Use 4. *OITC is estimated based on this test. If sound reduction is a priority, look for a window in the 30-35 STC range. OITC is predominantly a measure of low-frequency attenuation, as low-frequency sounds are generally the more prevalent in typical urban environments. Se mide. (see Table 5-15). Laminated windows have an STC rating as high as 40 or more. Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single-number rating of the airborne sound transmission loss (TL) performance of a constructed assembly measured at standard one-third octave band frequencies. NWTL140828-03 STC 40 Assembly Components Finish material 1/ The STC measurement has been around since 1961, so for a long time, that was the only rating to measure how windows performed acoustically, in 1990 the OITC measurement came about as a way to rate outside noise. values of insulating glass constructions. Determine Target STCs Phone: 888-815-9691. STC covers the range 125 Hz to 4000 Hz, while R W covers 100 Hz to 3150 Hz. Jun 20, 2023 · Understanding STC & OITC Ratings. This rating is given to materials that are tested over a range of frequencies, and are proven to block sound in some capacity. Here’s a quick guide to understanding STC grading. It is the average of 16 frequency test points. Source: STCratings. That being said, anything below an STC rating of 40 might garner comments about paper thin walls. 50003 659. Here’s a quick guide to interpreting STC ratings: STC 25-30: Speech can be easily understood through the partition. An STC 34 brings the windows up to the level of most of the outside envelope of the home. Cavities filled with 4. A basic understanding of both systems will help you make more informed decisions when it comes to improving sound control in your building. OITC Ratings. Configuración Rw STC OITC Espesor Nominal 3. STC 43 Assembly Components Finish material 5/8” Gypsum Size 3 5/8” Steel Stud Spacing 16” oc Product AFB Thickness 3. OITC: Clase de transmisión exterior-interior. Sounds are then played at pre-determined frequencies to account for noises often heard inside While indeed a deviating frequency range does not allow an official OITC value as per the current standard, the method easily allows to adjust the frequency range (explained before in document) resulting in an unofficial single number rating, but which is still much more representative than the alternative STC rating when low-frequent noise is Oct 6, 2011 · If our windows have an STC of 35 but an OITC of 25 would they qualify? I don't think so, but I don't know how to interpret or relate the OITC to STC. The higher the STC value, the less that sound can be transferred from one space to another. When it comes to soundproofing, two key ratings need to be considered: STC (Sound Transmission Class) and OITC (Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class). Two main systems are used to rate how well windows block the transfer of sound: Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Outdoor Indoor Transmission Class (OITC). components. The OITC (Outdoor Indoor Transmission Class) rating was Mar 23, 2017 · averaged to find the STC value. According to Miller, the OITC rating is becoming especially popular for windows in urban areas. The OITC rating is similar to the STC rating in that it uses ASTM E-90 TL data to derive a single number rating system that increases with increasing sound isolation ability. While not as well known as STC, OITC is a more appropriate measure when comparing the true sound control performance of a window. OITC The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating was created to provide a rating for interior building partitions that are subjected to noises from mid to high frequency noise sources. The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-number rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used to categorize acoustic performance. STC Lab Test Results STC Test Window - STC Test Result Range: Tested at various air spacing between the test window and a Soundproof Window Dual Pane 1/8" over 1/8" 26 45 53 40 50 60 70 T ransmission Loss (Db) SOUNDPROOF WINDOWS®, Inc. All laminate The enclosed STC and OITC data is for insulating glass constructions only. Mar 9, 2022 · Rated partition STC values can be converted to overall sound isolation using the following equation: NIC = STC – 10log(S/A) S = surface area of partition (ft 2) A = amount of absorption in the receiving room (Sabins), averaged over octave bands 125Hz to 4000Hz. 06 m W* n 0 792 612 Oct 14, 2014 · STC vs. 12-113-11-R1 STC RANGE 36 - 45 Roof Membranes Unless otherwise indicated, all tests have been completed to be membrane STC y OITC - ASTM E 413. 03. How are STC and OITC Measured? STC: A sound transmitter and receiver are set up on either side of the window being tested. STC testing standards are always updated, so an STC rating from two decades ago won’t be the same as that same rating today. NWTL140828-03 STC 40 Assembly Components Finish material 1/ E413-87 in an acoustical wall. When it comes to age, STC is much older than OITC. Oct 10, 2024 · OITC vs. OITC STC: This system has grown to be the most used and recognized method of comparing acoustic performance of building products in the industry. 02-113-11-R1 Rainfall: G3302. The final STC/OITC rating of the window assembly could vary because of the influence of the framing members and the Windows and doors can help block outside noises whether you live in the city or on a farm. STC Rating: The new GE Zoneline has an STC rating of 29. 4. The STC rating for a basic wood structure floor/ceiling is STC 40-43. Sound Transmission Loss (dB) 36 33. Sound Absorption vs. This metric measures the sound levels for interior building partitions where the main sounds are people talking or office equipment. “In places like New York City, it’s all OITC,” he says. PDF-1. STC OITC Projected Windows INventTM, Flagship, and Psychiatric Product Families Dual Glazed with Access Doors INvent XLT Fixed next to Casement 2 48 x 60 1/4 1-3/4 1/4 42 2250 Series Fixed over Project-Out 2 48 x72 1/4 1-1/2 1/4 39 2250 Series Fixed over Project-Out 2 48 x 72 1/4 Lami 0. How Sound Control Windows Are Rated: STC vs. Originally developed to determine the sound transmission between interior walls, STC is the original and most widely used and recognized rating system when it comes to soundproofing. STC OITC 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Single-pane windows usually have an STC rating between 26-28. Effective sound insulation appears at STCs around the 50s. So both cover 16 one-third octave bands. Sound Reduction Index (SRI) is defined in ISO-140 (2012). Mar 23, 2022 · What are STC and OITC? Sound Transmission Class & Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class. The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-num ber rating system for interio r build ing partitions and viewin g windows used to catego rize acoustic performanc e. Due to ongoing product changes, updated test results or new industry standards or requirements, this data may change over time. STC stands for sound transmission classification. A typical dual-pane window has an STC rating of 25-30. As previously explained, this means they have been tested in a laboratory for their sound transmission loss. Please don’t rely on STC values alone when specifying a soundproofing system. OITC v. The STC rating for a basic wood structure floor/ceiling is 40-43. File Name: STC Ratings - Trinsic Due to continual STC is an ”averaged sound insulation” number (STC’s +/- 1 are equal) STC’s +/- 1 are equal while Rw more closely follows the decibel scale in that 1 dB = 1 Rw. Explore noise reducing windows and doors from Pella. The system includes many materials other than glass, including the framing, the glazing gaskets/sealants, insulating glass unit spacer E413-87 in an acoustica l wall. 0 pcf INS735. May 1, 2017 · Common SNQ values include Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC). The STC rating indicates the ability for the PTAC to stop sound from transmitting from the outside to the inside. As with STC, the higher the rating, the better the sound-dampening performance. We also offer laminated glass on certain products that’s designed specifically for hurricane zones. 501 re 306 396. Triple-pane windows have an STC rating between 28-34. Dong, “Comparison of sound transmission class Our specialty options include glass for unique project needs like sound abatement (STC/OITC), high altitudes, Sea Turtle Conservation Codes (available on Signature Ultimate products), and California fire zones. STC is typically used to measure sound transmission loss over a frequency range from 125 to 4000 hertz, and is most applicable for interior areas that experience mid to high frequency noises, such as conversation, television, or office equipment. A receiver on the STC EWR; OITC single hung; 2210 2211 2230 2230J 2270 picture window (slider frame) 2310 2311 2331 2331J 2370. As you can see, no window system will achieve complete soundproofing with an STC rating of 38. Sound Transmission Class (STC) is defined in the ISO-140 standards series. Drywall vs OSB vs Plywood vs MDF for Soundproofing STC OITC Test Date Number Operating Style Series Numbers Tested Size OA Glass 1 Glass 2 Acoustical Ratings - Tuscany I V400 updated 09. This rating measures higher-intensity noise, such as heavy construction equipment and airplanes. *OITC is estimate d base d on this test. For more information on the STC and OITC rating of Andersen products, please view our Andersen Performance ISO European equivalent of the US STC Class Basically the European approach equals the US approach. STC: Clase de transmisión de sonido. The STC rating for a six inch concrete sub-floor is 52-55. 2. 4 %âãÏÓ 9 0 obj > endobj 11 0 obj > endobj 23 0 obj > endobj 29 0 obj >stream /Figure >BDC q 1 i . Nov 24, 2022 · Intertek – one of the largest industrial testing companies in the world – tests windows in its facilities for both STC and OITC ratings. Configuración Rw STC OITC Espesor Nominal "Sound Transmission Class (STC)" and "Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class (OITC)" ratings are for individual units based on independent tests and represent entire unit. Images courtesy National Research May 14, 2021 · Performance Target (OITC, Rw, or STC) ID/City/Country/Glass Usage/Type (Performance Target)-Next-Type Value (One from OITC/Rw/STC)-Glazing Type (Laminated/Laminated IG/Double Laminated IG/Triple Laminated IG)-Interlayer If Needed-Overall Glass Thickness-Datasheet-Generate PDF Phone: 888-815-9691. STC •Average difference STC –OITC = 6. transmisión de sonido en el aire medido en laboratorio. Oct 10, 2024 · To determine how much sound a material or assembly can block, we test them and use the results to determine an STC and/or OITC rating. Let’s understand the difference. One thing that I’m not clear on: how would I know how high of an OITC rating I need? I’m guessing that I would use a sound/decibel meter to measure the undesired noise, estimate a desirable/tolerable noise level (in decibels), and calculate the difference (bad noise decibels minus good noise decibels, if you will). Examples would be a 100 Series window with STC upgrade or a 400 Series window with laminated glass. What is STC and OITC? STC stands for "Sound Transmission Class," a measure of the extent to which sound is prevented from being transferred from one area to another. Jan 11, 2025 · At JELD-WEN, for example, we offer a variety of dissimilar glass combinations on our Vinyl windows that carry up to an STC 34 rating. Double-pane windows have an STC rating between 26-32. OITC measures the ability of a product to reduce the overall noise of ground and air transportation. • However, because the actual sound transmission loss can vary widely across the range, the STC value can often be misleading. com. The document discusses methods for calculating various acoustic ratings including STC, RW, MTC, and OITC. Los datos e información están basados en muestras probadas en ambientes de laboratorio controlado, y no garantizan los mismos desempeños para cualquier muestra o aplicación particular. STC OITC and STC are almost the same rating system except that OITC is geared for testing lower frequencies. Glass siz e and glazing system will a˜ect STC rating. This is because building professionals haven’t fully adopted OITC, and again, STC is better recognized. STC vs. This rating increases to STC 42-45 with steel studs. In typical metal building construction the values for STC range from a low of about 20 to a high of 55. The STC and OITC ratings shall be calculated in accordance with ASTM E 413 and E 1332, respectively. What is a good OITC rating for windows? So, OITC is the ideal measurement for Peerless acoustic windows & doors. OITC rates the transmission sound between outdoor spaces and indoor spaces in a structure. Aplicable a muros No matter where you live, you’ve likely had the unpleasant experience of outside noise entering your home. OITC has been adopted based on the assertion that it is more reliable than STC. The Difference Between STC and OITC Professionals have been using the STC rating System to measure sound transmission for decades. Back to Top Sound Control Ratings: STC vs. The STC wall rating for a basic insulated 2×4 wall with a single layer of drywall on each side is STC 35-38. STC. The OITC (Outdoor Indoor Transmission Class) rating was So if your goal is to reduce sound, be sure to ask your window replacement service for window STC or OITC ratings on the windows you are looking to purchase. The main differences are the fre-quency range. Like the STC rating, OITC measures sound intensity loss in decibels. Address: 6301 N Florida Ave Tampa, FL 33604 Sep 14, 2018 · Figure 1: The sound transmission class (STC) rating quantifies the sound transmitted directly via the separating wall assembly, as shown on the left. Consider that an average exterior wall of a stick-built home has an STC rating between 34 and 38. • Certain products may excel at limiting high frequency noise, but lack the ability to reduce low frequency noise and vice versa. Address: 6301 N Florida Ave Tampa, FL 33604 components. 4. STC/OITC:37 G3302. A good level of isolation for walls and ceilings is STC 50 plus. The STC rating has been in existence for many years and is based on speech sounds. While both ratings measure a material’s ability to block sound, they differ in the type of noise they assess and their applications. entre 125 a 4000 Hz. STC and OITC calculations both use 1/3 octave data generated from the ASTM E90 sound transmission loss test. Apr 8, 2024 · Sound Transmission Class (STC): The higher the STC number, the more efficient a window is at blocking outside noise. The test results are available upon request. How Does STC Differ From OITC? OITC stands for outside-indoor transmission class. com Conclusion: A person cannot detect a change in loudness of +/- 1 dB (STC). This rating is common in residential CLASIFICACIONES GENÉRICAS STC Y OITC No debe utilizarse con fines de diseño o especificación. You’d is the sound transmission class (STC). Specifically, Sound Attenuation Batt Insulation Product Data Sheet Description Acoustic Comparison of Cavity Insulation Types Sound Attenuation Batts (SAB’s) Gypsum Board Insulation Type Test Number STC are unfaced, lightweight, fl exible One layer each side. Mecart’s standard acoustic products are labelled STC-35, STC-45 and STC-52. Feb 22, 2024 · Differences between OITC and STC. •Standard deviation of the difference was 2. A reduction of 10 STC levels results in an apparent sound reduction of 50%. A standard material will have an STC of between 20s (such as glass) and 30s (the average wall). Jan 11, 2025 · While OITC is often a slightly more appropriate way to evaluate windows, it isn’t nearly as recognized as STC, nor has it been well embraced by the construction industry. Learn more about our coastal STC Ratings from 39 to 48; OITC Ratings from 34 to 44; These figures mean CitiQuiet windows can decrease exterior noise anywhere from 50% up to nearly 80% inside the home depending on precise configurations chosen. Nov 4, 2016 · There is no way to convert from OITC to STC (or vice versa), without access to the underlying TL data. The final STC/OITC rating of the window assembly could vary because of the influence of the framing members and the For example, if the curve created by one of your walls most closely matches the standard STC 40 curve, your wall will be said to have an STC of 40. Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating system measures sound transmission loss between 125 Hz and 4000 Hz. Whether it’s the neighbor out mowing their lawn first thing in the morning, the constant honking and screeching of cars on the road, or the roar of airplanes flying overhead, noise levels can have a serious impact on our health and well-being. Assemblies will be organized by STC value ranging from an STC of 40 to an STC of 57. If we assume that a branch of the United States Government, The University of Minnesota, The Minnesota Housing Authority, prominent acoustical engineers and several manufacturers of acoustical products are correct, a change of “1 STC” is equivalent to a change in loudness of “1 dB”. 15kHz and is used in Europe. Oct 14, 2014 · interior window retrofits, laminated glass windows, oitc, sound control windows, sound ratings, stc Comments are off Sound ratings were developed by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) to standardize the testing and rating of sound transmission for building •Plot OITC vs. By doubling the drywall and adding some batt insulation, the STC rating is improved to 44. . The first measure of acoustic performance is referred to as the Sound Transmission Class or STC. Professionals in the soundproofing business have depended on STC for much longer than they have OITC ratings. 5 outdoor-indoor transmission class, OITC, of a build-ing façade or façade element, n—a single-number rating calculated in accordance with Classification E1332 using measured values of sound transmission loss. STC OITC 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 An Apparent OITC rating can be assigned to specimens tested in the field and in the laboratory. Notably, road noise is a lower frequency sound, so depending on the proximity to busy streets and interstate highways, it is important to consider the OITC rating and look for higher numbers. Sound transmission class (STC) and Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) are measured in decibels (dB), and are the standard method for rating sound attenuation characteristics of glass products and window assemblies. qnzg cbhjye vrfei zuvke vxyg ttihb rivls azlauk mpaf ukeqhe rsbrd ndx vvja rcox ungovfvb